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Everything posted by Higge

  1. Hi byork, like you said, there was a problem. All keys were right, but I didn't understan that those keys will actually interact 🙂 So, all is ok, RTFM and there we go
  2. Good evening gents, I have just bought a new computer, and therfore, bought also PMDG 747 plus FS2Crew package. I installed it with no problems, I can see it in a plane. But.. I don't seem to get forward from "preflight" checklists. I heard co-pilot to go outside, she came inside also, but that's it. I don't use voice commands, and also cannot go forward with key commands. I am not native english speaker, so something I missed from the manual, but cannot figure what.. I used to have A320 package and it worked via MCDU which was preatty word not allowed proof. Can some of you kick hard my word not allowed to point it to right direction?
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