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  1. After having recently reinstalling the PMDG B737-B747 & B777 I keep getting a popup menu when I startup P3Dv5. The message reads... Quote: (L:AS_PMDG_737NGC_EVT_MCP_SEL_SWITCH) was requested but could not be found. Unquote Hope someone can clarify whats wrong and how to correct. Kind regards Dirk
  2. I am attempting to install Software (e.g. Bravo Throttle Quadrant) into P3D v6 however I noticed that it will only load into P3d v5. Is there anyone who knows if Honeycomb will update to v6? Thanks in advance and kind regards Dirk Karmelk
  3. Jim, thanks a lot. The last part regarding replacment of the No Smoking sign is the solutiaon. Regards Dirk
  4. Hello Simmers, I am flying the PMDG B772 and while in the air I notice a remark that there is no Electronics. Can anyone please comment on this as to why and how to resolve? Thanks in advance and kind regards Dirk Karmelk
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