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Posts posted by KylerHolland

  1. Hi, guys. I just received my brand new Honeycomb Alpha XPC. One button doesn’t work. it’s the one labeled “Avionics BUS2”.

    I contacted support, but they haven’t replied yet. I wonder if anyone got similar problem. Any advice is appreciated.

    P.S. I am not in the US and I had been waiting for 5 weeks until I got my Alpha XPC from China. So, I can’t return the controller.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Bert Pieke said:

    I think the button only disconnects trim.  The thumb switch below it, is the electric trim.

    The POH says that this "AP/trim disconnect" button basically disengages autopilot and electric trim:


    AUTOPILOT DISCONNECT (A/P DISC/TRIM INT) SWITCH When depressed, will disengage the autopilot and interrupt Manual Electric Trim (MET) power


    I guess, I figured it out. The button doesn't work in the game in a correct way. A custom key can not be assigned to it. Will report a bug. I mean you can assign "Disengage autopilot" but it supposed to be a little more than that. The button should also stop 'Manual Electric Trim' (MET) from functioning. In case of malfunction the MET can be switched off and the analog trim wheel can be used instead.

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  3. 2 hours ago, MDFlier said:

     anyone able to hear the Morse code from any VOR, NDB, or ILS? I can't seem to make those work, either. Activating the audio for VOR1 (or 2), ILS, ADF1 (or 2), or MKR does nothing.at all.

    I do hear them. In default Cessna 152.


    2 hours ago, MDFlier said:

    I have also tried to get the beacons to work, but even at locations where I know them to be active, selecting the audio for MKR does not work.

    Do you have sim10 beta installed? I have it installed, may be that's why I don't pick up those marker beacons.

  4. Hello!

    I bought a game a month ago. When I was flying around in Cessna 152 I used to notice my marker beacon's receiver flashing and beeping. About a week ago the receiver became silent. No flashing, no beeping. It took my attention and I decided to check the thing. I know that are not too many marker beacons left in the world but I found out that MCO airport still has inner beacon. RW 17L. Localizer 110.95. So, I tried a few landings there, but the marker beacon receiver is silent. Again, no flashing, no beeping.

    Does some update might either removed markers from the game or temporarily turned them off?

    Guys, if some of you fly around some airport with marker beacons, can you please prove that marker beacons still work? I would like to test that in my game, because there might be some bug on my side.

  5. Hello!

    I fly default Cessna 152 in MFS2020.

    Recently I tried to do 1 hour flight with minimum fuel on board. LNM said that after 1 hour of flight my Cessna 152 consumed 28lbs of fuel. However, in MFS2020, when I opened toolbar and clicked on FUEL section it showed me different numbers. The game said the flight consumed much less than 28lbs, actually.

    So, how does LNM count the consumption? Does it take the data from the game? 

  6. Ok, I figured it out.

    VORs have calibrated declination which is why I see two numbers on the bearing.

    VOR's calibrated declination might be different from the magnetic declination in the area.

    An example:

    let's say we need to fly to the true north using VOR. Local magnetic declination is 11east. So, if we were to fly using just magnetic compass we would keep 349 heading. it's 360-11 = 349.

    Our VOR has calibrated declination 15east. Which means we need to set CDI to 345 if we need to fly straight to the true north with the help of VOR.

    So, if the MD is 11east and VOR CD is 15east then we will fly with CDI set to 345 while keep 349 on the magnetic compass. These are two numbers I see on VOR bearing as 345 > 349. 

  7. Hello!

    I created a simple flight plan where I have the same airport as departure and destination. It looks like this KMYF N0101A040 CLSTR LNTRN TILRE HAILE KMYF

    When I take off all the legs from my flight plan become grey. Like the flight is completed. I guess it is because when I am taking off I pass that "destination waypoint" and that's why LNM thinks the flight is completed. How can I fix that?

    My flight plan is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/113sec8KG4RGL3AonDkK1stUkc2kTErmg/view?usp=sharing

  8. Hello! I am new to the aviasims world. So, I planned a simple flight in Little Nav Map. It is a direct flight from KMYF to Santa Catalina's VOR (SXC). I noticed that my Cessna can't catch this VOR. That's because in LNM VOR SXC has wrong frequency which is 111.40. The actual frequency is 114.15. I checked with SkyVector and MFS2020. They both have the correct frequency. I tuned to 114.15 and it worked! By the way this is not the only case. I noticed at least two more VORs with wrong frequencies.

    Is there any way to correct that? 

    P.S. I installed LNM two weeks ago, so it supposed to be up to date, I guess.

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