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  1. I have finally given up and requested a refund from Steam. I tried my best for a whole week and failed miserably.
  2. No, I click on the desktop icon and it loads Stream and Steam will not allow me to do anything but try to download the update. I am the most mellow person you will ever meet. It starts to download the update and it gets one or two gigs out of 159 gig and then it stops downloading. So I restart the computer and try the download again. I have gotten as much as 3 gigs downloaded before it stops. The slider never gets beyond 2%.
  3. I have been trying to download the Updates and it will not download. I had no problem downloading msfs. But this download is not happening. I get a gig or two downloaded out of 129 gigs and then it quits and I have to start over. I am getting ready to get a refund. This is just stupid.
  4. Thanks I will give that a try. I clicked Steam an hour ago and this is the screen I have been seeing.
  5. No, it is not a black screen, both Stream and msfs has a full page of photos and links but nothing seems to be happening. I will try again and wait for it to load.
  6. Brand new to msfs2020 although I have flown sims in the past. I finally got msfs2020 installed on my "gaming computer" I bought especially to run simulators. I have finally got the Stream version to install and I cannot figure out what to do next. I start Steam and then start msfs and both programs are full screen but they both just sit there doing nothing. What is the next step?
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