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Posts posted by SubtotalGuide

  1. 23 minutes ago, MrBitstFlyer said:

    so I don't think I'll bother responding further.

    Don't worry, I won't be bothering with this any more either. Not worth putting up with a product that keeps getting worse waiting for better times with "the crew" happily defending the sacrifices we are forced to make.

    Moving on to more pleasant and productive things in life.

  2. REX? METAR? No thanks, I want the live weather engine back from release as advertised. Weather changing seamlessly with great cloud depiction based on a global forecast model. That is what I paid for and what impressed me the most, for the first year at least.

    And why was my previous post removed? Seems this place is also turning into the official forums where people abuse the flagging system for the slightest remark.

    2 hours ago, mrueedi said:

    That is not true. For example, after one of the SU10 betas, the addon I developped did not appear on the world map anymore. I made a factual correct and sobern error report on the dev forum, received in total 3 replies by someone from Asobo and sure enough the fix appeared in the change log of the following SU10 beta.

    As I said before my post was removed, addon developers get special treatment with direct access to Asobo while users have to go through community managers. Many feeling unheard.


    1 hour ago, mrueedi said:

    It is an answer to your suggestive question proving it wrong.

    Sure I can easily do it using a preset.




    10 minutes ago, mrueedi said:

    And garbage collect the rest. Every bug internally is validated and flagged with a criticality (and I can tell you, REJECTED and DEFERRED are very often used states in such tools)... And, in the light of this, a bug report with an aggressive tone is often considered as an indication, that something small could be blown up to make it appear more relevant

    Explains so much about the current situation. Do you think people including me started out with aggressive tones? No it was a gradual process with one silly bug or design decision after another. And now that we reached a tipping point even more bug reports will be ignored because people are fed up and lashing out. I can only put the blame on one person for this, and he will be sitting there smiling on the left during the next Q&A.

  4. 1 hour ago, MrBitstFlyer said:

    Yes. Descending out of a high overcast.

    Another typical example of the simplistic 3-layer clouds I was talking about that you see all over now. Where is the high level cirrus overcast with none of the cumulus and stratus mashup below?


    21 minutes ago, mrueedi said:

    Yes, looking perfectly. I even think, the lighting in areas without direct sunlight has improved recently:

    That is either a preset or not taken with the current build. If you can provide a location I will go check and see for myself.


    20 minutes ago, mrueedi said:

    Not naive but unprofessional maybe? As a software developper, who sits at the other site of such issue trackers, I know that users who cry out the most are not reliable to report real issues. Noobs unmask themselves often using language like you do (like showing emotions unprofessionally, exaggerating, I know it better attitude, negativism, generalisations, repetitions). I go as far saying that as a dev you typically better assume the opposite from what they tell to be true.

    It takes a mature dev to look past the emotion and see what the actual problem is. Dismissing them based on tone is just another unprofessional form of generalisation and I know it better attitude.

  5. 3 hours ago, jcomm said:

    AFAICT Meteoblue feeds are in good health and feeding the simulator since day one, so, what's your source when you appear to suggest contrary ?

    What is your source? I'm looking at the end results ito realistic cloud shapes. Why did live weather suddenly go from variety to the same cloud types all over after SU7? Did Asobo forget how to interpret the cloud data? The cloud layers are simplistic compared to before. Have you seen any high level overcast recently?

    3 hours ago, jcomm said:

    Yes the visuals could be better, and some claim they were better at the beginning... Yes some optimization decisions might have cut a bit on the "show", but heck !, I am really satisfied with the weather data / variables accuracy. 

    Anything can be satisfying if one doesn't know of better. Few are still left from that time, most have probably moved on to better and more fruitful things in life after realizing it's a hopeless case. I remember happily filling out zendesk reports as detailed as I could thinking they really wanted to improve this sim to its full potential. How naive I was.

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  6. Quote

    Obviously it's a conspiracy to get people all amped up, then dash their hopes and dreams and laugh all the way to the Xbox bank.  I think I read QAnon said Bill Gates is behind the whole charade that is MSFS.  

    Ah the deflection with a joke tactic, nice. Usually means there is some truth behind it.

    Why not explain to us in detail how it works instead of vague responses and sarcastic comebacks? Do they enjoy watching people guessing and speculating? Quite disrespectful to testers and users in general.

  7. 8 minutes ago, MrBitstFlyer said:

    have to post the worst pictures you could find

    I simply departed a random airport with cloudy weather. This is more or less the same view I always get once outside the haze and rain. SU10 beta was used.


    11 minutes ago, MrBitstFlyer said:

    there has been recent improvements to the atmosphere and cloud depiction. 

    How far can that go with the forcing of metar into the picture? Where is meteoblue in all of this? Why are they no longer sending detailed cloud information for Asobo to use? Why are they so reluctant to talk about the weather? All very suspicious.

  8. 2 hours ago, Cpt_Piett said:

    But it sure beats the other sims. And it keeps improving. I wonder if your expectations are a bit unrealistic? 

    Yeah of course it does, what an easy cop out. Focusing on MSFS here, my expectations were met with the initial live weather engine. Now I don't know what it is.



