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  1. Hello all, just wanted to share my experience with Mindstar Aviation. The product itself it’s good nothing to say about that, but their support service is the worst I have ever experienced in my entire life. They are really strict about their activation policy. You can only activate the product twice and then you have to contact them to receive support and they never reply or follow up. If they do really terrible service a waste of €50 it has been several months. That I’ve been trying to use the product I’ve purchased, check yourself latest tickets I have opened. None of them came to a resolution. I wouldn’t recommend anyone buying, because then if you have any problem with the activation or whatsoever, you are simply going tolose access to the product you purchased. What a terrible company.
  2. Thanks for your update. I will wait for future updates on what to do.
  3. I downloaded the installer yesterday so it’s not old i think, thanks i will wait for your response then and we will take it from there.
  4. I had to do that because i kept receiving the message: The server issued activation codes but they did not work on your computer. So since nobody from support helped i tried solving it myself. I posted on 22FEB here and no one told me how to fix it. opened all these tickets and no response was received. ( 6955, 7064, 6844 ). If now i have an other activation i will try now to activate again, if not able i will not wipe anything but please help to fix the issue.
  5. I re-installed the software and the error The server issued activation codes but they did not work on your computer popped up. I erased all the pc and re installed the g1000 and now i get the following error: Registration Failed - You have exceeded the number of registrations allowed for invoice 2013676. According to our records, you have previously registered 3 different times using this invoice number, but only 3 simultaneous active registrations are allowed. Contact us for special steps to remove one of your prior installs.
  6. Now i get the message; the server issued activation codes but they did not work on your computer
  7. Hello, yes i did receive a response but unfortunately i still receive the same message: Simulator Add-On Registration Registration Failed - You have exceeded the number of registrations allowed for invoice 2013676. According to our records, you have previously registered 2 different times using this invoice number, but only 2 simultaneous active registrations are allowed. Contact us for special steps to remove one of your prior instalis.
  8. Hello, i managed to solve the issue that prevented the activation code with my computer. However i receive i message stating that i have activated the product already twice and i need to contact support to remove one device. I already contacted them but i’m sorry to say they never reply. I also tried buying a new license because i need the software and even the website is not working ! I understand you might have a lot of support requests but it’s really not fair. I love the product but it would be great to receive some support when needed. Abdallah Laham. TICKET. 7083
  9. There are many tickets btw, 6955 7064 6844 none of them solved the issue hope the codes help
  10. Hello thanks for your prompt reply. name: Abdallah L. Adinolaham@gmail.com is the mail i used to send support request. Im sorry i didn’t mean to post this twice it’s the first time i use the forum
  11. Hello all, it has been several months i am trying to solve an issue that i have with the G1000 activation, i’ve sent several requests to support but they never helped. It’s quite frustrating. Someone already asked this and said it has been solved contacting support. When i try and activate the software i receive the following error: “The server issued activation codes but they did not work on your computer, either try again or contact support” I tried deleting and re installing but i can’t find any way to solve this. Can anyone help ? thanks !
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