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Everything posted by Bond

  1. Maybe related... https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/black-lines-in-the-water/443618
  2. Remember after you change it from 100 to 200 you need to Save it(click the S) ...
  3. Mods hide it but they don't have the guts to say, so they make up like it's the community doing it.....
  4. Just hope they optimize KJFK, it's a frame rate killer like no other...
  5. You can always slam it, Navy/Ryanair style😂
  6. What I did is got the (usually your closest airport) then find the routes I wanted to fly from there and see what payware is available.and buy it if it's reasonable priced. Then from those sites saw what routes I wanted to do and repeat the process. Basically you'll have a network of airports you can fly witout having to deal with all those ugly default buildings.....
  7. Seems when servers get overloaded(christmas this time) we get this silent ATC bug back.....
  8. Relation between TLOD and Tree distance...
  9. Remember, you need Buildings and Trees at Ultra if you use TLOD greater than 100....
  10. Not seeing pink here. Although I'm in VR, still great colors
  11. Fear not, we do not plan to release the beta publicly until we have a fix available for the assistance options bug! Also yes to confirm, the final beta build is most commonly the same build that then is made available for all users once the beta ends. Regards, The MSFS Team https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/stay-in-beta-or-leave-before-update/619147/6
  12. I got LGSK, LIEE, LIEO, LIPE, KTPA, KPVU, KLAS, KDCA, RJAA, LPFR, LBSF, LEBB. May still get LFML, LFBD, KOMA Edit: Just got LFBD 🙂
  13. Here's a few: RJTT - RJGG Tokyo - Chubu. Japan is such a beautiful country LDSP - BKPR Split - Pristina LKPR - LDZA Prague - Zagreb ENBR - ENGM Bergen - Oslo KBOI - KPVU Boise - Provo UTTT - UAAA Tashkent - Almaty
  14. What do you mean by it doesn't capture current pitch? I've talked to the developer and he said it behaves like the real thing,
  15. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/bing-data-streaming-issues-nov-23/616901?u=bondjpf
  16. It's already being done in FSLTL, so I guess they'll do it too...
  17. It's already being done in FSLTL, so I guess they'll do it too...
  18. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/sim-update-14-beta-release-notes-1-35-13-0-october-30-2023/613872
  19. Used more realistic mapping of wave lengths onto RBG values for the ozone layer scattering and the sun color, resulting in more realistic colors of the sky and the lighting in the world. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/sim-update-14-beta-release-notes-1-35-13-0-october-30-2023/613872
  20. Seems I was right, SU14 beta starting later this week 😄
  21. Yeah, US only. It seems dev is willing to expand to EU but doesn't know how ATC works in Europe so it would need assistance in that... Right now focused in getting a mvp out the door....
  22. Well it could also be 2 more weeks as beta testing starts early 😄
  23. That's some realistic ATC voices....
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