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Posts posted by Lenovouser

  1. Thanks again,

    Yes, I checked the Thrustmaster stick for a long time yesterday... Once in MSFS Settings and once under Windows with the joy.cpl command... There were no misfires.

    I have to test it further.

    I already have the thrust lever at 5%...

    It's still strange, as soon as I touch it lightly, the engine starts to accelerate.

    and experienced something very strange.

    I have Logitech G915 and Logitech G502 mouse.

    When the mouse goes into power saving mode, I move the mouse and it comes back from power saving mode... Then automatic thrust control is often deactivated for me... Lol... No idea why that happens?

    I've only had it in Fenix V2 so far.

  2. Thanks

    I adjusted everything and now the Fenix flies well again.

    But I had a little problem when landing yesterday.

    I turned off AP at 1000 feet and took over manually.

    Then I noticed that my stick wasn't responding every now and then, so I had to switch on the AP again to stabilize it.

    After deactivating AP the stick worked again.

    No idea what that was, I'll have to test it again. But it was a bit strange.

    I can rule out a problem with the stick because I tested it and it works.

    The other problem I didn't solve:

    Thrustmaster thrust lever, as soon as I touch it, Fenix gives thrust..

    Yes, it must be due to double occupancy, but I looked at all the settings yesterday and couldn't find anything.

    Do you have a tip for me on how I can solve it with the thrust lever?

  3. Hi,

    First of all, thank you very much for all the tips.

    So I flew Fenix for about 300 hours before V2 and didn't actually have any problems.

    I suddenly had a lot of problems in V2, I don't fly Airbus very often and I only installed V2 a few days ago.

    I have easily 500 hours in Fslabs and think that I know a bit about Airbus, but I still looked for the problems at Fenix.

    I didn't understand why the plane was acting strange.

    But well, I installed the V2 update today and lo and behold: it's a completely different plane! as it was before. Now everything works normally.

    My TCA stick also reacts as it should.

    I don't know why it was like this for me with V2, because no one else reported any major problems.

    But with the update it has become much better.

    I also enjoyed rolling on the ground for the first time at Fenix... it was always strange to move the plane on the ground.

    Overall, I think the planes in MSFS feel very light and strange.

    Still, rolling on the ground with the V2 update was really good.

    • Like 1

  4. Hi,

    I don't fly Airbus very often. but since V2 I have had big problems with Fenix.


    1. The Thrustmaster joystick is extremely sensitive. Every small movement causes the machine to move too violently.

    Of course I adjusted the sensitivity and tried a few things.

    According to Fenix HP I should even set the sensitivity to 0... but that is extremely direct..

    I tried -55 -60% and the machine still reacts very unnaturally.

    Yesterday I made a landing with Honeycomb Alpha and it was much, much better than with Thrustmaster Joystick...

    But you want to load an Airbus with a joystick 🙂

    But the difference was huge... with Honeycomb I found a lot more feeling.

    But it wasn't always like this... Before V2 I had no problems with TCA.

    somehow since V2 it reacts very violently.

    In addition, I often have problems stabilizing the aircraft after takeoff.

    Do you have any tips on how I can optimally adjust the joystick?



    2. There are also problems with the thrust lever... I've calibrated everything so far..

    But what I notice is that when I touch the thrust during the flight or move it minimally, the whole plane moves.. It accelerates quickly, moves back and forth... Even though I only touch the thrust... Very strange .



    3. On the ground when I press the gas, the machine always pulls very strongly to the left or right just before taking off... I have to constantly correct with the pedals... The whole thing ends up looking like drifting...

    Somehow I don't get along with V2 at all... I don't fly much Airbus... But before V2 I didn't have any major problems.

  5. Hi guys,

    I tried this mod a few days ago and was surprised that the whole picture flickers.

    I tried this mod 2 months ago and there was no problem.

    But now I discovered the problem...

    2 months ago MSFS was running on 1 x monitor... Now I have triple screen and when I activate the mod (RTX 3080 12GB) the whole image flickers when I move the camera.

    Apparently the mod doesn't work on triple screens.

  6. Hi,
    ok to:
    1. So I'll adjust Affinity Mask?


    Should I change it like this?`

    2. I have read very often that you should leave SMT activated. But if nothing else helps, that would be an option.

    3. I almost had to switch to custom water cooling.

    My PC has a very powerful AIO, plus 10 x 140mm fans, some of which run at 1500 RPM.