    As Matt from WT said, in order for us to get volumetric clouds looking like that with all the cloud types, it will take groundbreaking work with various studios working together to make it happen.

    Fluff that really means there is no money in it for them so why spend resources on it. Interesting watching people speak before and after they become employed by MS.


    2 hours ago, Noel said:

    You might try one of the new SSRI's...

    Oh the irony...

  9. Wow look, I had the same weather as you guys! Must be a global phenomenon.



    Oh no, explosions on the ground!



    Dazzling cirrus(?)!



    The live weather engine is a mashup of the same cookie cutter clouds over and over and people are too blinded by filters and rain to see it. What a sad state of affairs.

  10. 29 minutes ago, jcomm said:

    Cloud variety and graphics did "suffer" a "simplification" along the SU trail, that I do acknowledge. Yet, if you haven't tried SU10 beta I would recommend using it to check that something changed, in the good way I believe.

    But honestly, and comming from simulators like Aerowinx PSX or ELITE IFT, I really care a lot more for items like: <snip>

    Of course I tried the beta. I've been with this sim since the beginning, you don't have to spin for me.

    "Sorry about the simplified cloud variety and degraded visuals, but hey, the temperature and winds match the METAR to the dot!"

    Asobo (MS?) giveth with one hand and taketh with the other.

    • Like 2

  11. 16 hours ago, MrBitstFlyer said:

    I think you are misunderstanding.  The current weather engine has RECENTLY improved since the degradation happened.

    No I'm not misunderstanding the situation at all. The live weather engine is going in the wrong direction. Each time I see a beautiful cloud filled sky irl I'm reminded how MSFS once was. The lighting, the cloud details, clouds that looked like clouds and not weak transparent puffs, turbulence in the clouds...my word it's so depressing. I so want to return to that weather in the simulator. Then to add insult to injury we have guardians writing long speeches almost congratulating themselves telling us how beautiful and realistic the weather is, failing to see what is wrong in their own images, and how it's all going in the right direction. Are the original devs proud of this or have they been replaced? If it was me I would hate to see something that was once awesome turned into a clown show.

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  12. Quote

    I'm not an X-Box user and don't own one, but were it not for X-Box we wouldn't have this sim. 

    Yeah sadly it's profits over passion for quality and high standards, and that's a good thing they will tell you. Lower your expectations so the companies can churn out more low quality stuff. Be part of the group having casual fun. Don't be one of those serious old elitists pretend flying in their home cockpits, haha!

  13. 42 minutes ago, abrams_tank said:

    So to me, I think the structure of their Community Managers, and they way they handle bugs, is working.  It's not perfect.  But we are moving in the right direction (you have to be very stubborn if you don't acknowledge the number of CTDs on the release of MSFS, is much less than today).

    Well you would know best. Nothing more to add, it's all going in some direction.

  14. 1 hour ago, abrams_tank said:

    We want the developers to spend more time fixing bugs, than typing up posts responding to forum posters.

    All for naught if the bugs are archived and never passed on, or worse, passed on incorrectly because it was misunderstood. CM's or those managing the reported bug topics must be technical and knowledgeable about the inner workings of the sim, not be drip-fed information on a need-to-know basis. Nothing much will improve from a user's perspective if they insist on keep doing it the current way. In two years time we will still be asking why the ever-growing list of bugs and regressions are not a priority. During Q&As (if they still feel like having them) we will still get blank stares from the devs hearing about an issue reported months ago for the first time. But maybe none of this matters to them in the long run. Only insiders would know.

  15. Someone said it best on the official forums. This sim is becoming more of a benchmark tool than a simulator. All talk about performance instead of driving forward the simulator and graphical quality aspects. When will people be happy? When the sim can run at 120FPS on a low-end PC with "Ultra" settings?


    12 hours ago, rjquick said:

    Do the beta testers have a unique portal for reporting issues back to Asobo/Microsoft?

    It does seem as though some are volunteering as beta testers and either do not understand what a beta tester is or are volunteering just to benefit from 'advanced features' and get disgruntled when something doesn't work right. A beta tester should be reporting problems they find with as much detail as possible and not complaining that there are bugs. It is already understood that some things probably will not be working correctly, that is the entire point of beta testing. There should be a good means by which beta testers can communicate their findings to the developer other than forum posts.

    Beta testers are still at the mercy of Community Managers' ability to understand and deem a bug worthy to forward to the developers. Because of this many bugs are never logged during the beta and left to rot. There is no direct line to the developers on the forums, only a line of guards.

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  16. Quote

    Windgust Working!                                                                  Under Investigation
    Good Job on the Improvement to the Weather Engine           Under Investigation

    We wanted more transparency, we got it. The feedback snapshots are clearly run by some kind of robot making up statuses. They somehow managed to change the capitalization and words from the original titles, yet failed to realize the context.

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  17. What is this? A poll with actual percentages?! My my, not something you would see on the official forums.


    4 hours ago, Flic1 said:

    Overall, these were the best thunderstorm depictions I have seen in MSFS in many months. They have obviously made some positive improvements in clouds and METAR blending in SU10 beta. This is very encouraging.

    Bad weather with low visibility looks great, it hides all the flaws. And as nice as that sounds, where are the pics?

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