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Everything posted by dotron74

  1. I've found that too. Occasionally when my speech is not recognized ATC will stop responding. If I use 'say it' in this case, things will get back to normal and ATC carries on for the rest of the flight.
  2. Maybe check that you're running the latest version of FSUIPC?
  3. Yeah, I reckon I'll go back to the original voices for a while and add them gradually, cheers Dave
  4. I should add - these are set to random voices if that makes any difference?
  5. So a couple of flights later I can see in my log file that I'm getting errors (for several of the new voices I added): "Voice Load Error. Attempt to use voice Susan failed. Please set the Center voice to a different one. System.ArgumentException: Cannot set voice. No matching voice is installed or the voice was disabled. at System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SelectVoice(String name) at P2A_2020.modTTSGlobal.PlayATCPhrase(String Phrase, Boolean Publish, Boolean PlayBkgnd, String SugResp, EventHandler`1 SpeakCompleteEventHandler)" Does anybody know how I can remedy this little problem?
  6. I did this yesterday, it's really simple and gives you a ton of new voices. I now have the most unbelievably French sounding copilot! 😀
  7. I got this a couple of days ago and wow, it really adds another layer of immersion to the game! I finally got round to adding some radio effects & extra voices to Pilot2ATC so the whole thing is really convincing now . Thoroughly recommended!
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