    As I said, I never have any problems with CPU temp... It only gets extremely high in P3D

  7. Hi,

    I have elevated temperatures again.

    I haven't dealt with it for a while... After I fixed the problem back then.

    But yesterday I flew from EFRO to EDDF and it was constantly 87-88-89 degrees in the air.

    My AffinityMask currently looks like this:


    CPU AMD 5800x3D.

    Is there anything you can do here to lower the temps?


  8. Hi,

    I haven't found a solution yet.I tried NVIDIA Surround, but since I have different resolutions it doesn't work.

    I dragged the cockpit to 3 x screens, but it looks weird.

    But FPS is completely ok here.

    It's best if you have extra windows, but this drops FPS from 50-60 to 20.

    There are view groups, but I think that's the same as when I create a new window via the menu.

    It's a shame, I don't think I'll be able to do it the way it works in MSFS.

    In MSFS the whole thing works very well... without much FPS loss.

    It's a shame that it doesn't work with P3D.

  9. Hi,

    I would like to use 3 x screens for P3D Cockpit.

    A 43.4 inch display and 2 x 24 inch displays on the left and right

    There are a few options that I have tried and am not entirely satisfied with.

    First, I created a new window using New View and dragged it to the left monitor.

    But as soon as I create a new window the fps drops by half.

    Then I did so by dragging Cockpit onto all monitors. FPS is very good here, but everything is stretched.

    I would like to have a cockpit view that I can see left and right windows.

    It works quite well in MSFS and without an FPS drop.

    I wanted to ask if there are any tips for optimizing P3D on 3x screens without major FPS drops.



  10. Hi,

    I always had my MS profile at the top right.

    Today I noticed that it's no longer there, and I think it's been like that for a few days.

    All online services are active. I am also connected to my MS account in the Xbox app.

    I just can't see it in MSFS anymore.

    Do you have tipps for me ?


  11. Hi,

    I had a very strange problem yesterday.

    Shortly before landing, I no longer had any control over the yoke, nor did I have any thrust in my Honeyomb Bravo.

    It was a 4 hour flight with PMDG 737-800… Everything was ok… I even took control about 4 minutes before landing and everything was still ok.

    Then I wanted to take control at 1000 ft, but Honeycomb Yoke did not respond to deactivating the AP… Controlling was also not possible.

    Bravo also caused a problem. Flaps or air brakes worked… all buttons actually worked, but only thrust didn’t work… Very strange.

    While the problem occurred, I quickly looked into Windows joy.cpl and everything worked.

    So there was no USB disconnect. The connection was still there under Windows… Only MSFS didn’t respond.

    Nevertheless, the plane landed with AP… Then I pushed wildly in the cockpit and suddenly the yoke and thrust went again… I have no idea why.

    No cat, it was on my keyboard shortly before landing… Could it be that the cat activated something?

    Is there a keyboard shortcut for something like that?

    I know it all sounds very strange

  12. Hi,

    I noticed a small problem yesterday.

    My Airport LEMD from Simwings is not displayed in P3D but standard scenery.

    I also noticed the error in EGLL (also from Sim Wings).

    I installed both airports as normal and updated them using Aerosoft Updater.

    Still it doesn't work.

    Thought maybe a problem with simwings, but EDDM from Simwings is without any problems.

    In any case, I find it strange why that is the case. Everything is installed and the airports are shown to me in Lorby, but not in Sim.

    Do you have an idea ?


  13. Hi,

    I've had the problem with P3D for a long time that the clouds sometimes move completely in a different direction.

    Of course the whole thing looks very unrealistic, it looks as if I'm drifting to the left or right.

    in short the clouds are faster than me.

    I already had the problem with 5.3. and I also have it with 5.4

    From what I could read in the Active Sky Forum, it's more of a problem with P3D.

    How do you deal with clouds or do you have any tips?


  14. Hi,

    Today I have the problem that Active Sky doesn't open.
    I come to the login window, click ok but then nothing happens.

    Is this a server problem? Do you have Active Sky?


