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Guest Azuresauron

MAintaining Altitude

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Guest Azuresauron

Hi Guys,Im trying to get to grips with the aircraft and find im having lots of problems. The latest is the FS( ATC demanding that I climb and maintain 18000. That was my selected cruise to EGCC (manchester ) from EGNT ( newcastle ). I know the default transition is 18000 so left it at that although in the UK its normaly 6000. Ive set my flight plan in FMC, took off using the TOGA, climbed etc to my altitude, switched to 29.92 at 18000. Then hear constant messages telling me to climb to 18000. I decide to try using the actual barometer ( using active sky wxre ) the aircraft adjusts altitude accordingly, then the blighter at ATC comes back telling me to climb to 18000! Ive tried pressing the standard seting etc, each time the aircraft adjusts, but the ATC still hassles me.Have I done somat wrong?I even tried ( during flight ) to adjust the transition altitude, all that succeded in doing was scrubbing my flight plan.Any advice chaps, greatly appreciated.John

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Hum, transition in europe is 5000'?? You switched to 29.92 but were really not SURE what altitude you were at! If atc is telling you to CLIMB to FL180 then you are not there lol. I would verify current barometer with ATC not weather program. Tell ATC you are flying by your instruments please advice current barometer...[h4]Best Wishes,Randy J. Smithhttp://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-5/196432/winglets_lg.jpg

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Guest Azuresauron

Hi Randy,I was at 18000 each time. I set using Active sky and tried the ATC setting. In any rate as far as im aware the ATC takes its weather from active sky.Im starting to think thats it was due to me been at 18000, confusing the ATC. If you try setting 29.92 at 18000, you often find it wont change until you pass 18000. Ive been flying Flight sims a long time and this is a first for me. very strange. lolJohn

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Guest muckie

Hi,I'm pretty sure I've confused FS2k2's ATC by cruising at 18k before; in pre-PMDG NG days.Maybe as soon as you set to 29.92, ATC doesn't see you at 18k anymore.

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Guest Azuresauron

HI,In Future ill make sure my selected cruise is 1000 above or below 18000. Not a biggy but frustrating enough.John

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Guest ilh

Is ATC asking for "one eight thousand" or "flight level one eight zero"? If the former, better use the local altimeter. If the latter, better use 29.92.Lee Hetherington (KBED)

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Guest airtel

I personally suspect it is a FS9 problem, in as much as if the barometer setting is low you will level off much lower than you think. I have this problem all the time with the FS9 proprietary air traffic program. I set transition altitude on the FMC @6000' and naturally all my clearances are still issued in inches of mercury and 000's feet until passing 18000'.....grrrrr :-(In real life you would never be cleared to the same altitude and level. eg 6000' or FL70. I supposed the secret is on the way up use QNH until through 18000' and on the way down use standard until through 18000.BTW is anybody's eyes/monitor combination good enough to read the hpa/inches setting on the standby altimeter? hehehe mine isn't.Hope this helps! :)

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Guest Azuresauron

Hi Adrian,Glad its not only me :)I tried both local setting and standard. Was getting really fed up with the robotic voice repeating climb instructions. I even tried requesting higher cruise. The ATC still continued to ask me to climb to 18000, before moving on to 19000. Im also unable to read the standyby gauge. Mind you these eyes are 40 next June!ThanksJohn

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Yeah I hate it when FS9 expects it is US transition everywhere. Also it would be nice to hear different accents over different continents. ;)

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Guest airtel

Hehehe,I'm looking to find solace in the arms of Radar Contact v3.1 (I'm still anxiously awaiting its arrival). It is a crying shame that the PMDG package which is so realistic to be let down by the poor ATC standard of the original FS9 package. We must remember though what it would be like if there was NO package at all and be grateful for small mercies.I would love to hear different atc voices (Non American) around the world as well as metric altimetry in the former soviet countries. They even issue windspeed in metres per sec over there. I suppose we are used to being spoiled with fmc/gps ...etc. In the good old days one would only have long range ndbs to track and those kept being switch off with frequent regularity, but I digress! I'm very grateful for the packages available so far, I still remember the early version all those years agao!Keep well!

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