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  1. It is more than frustrating to say the least. It is quite baffling that the devs at Beyond ATC can build a product that potentially is going to be an absolute game changer when it comes to ATC. To me ATC is an absolute must for immersiveness.
  2. I am anxiously waiting for Beyond ATC to come out and really don't want to buy another program in the interim but, I am really at my wits end with MS ATC. I kind of been out of FS due to familial obligations but over the past couple weeks I have purchased some new hardware and software for it and have been getting back into it as time allows. I fly primarily commercial trying to fly real world routings however, I have only been able to complete 1 flight out of maybe 10 with complete MS ATC sounds. The ATC sound will cut out shortly after takeoff. I use FS-ATC chatter, GSX pro, and FSLTL. I have my copilot handle comms while I fly. Although MS ATC has its shortcomings, it never just cut out on me since I installed it. I have looked online and in forums trying various remedies (comm 2, switching back in forth between online and offline mode, really ratcheting down traffic injection) but alas, no joy. I have looked into some of the other ATC programs offered but the voices don't sound as good as the AZURE voices except for what I hear in the Beyond ATC demos. I really don't want to shelve FS right now so I was hoping that there may be some things that I have missed which you all can point out.
  3. So this has been driving me batty all night. When I bring back my throttles to the idle detent on the bravo, I am in full reverse. I have calibrated with the EFB but it does not use the detent as idle. In the EFB it doesn't show any throttle travel at all from full reverse back to the detent. It only show travel after the detent to their preconfigured idle. I have set all the detents in the EFB but not having the physical idle detent that I can feel before throwing it in reverse just doesn/t feel right. What am I missing? Thank you all in advance for the advice.
  4. Hello all, I am upgrading and building a new pc going from an 7700k, 1070, 32gbs ddr4 to a 12700k, 3080 12gbs, 32gbs ddr5. I have MSFS on its own m.2 drive (970 EVO plus) and will be installing an 980 Pro for the OS. The new board I bought is the ASUS Apex so I can install my mechanical drive, my SSD, as well as the two m.2 drives. My question is since my MSFS is the only thing on the970, do I have to do a complete reinstall or will MS just do its thing when I first start it up.
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