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  1. Hello, I bought PreciptFX today (06/07/2024) (https://orbxdirect.com/product/p42-precipitfx). I have P3D 4.5 and it's not working, I installed everything ok, but I open the simulator and it's already stressing me out. I didn't receive any activation, I just opened Orbx Central and installed it in the folder where it asks to install (C:\Users\johnn\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Integrations\Parallel 42), but I can't get anything. I know I have to disable "Detailed precipitation" (it's off) and "effects" are in medium... I'm already getting VERY stressed... 9 dollars wasted?? I knew I shouldn't buy this, because I never saw anyone recommending it. I was thinking about buying the 747, but I'm not buying it anymore... to have to humiliate myself for an effect, something simple? my God...
  2. Hello, I gave a certain time space and then after a few hours I went to download again, click on the download link, it worked. I downloaded and I'm already using GTN 750 on P3D !! 100% ok
  3. Hello, I bought the GTN 750 a few months ago and at the time I downloaded it directly from the official Reality XP website, installed it, and flew a lot, everything was 100% ok. Today I wanted to reinstall and use this incredible tool again, but when I click to download "E-commerce" (https://files.100megabyte.com/realityxp/rxpGTN-750-FSIM.exe) the website doesn't respond, It's as if it was impossible to access... and I can't download it. I wanted a solution. thanks.
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