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  1. Brilliant! That was it and cleared them. Many thanks for your excellent support. At least I now have the latest stable version of LNM. Have a good evening.
  2. The origin of these is an imported scenery file "Orbyx Region Great Britain North" POIs (CSV file). They show the POIs for this MSFS scenery add-on. I previously was able to turn these on and off in LNM but unable to do so now. They do show in the other map themes. "View" -> "Reset display settings" doesn't have any effect and still show. They look to be an overlay of some sort. Still at a loss on how to turn them off.
  3. Still no joy with this. I deleted the 2.8.2 beta LNM installation folder and reinstalled the 2.8.7 64 bit stable version. I also deleted and reinstalled the Google maps and cleared the map cache but the small yellow userpoints/POIs are still showing after opening LNM. It does show 2.8.7 in the title bar. Any further suggestions that I can try? Thanks.
  4. Thanks Alex, much appreciated for your suggestions. I will go through all the above and install the latest version. I haven't managed to update LNM as yet due to lack of time. I have a few days off so am trying to sort out and juggle a number of things - just not enough hours in the day at the moment! 🙂
  5. Hi Alex, Many thanks for your reply and help and have now posted a screenshot showing the small yellow userpoints (POIs) I'm trying to hide/remove. I have tried all your instructions to no avail and cannot hide/remove them. Any further help would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Version 2.8.2 beta 64 bit A while ago I imported some POIs, shown as small yellow circle indicators, on the map. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to either 1) Not show these or 2) Remove them. Any pointers on how to accomplish this? Thanks.
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