    EDIT: I just read in active sky forum > server problems

    • Like 1

  15. On 20.12.2023 at 16:53, Bob Scott said:

    Ich würde das Tool in Orbx Central verwenden, um Ihre Szenerie neu zu synchronisieren, und vielleicht zu jeder der regionalen Orbx-Szenerien und Landklassen in OC gehen und auch das Tool „Dateien überprüfen“ für jede von ihnen ausführen, als beschädigte Szenerie-BGL oder Textur könnte dies tun.

    Eine andere Möglichkeit ist ein KI-Flugzeug in Ihrer „Realitätsblase“ mit einer schlechten Textur. Wenn Sie einen gespeicherten Flug haben, der den Absturz definitiv auslöst, versuchen Sie, den KI-Verkehr vollständig auszuschalten und den gespeicherten Flug zum Testen zu laden.

    Thanks, after I recreated the scenery in ORBX Central, it worked again.

    Apparently a file in Base Global or North America was corrupted.

    I've flown the spot several times before and there are no more problems

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  16. I don't ignore any suggestions and am grateful for every suggestion.

    But there were a few suggestions and I can't test everything in one day because I also have to work.

    Since it still crashes with F35 and without AIG I will try the other suggestions.

  17. On 20.12.2023 at 16:53, Bob Scott said:

    Ich würde das Tool in Orbx Central verwenden, um Ihre Szenerie neu zu synchronisieren, und vielleicht zu jeder der regionalen Orbx-Szenerien und Landklassen in OC gehen und auch das Tool „Dateien überprüfen“ für jede von ihnen ausführen, als beschädigte Szenerie-BGL oder Textur könnte dies tun.

    Eine andere Möglichkeit ist ein KI-Flugzeug in Ihrer „Realitätsblase“ mit einer schlechten Textur. Wenn Sie einen gespeicherten Flug haben, der den Absturz definitiv auslöst, versuchen Sie, den KI-Verkehr vollständig auszuschalten und den gespeicherten Flug zum Testen zu laden.

    I have to try this out, I think there is a mistake somewhere

  18. OK, I understand that you should try everything. But sometimes I think that I try certain things pointlessly.

    Yes, I can deactivate AIG and go through the trouble of deleting everything and reinstalling it, which would take hours again.

    Will my problem just be fixed?

    It's not like I have this error all the time, and everywhere...

    After flying for 2000 hours I have found a point where the memory is running out and here is AIG to blame?

    somehow I don't think so.

    I also find testing with F35 pointless... you can do it, but what's the point? You won't always fly an F35.

  19. @Säbel57

    It's not VRAM but RAM... But in both cases I had enough during the crash.

    I fly with PMDG 747-400


    @Bob Scott

    Thanks for your tip

    I'm going to try ORBX today.

    Yesterday I did another flight, before that I deleted the p3d.cfg file and recreated it.

    It crashed again in exactly the same place.

    Here is the video from CTD:

    I had the task manager open and to see RAM usage.

    When it happened I had a RAM consumption of 13GB out of 32Gb... So still enough.

    Unfortunately, I don't know why it still crashes. There was enough RAM and VRAM.

    It always happens between waypoint JSSUA and MAXXO... about 16.4 nm before MAXXO

    With PMDG 747-400.

    I have over 2000 hours with P3D and have traveled all over the world.

    And in the area where I was traveling there was only ORBX Global and North America.
    Both airports KPHX and KCLT are standard scenery
    I never had such an error... And I think it's an error... Because I have enough RAM..

    There is also a swap file... actually everything works... Why it crashes, I have no idea



  20. Hi,

    Yesterday I received an error message with Out of Memory for the first time.

    I wanted to fly from KPHX to KCLT and I have both airports as default scenery.

    After about an hour of flight I get the message saying Out of Memory.

    The error always happens in exactly the same place.

    I have autosaves with Volanta and by chance a safe was made before the message came.

    If I load this safe, it crashes immediately.

    Then I took a save file that was about 20 minutes old.

    I can load that, but when I get to exactly the same place it comes out of memory again.

    I find this very strange because I never had this error.

    I have 32GB RAM and 12GB VRam and have never had any problems.

    and where I fly there is no scenery, just ORBX North America... But I don't think it's because of ORBX... There's nothing else there.

    Do you have any ideas what I can try?

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