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  1. I have installed the G1000 PFD app from Simionic on an iPad. Using a bluetooth keyboard I am now able to control all the knobs and switches on the bezel, as well as the airspeed, pitch, yaw and bank angle using keystrokes. Brilliantly, the Navdata is updated automatically so I can practice current sector entries, holding patterns and instrument approaches using the keyboard, anywhere, without even connecting to X-Plane. There is just one problem - the prescribed keys (the arrow keys) for scrolling through any menu requiring the FMS knob don't work as advertised. Especially frustrating for waypoint entry, I must still touch the FMS knob on the iPad screen to achieve this. It's a fruitless task with fat sausage fingers on a mini iPad screen, I can tell you! This problem has been raised with the developer by another user on the Simionic website but it still persists. Does anyone have a solution?
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