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  1. Thank you for the help so far. It looks like I will have to wait for more people to have the same issue and it will eventually get some attention, which will hopefully lead to a solution/update that sorts out the issue.
  2. I found the option in the G Hub that you mentioned, but this unfortunately had no effect on the game settings in X Plane 12 for setting up the pedals for rudder for helicopter 😞
  3. Unfortunately, no luck. 😞 I hope they do any update at some point that allows for more peripherals to be recognized and settings that pertain more to helicopters.
  4. Hey everyone! I'm new to the forum. I've come in search of a solution. I just purchased Xplane 12 about a week ago. I focus almost exclusively on flying helicopters. I have limited space at my desk that doesn't allow for racing pedals AND rudder pedals, so I'm hoping to setup my G29 racing pedals as rudder pedals. I fully understand that this will not be anywhere near as authentic as actual rudder pedals, but it will have to do for now. So far, I have managed to get the rudder function to work with just the accelerator pedal. If you depress the pedal halfway, that's the neutral middle. If you release the pedal, that's right rudder. If you depress the pedal fully, that's left rudder. Naturally, this setup is not ideal. Holding the pedal down the entire flight gets old real quick, haha. Does anyone know how to set it up so that I can use one pedal for left rudder and another pedal for right rudder?
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