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Posts posted by Bond

  1. New beta available.

    Update 060324 B8920 (1.0.8920.30819)
    - Added Sim tip/message options to control in-sim tip/messages accordingly (must have Software Tips enabled in MSFS Assistance/Notification options) - Docs updated
    - Added instant refresh when temperature units change to prevent slow temp and precip type (snow vs. rain) adjustment
    - Added additional auto flight plan load/clear logging
    - Various tuning/fixes for in-cloud turbulence
    - Additional in cloud detection improvements/fixes for better accuracy
    - Increased effective rain/precip rate and fixed an issue where very low precip rate could be experienced (Note: you must be under a cloud to experience precipitation – not seeing precip, or seeing much reduced precip rates when there is less cloudy sky above is normal)
    - Increased general precipitation smoothing rate for more visible dynamics on precip condition changes
    - Reduced general cumulus density 20% to further reduce potential grainy/shimmering cloud edges
    - Reduced general cirrus generation approximately 20%
    - Reduced CAVOK/NCD/NSC cloud generation general occurrence approximately 20% per feedback
    - Reduced CAVOK/NCD/NSC general cloud coverage approximately 20% per feedback
    - Adjusted cirrus altitude and coverage logic to trend to more variable values in general without trending too high in some cases
    - Improved turbulence dynamics in vicinity of thunderstorm clouds
    - Further slowed general cloud altitude smoothing rate per feedback, by approximately 50% in most cases
    - Offset historical downloads to use data set based on -30 minutes for more expected historical playback results without getting METARs past the historical active time
    - Prevented download timer from resetting when Refresh weather button pressed in debug screen - now the download timer will fire separate of any refresh results without getting METARs past the historical active time
    - Prevented location change/instant weather reset on "reconnect" of MSFS connection, when last disconnect was within 30 seconds
    - Fixed issue where some stations were delayed in updating during 30 minute update cycles
    - Fixed issue with Chinese language altitude units conversion in Metric units mode (resulted in incorrect cloud/wind altitudes)
    - Fixed issue with precip and snow cover units/conditions in some units modes/language settings
    - Fixed issue with unexpectedly low precip/rain in -TS/-TSRA thunderstorm conditions
    - Fixed issue with Norwegian language units issues incl. temperature
    - Fixed missing cloud turb/cloud detection when in Passive mode and no cloud data exists for ASFS but exists in MSFS live weather
    - Attempted Fix for issue with gusts/variability for surface layer(s) where it was not properly depicting in some cases


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  2. 9 minutes ago, Fiorentoni said:

    Really I don't get you people that deliberately buy a worse and likely costlier version instead of waiting for 3 weeks for a great one.

    For what I've read, this has taken so long that people just don't feel confident it'll take another 3 weeks 😄

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  3. 2 minutes ago, joby33y said:

    Which ‘mode’ produces the best visuals with live weather?  ….passive , or ‘preset’.  I just got the product & getting started on trying both.  Trying to understand the difference in how visuals are rendered.  

    Passive is msfs live weather with activesky effects(turbilence, etc)

    Active Sky Preset Control is full control by Active Sky. I find this better than msfs live weather.

    You need to try each one and see for yourself.

  4. 34 minutes ago, Piotr007 said:

    Download interval at min = 5 minutes

    Flow?? What is that?

    I check the periodic theme reload? Haven't pinpointed that setting.

    Depiction smoothing is set quite low as well. I will get this up but thought to left it standart at first.


    Here's my settings:

    Download interval:15(minimum)

    Periodic theme interval: 7(default, this settings is under Simulator depiction options)

    Depiction smoothing rate:  10(default 50)

    What version are you using?


  5. 23 minutes ago, Piotr007 said:

    Ok, perhaps a setting? I have fiddled around for ages and went back to passive mode instead of active.

    I tried to lower the weather change for smoother changes. But over time I see for example total overcast change into fair weather in an instant. Sudden wind turbulence jitter too when it happens!

    Am I missing something?

    Edit; preset / custom weather is selected of course for Asfs to take over.


    You don't have to change to custom weather in msfs, leave it at live weather.

    Do you have Flow installed?

    What's your Download interval, Depiction smoothing rate and Peroidic theme reload settings?

  6. 4 minutes ago, Piotr007 said:

    As fs, using it in passive mode for now. When will they fix the way of weather change. Weather is changing instantly no gradual transition like msfs stock. Works still best. Asfs is just injecting instantly new weather and places it all around you, unrealistic as hell.

    Something's wrong there. I don't have those instant transitions. Seems something is triggering those transitions.


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  7. 28 minutes ago, edpatino said:

    I think they've been releasing too many beta versions after the latest official release v8883. I'll be holding up waiting for the next official version for now.

    Too many? Only 2 versions were released, 8888 was 3 days after the official and 8906 was released 18 days after.


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  8. 23 minutes ago, captainbluesky said:

    ok EGLL at stand 512, default scenery as do not own inibuilds, no traffic.


    Built in windows FPS 23, Dev mode FPS 12

    Full screen

    Built in windows FPS 47, Dev mode FPS 23

    You have a problem with gpu vram, need to lower texture resolution, most likely. Also your render scale is through the roof, check that also...

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Cpt_Piett said:

    Actually that’s what I meant. I’ll check it out once I’m back in the sim later this evening!

    Great. But could you please remind me why we need AIRAC data in ASFS? Never understood that. Something to do with Simbrief plans perhaps? 

    Fom the man:

    If you're flying realistic IFR procedures using recent data, this would be important to have the new data match. For those not flying IFR procedures this will not be very relevant.
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