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About AnkH

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  1. Try once, after you moved the GTN to the other screen, to Alt + Enter the MSFS screen, once to windowed and then back to «fullscreen». This might «reenable» Gsync.
  2. Maybe some are confused because it contains the option to instantly inject traffic the moment it is up and running. I have this option off...
  3. Seriously? Then I wait, I am absolutely NOT installing Fenix on my C drive. Wonder why this is still not a default option to install wherever we as user want nowadays. How long until it can be customized?
  4. Ok, somehow THE question is not answered or at least I do not find it: do I first have to uninstall the Fenix and then use the new installer? I guess so...
  5. Should still be valid, I however do not understand the point regarding "AI Aircraft Traffic Density" because it does not have any impact on AIG traffic but controls the amount of AI traffic injected by MSFS itself. And this you basically do not want, AIG AIM even asks you to disable the default .bgl controlling the MSFS traffic when firing up the GUI.
  6. No, a proper DX12 implementation is the holy grail. DX11 with frame generation via LSFG will always be kind of a workaround and will never reach the same quality that is possible with the dedicated solutions provided by nVIDIA and AMD.
  7. It is a known fact and discussed in the AI traffic groups but no one so far found a workaround for this intrinsic MSFS bug. So nothing can be done about except reloading the flight before doing the return leg. Ruins immersion, but thats what it is for now. Only the idea of rylabics might work out, but in my case, sometimes the "second" AI program still fails to load in planes if the "first" one is out of business
  8. I have absolutely no issues with native FG, do you use the FG hack for non-RTX-4000 series cards? In contrast, LLS introduces a input lag I can simply not get along with, so no use of LLS for me atm. Regarding DX12? Is there any reason NOT to use DX12 now that most bugs related to DX12 are fixed? Just wondering...
  9. Depends on what you are looking for. If you want to use it on top of classic frame generation on a RTX 4000 series card, DX12 is obviously a must. If not, it might be THE advantage of LS that it also works with DX11. But since Asobo fixed the most annoying drawback of DX12 (ground tile bleedthrough), I see no reason why to stick to DX11
  10. Probably, but also then you could think they learnt their lession the last time. Obviously not. Embarrassing, and as soon as you write something against the beauty of this WU in the official forums, it is again censored aka community flagged.
  11. The only relevant question for me is: will it have something like the PMDG autocruise? If yes, instabuy. If no, I will pass this one...
  12. The only real embarassing thing is that Asobo obviously saw a need to polish up the trailer. Comparing London Thames to the trailer is remarkably different. Did they learn nothing from the watermask disaster?
  13. Which makes 82$ a year. If, and only if you come close to 4h a day, every day. Which is a tremendous amount of MSFS time to me. Personally, I am already happy to have 4h a week. Verdict stays the same: unless you use your sim extensively throughout the year, reducing power consumption by 70W is just not worth the hassle because of the cost. Because of heat is something else, I also locked my 4080 to 1.000V resulting in 30-40W lower power draw and yet no difference in performance, because it still reaches the same clock speeds (2775MHz).
  14. A very good question I asked myself several times since release of MSFS. Add cloud variety, weather radar, snow coverage, tile issues, tile colour mismatches, idiotic AI behaviour, missing water physics to the endless list of half-baked stuff in MSFS not really gaining a lot of attention (considering the amount of votes in the official forums). Even worse: I bet in two, maximal three weeks we have at least one little fix on flightsim.to that fixes those watermask issues of the river Thames in London. So WHY THE HECK is Asobo constantly unable to do so? I mean, as Asobo dev flying around Thames in the RC of this WU, can you really come to the conclusion that it is ok like that? I simply do not get why obviously so many people have little to no standards those times... /rant over.
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