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  1. Thanks a lot for your in-depth reply, I'm going to try your solutions to see what works best for me! Kind regards, Vincent
  2. Hi there, I would like to assign some views to a voice command (overhead, external view, drone view etc.). My initial thoughts were to use a virtual event for this, where I assign the key combo I use now on my real keyboard tot a virtual event on the virtual keyboard. This doesn't seem to work however. I try to find a solution in the manual, but couldn't find it. Can you help me out with this issue? Kind regards, Vincent
  3. Thanks again, will surely recommend AAO to flightsimming friends!! in a while, I will upload my B737-scripts to Flightsim.to as a 'virtual copilot' with apraise for your great app.
  4. Great, thank you for the excellent support! Do you happen to know a command in the script that mutes the microphone for a few seconds, so AAO doesn't hear itself speak and doesn't thus repeat a certain action?
  5. Your solution seems to work perfectly! Can you please help me out a last time: how do I assign a value (ie -4500) to the AXIS_FLAPS_SET event in a script? Now I have: (>K: AXIS_FLAPS_SET) (SPEAK: Flap set to five) in the script, but I don't know how to set a value to this event. I beg you to excuse me, I'm very mediocrate when it comes to writing scripts (and not only that). Kind regards, Vincent
  6. Thanks a lot for your quick reply, I'm gonna try that tonight! Vincent
  7. Hi there, I'm trying to create a voice-controlled script to set the flaps in the PMDG B737. My intention is to make a simple script, that starts when I command (for example) 'Flaps five' that will move the flaps-lever directly to the five-position. I can't however find the sim variable that contains the flap-position. So far, I am only able to use the FLAPS_INCR event (see below), that moves the flaps just one position. So for flaps 5 I have to say 'Flaps down' three times. Can you help me out with this issue? (>K:FLAPS_INCR) (WAIT:2000)·\n (SPEAK:·flaps·set) Kind regards, Vincent
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