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Everything posted by Atistheso

  1. No that's not it. I just tried the development version of the A32NX and I still have the exact same problem
  2. Yeah I think you're on the right track. I obviously don't have access to the code but it looks like the "FO leaving for walkaround" event is triggered when the flow is finished, while the "FO comming back from walkaround" event is triggered at a designated time. Thus allowing the possibility of these events happening in the wrong order, which in turn set the whole program in a disfunctionnal state. That said I have no idea what is slowing down the FO's flow either 🤨. Also I'm using the latest experimental version for the A32NX.
  3. Well the animation is a bit weird, kind of shaking when you move the slider. If you go frame by frame you can see some weird stuff like the title bar and other parts of the form completely disappearing at times. But it's really not a big deal. Once it's resized you don't need to mess with the slider anymore
  4. Of course. I just tried again before and after updating FS2Crew and I still get the same bug. Here are my settings : And here is a video of the issue :
  5. Thanks. I just tried the new update. The resize is a bit buggy now but it works. Here is a video of the current behavior on my PC :
  6. I think this just answered the issue I had on my last flight. I didnt do the approach briefing and so my FO decided to put on his noise cancelling headset and take a nap until the end of the flight. Now I know what I forgot and how to avoid it but maybe the triggers should be a little more realistic. I think on a real flight the FO would still be performing his duties even if the captain messed up at some point. Maybe when we start the descend mode in the FMS the FO should say something like "Hey captain, I think you forgot the approach briefing", but he should still be doing his stuff when we get to 10000ft.
  7. It's just a standard Airbus checklist. You can find the paper version on the internet. https://www.google.com/search?q=a320+checklist&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHBD_enKR903KR903&sxsrf=APq-WBtcGIPc2dWdLwnQMjzosdQVDbObDw:1643563204018&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=kXGV3_JC0w8k4M%2C_m1iFXrsu7ZcIM%2C_%3Bm_Xse-HRucIunM%2ChhJm6QxN5SsInM%2C_%3BzhWTq4Ko8RovDM%2Cwyzz0wNl2PXqbM%2C_%3B3kENdTqapHBM3M%2Ceuf5M0NkM3_yzM%2C_%3BDO1BdXDlAto-pM%2Cf8TDvixe_klvbM%2C_%3BIZJxNp9pQumMJM%2CA1QP6h8dIdYzdM%2C_%3BHWuqjApR00Bv9M%2CaiJzveUy8GsNxM%2C_%3Bnwy1L41B7RdLdM%2Ceuf5M0NkM3_yzM%2C_%3BN5tqw0gSJ2kzIM%2CPtLzH-TQgXOpbM%2C_%3BEA5e0Jh3g1NU-M%2CjhufwzFMMrATJM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kSQStfPS-nRvda37oAAstjt5U-CUg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjArsCH_tn1AhUqJEQIHZklBiUQ9QF6BAgOEAE#imgrc=3kENdTqapHBM3M
  8. So I just encountered this weird bug today and it repeats every flight even after restarting bother MSFS and FS2Crew : When I start the PFE with the "2x PFE speed" option activated, the FO will start doing his flow as usual, then after a few minutes I will hear "I'm back from the from the walkaround, everything fine" or something like that. I gotta mention that up until that point the FO had never spoken to me and never told me he had left. Anyway 10 seconds later I can hear "OK I'm off for the walkaround"... I thought you were just back ??? Anyway if he wants to double check that's fine with me. What is not fine though is that he never comes back ... After that the PFE will continue as usual with the cabin crew asking me about boarding etc, except for the FO that will never come back and therefore never respond to any command for briefing or anything else. When I disable 2x PFE speed I do not get this issue anymore so the bug has to do with this option.
  9. Ok for this one it seems like it's mostly an issue the open microphone picking up the FO response and interpreting them as commands. One of the most common was "ready" that was interpreted as the command "Ready ?" triggering another ready etc... Same wi the "Before start checklist complete" interpreted as the command "before start checklist" end thus restarting the checklist in a loop. It looks like I will have to wear my headphones to avoid this kind of issues
  10. Adding a video to illustrate the issue : https://youtu.be/OAVry5XxiPw
  11. Hi. Another problem I'm havingwith FS2crew is about the UI and the resizing option. When I go to "options" and try to resize windows with the slider, all it does is resize the text in them (making it ridiculously big). Only when I quit the options window it will resize the main window. But that makes the experience poor and it's difficult figure out the size you want on the first try. But at least here you eventually get the window resized. However for the checklist pdf page, I haven't found a way to resize it yet. When I play with the slider all it does it make the title bigger. Even if I close and restart the window it remains tiny. This one is really a problem as this checklist page is ridiculously small by default and I have to be standing 2 inches from the computer to be able to read it. I'm using the latest version fo the software (installed yesterday). I'm also using multiple monitors with different resolutions and scale factors.
  12. Hi, I just started using FS2crew and I love it, except for a couple issues. One of them is the first officer that sometimes bugs out and starts repeating the same thing over and over, usually for a few seconds. It can be something like "check check check check check..." or quite often he goes right back to restarting a checklist when we just finished it. I don't remember checking a "FO with Alzheimer" in the options 😆 For info I just installed everything from scratch yesterday on a new computer so I have the latest versions.
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