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Everything posted by Bond

  1. I saw cells top at 30000+ feet around the US a few days back.
  2. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/sim-update-15-beta-1-37-16-0-may-1-2024/640163 So new beta still to be released....
  3. I bet they'll release another beta version...
  4. You have a problem with gpu vram, need to lower texture resolution, most likely. Also your render scale is through the roof, check that also...
  5. Well Asobo still hasn't filled the ATC positions.... https://jobs.eu.lever.co/asobostudio/7abe037b-e9d4-4af2-84ba-5a5c0e1de752
  6. Seems a great buy... https://verticalsims.com/shop/mfs/kpie/
  7. New beta https://forums.hifisimtech.com/threads/new-open-beta-b8888.15068/
  8. Nothing, when it's out you'l lbe prompted to mandatory update.
  9. Fom the man: If you're flying realistic IFR procedures using recent data, this would be important to have the new data match. For those not flying IFR procedures this will not be very relevant.
  10. 2024-04-28 21:30 UTC to 2024-04-29 10:45 UTC It should be https://metar-taf.com/history/RJOO
  11. Here's a 13 hour timelapse, Osaka(RJOO) https://streamable.com/a758pf
  12. Thunderstorms at Jeju(RKPC) https://streamable.com/6b16kd Paris Timelapse https://streamable.com/tfevd6
  13. Last 2 taken at about FL180, first 2 taken at about FL240
  14. That's not the point I was making... I don't always start a flight with a FP. I was just pointing that AS keeps the last FP and messes with the weather until we clear that FP.
  15. The thing is, if I fly with a FP and then go to msfs menu and start a new flight without a FP, AS FP will still show the previous FP and sometimes we need to clear the FP so clouds show as it should...
  16. I can confirm that, in one ocasion, clearing FP has brought back clouds as it should....
  17. Look, it's set tentative the 7th and that's what we were discussing, of course it may change.......
  18. He did say the 7th. I posted the link 2 posts above if people want to check.
  19. Check it again @simbol https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2128461104?t=1h38m3s
  20. I hope they at least fix that VR shutdown bug.
  21. They're working on Lisbon, Keflavik and Helsinki V2....
  22. They want videos @Bobsk8, VIDEOS! 😄 Awesome shots.
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