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  1. Since about two updates ago (using beta), the traffic on the Map is the wrong color 95% of the time. Usually, blue even though it is air born and seeMs hard to hover over and get stats. Not sure if a setting got changed, but don't think so?
  2. Beta version didnot help either.
  3. I all ready tried the uninstall, reinstall thing didn't work. I will try the beta version. Thanks for the help.
  4. Been using P2A for a couple of weeks no problems then last night this started. The program stops responding. Now this morning program starts but if I try and load or auto plan a flight plan the program locks up. As far as I can tell it is an AppHangb2 problem. I am adding this Maintenace report hope it helps. Description A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows. Faulting Application Path: C:\Pilot2ATC_2020_x64\Pilot2ATC_2020.exe Problem signature Problem Event Name: AppHangB1 Application Name: Pilot2ATC_2020.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 60e333cb Hang Signature: d492 Hang Type: 262144 OS Version: 10.0.22000. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Hang Signature 1: d492834c9ff8555c7f0a868a027b6b88 Additional Hang Signature 2: 0092 Additional Hang Signature 3: 0092a3baaf70c321fc150ab98f10f47b Additional Hang Signature 4: d492 Additional Hang Signature 5: d492834c9ff8555c7f0a868a027b6b88 Additional Hang Signature 6: 0092 Additional Hang Signature 7: 0092a3baaf70c321fc150ab98f10f47b Extra information about the problem Bucket ID: 04bc48d7972498cc3ce8f1ade4c3ca7a (2083180556828527226)
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