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  1. Byork ! Thanks so much for the response and your amazing work ! Yes, as you and Steve have both mentioned, I’ll used the command in its entirety, I must admit the ‘/‘ got the best of me, hehe. Cheers, HD
  2. Hi Steve, I re-trained my voice recognition again and tried the command in the most articulate way I could muster “After Take Off Checklist” and it worked ! But since you’ve mentioned using the entire statement I’ll give that a shot. I was under the impression that After Takeoff and Climb were used interchangeably because of the ‘/‘. I did try using the ‘cancel checklist’ command and even though the checklist stopped the CL, the crew mode icon persists with the ‘descent’ indication. It’s not game breaking, its just a bit odd. Be that as it may, after I managed to get the After Take Off checklist to finally work, the rest of the flight was an absolute breeze. I even had the time to ask for “one coffee please” Cheers, HD
  3. FS2Crew Team, Thank you so much for this new product ! absolutely loving it so far. I'm a returning user of the FS2Crew Software, the last bit of kit I had used was with the Aerosoft A320 which I really enjoyed as well. There are however a couple of bugs or problems which I have noticed. As recommended I have trained my voice recognition on Windows a couple of times, enough for almost 80-90% of my commands to register without having to repeat myself which leads me to believe that there is some inherent issue which is preventing the 'After Takeoff/Climb Checklist' from triggering. If I say 'After Takeoff Checklist' there is no response. If I say 'Climb Checklist' either there is no response or it registers as 'Landing Checklist' at which point crew mode switches to Descent. Am I missing something or is there anything I can do to revert my crew state to Climb after it accidentally switches to Descent. And also is there anyway to force the application to run the checklist like the previous versions.
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