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  1. Hi Alex, The linked solution where I select all the airports within Addons Linker worked perfectly, all I had to do was remove the context.xml file so I could run the scenery load function. The EIDW taxiways are now displaying correctly. The only issue I do have is some of the runway graphics obstruct various taxiway markings, is there a way to hide the runway graphic at least temporarily? The only way I’ve found to hide them is to toggle “show airports with hard runways” but that has the unwanted effect of removing airports from the map too, which isn’t ideal. Is there a solution for this?
  2. After doing some digging, I feel it may be because I use Addon Linker, so the scenery loader cannot load anything. I have found this thread and will try the solution mentioned here:
  3. Hi, I flew into EIDW Dublin the other day on VATSIM, whilst using little navmap to track my aircraft on the ground (little navmap is very useful on vatsim because I can use it to track other aircraft too!). Anyway, I landed on runway 28 and ATC asked me to taxi to stand using taxiway Sierra, I was looking at little navmap at the time and couldn’t see S anywhere. So I checked the taxiway chart for the airport and the taxiway “S” on the chart was labelled as “B” in little navmap. Now I have Navigraph data and the EIDW Dublin scenery by MK Studios / orbx, and was under the impression that the taxiways data from the scenery would amend the little navmap taxiways. I’m wondering if there is any way to have these taxiways corrected, or if they’re supposed to be updated from addons in the sim. Unfortunately I am not home right now so cannot take a screenshot to show you, but I can attach the EIDW taxiways chart as reference. Thanks! And keep up with the good work, little navmap is such a powerful and useful tool for the sim! http://iaip.iaa.ie/iaip/Published%20Files/AIP%20Files/AD/Chart%20Files/EIDW/EI_AD_2_EIDW_24-1_en.pdf
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