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  1. Too complicate: Need ADE, Need Fsx SDK... Hope someone someday raise the Airport elevation, and pubblish the bgl file.
  2. Maybe trying to create a "micromesh" for that area? I know is a problem in FSX, because all Airport are flat like a pancake, but there must be a solution...
  3. I uninstall the scenery from Aerosoft and I made some test with the default scenery. As you can see the problem still remain, so it's a Mesh Europe problem in that area. Maybe Daniel Moser should give a check and resolve this when find some time in a future patch for Europe. host image free image hosting
  4. Again: LFPG is also disable in Vector Airport correction. So yes, is the first thing to do after install Orbx Vector and before start FSX.
  5. Could both be more clear please? And what is the solution? I only installed the scenery LFPG, and there is not much to do. I mean the flatten polygon are in 5 bgl files in Aerosoft/LFPG: cvxCDG_FLATTEN1.BGL cvxCDG_FLATTEN2.BGL cvxCDG_FLATTEN3.BGL cvxCDG_FLATTEN4.BGL cvxCDG_FLATTEN5.BGL The thing is that if I disable Free mesh Europe, is ok. I don't have other scenery that can affect ground polygon there. Yes I have FTX Global and Orbx Vector Global, but non of them dosen't contain mesh Orbx products have only teture, like GEX Europe, and LFPG is also disable in Vector Airport correction. So remain priority. But I read here, that the mesh priority is not important for other scenery. I still belive is a mesh problem. What is the solution?
  6. Oh yes, you're right! How did I not even think that there is a bunch of idiots (in you're genius ideea) that pay 26 euros for a horror scenery like that! Good clue genius, you're the man!!!
  7. Please take a look at LFPG Scenery from Aerosoft, gate M11 Cargo. It seems there is an error with Mesh Europe: upload image hosting url immagine
  8. It wasn' t about orbx, it was about performance in FSX using Vector.
  9. Not because I'm an Expert. Simply because I read something like "Nick FSX bible" before talking ;-). And I also have orbx global Vector installed in FSX with my i5 good old pc near tons off addon Airport and pmdg and aerosoft birds and still doing smooth Flight At 20 to 50 fps...
  10. Let's be serious! Don't make me laugh!!! Losing fps in FSX 99% is a bad configuration if FSX.cfg, slider, or PC configuration. Orbx Vector Can cause 1% fps imoact but no more.
  11. Is there a map with the region covered? I like to know where Middle East is. I fly a lot in Dubai and wan' t to know What region is Africa or Asia?
  12. Just One question: I have also FS2crew for 737. Does the two addon are compatibile? I mean the panel.cfg doesn't mess up After installation? Thanks again.
  13. Hi. I am intresteed to buy this product, but I see that requires the SP1d for pmdg 737 ngx. My question is very simple: why? First off all I have FSX boxed edition, and everybody know that the sp1d ngx is ONLY for FSX steam edition!!! So why should I install something that I don't Need? Even that, I look on my pmdg operation center, and under 737 ngx product update, with sp1c it say that I use the last version, wich off course confirme What I Just say: no need for my FSX version to install sp1d. So I Need to know: Can I install this product only with sp1c, because if not this no use for me. Thanks
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