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Guest november678x

Hello, I have read every post on reduced thrust but could not find the answer to this question. Reduced thrust is not recommended when there is standing water, windshear, ice, snow, etc. If this is the case do they mean leave the D-TO entry blank on the FMC or insert the current temperature into the field? Also does anyone know what should be the minimum runway length before reduced thrust is used? :-) Thank You

Guest 737767

In the case of adverse runway conditions, you simply let the D-TO entry blank, so the TMS will calculate full power according to OAT, GW and so on.

Guest ACA856_at_work3

..and to add...if you already have a number int he D-TO box, you can simplye "DELETE" and hit the LSK and it will cancel the derate.Have you hugged your PIC767 today?Rob.

Guest CFM56_5b

...and to add even more ;)The maximum thrust reduction authorized is 25 percent below any certified rating.The assumed temperature thrust setting is not considered a limitation. The assumed temperature reduction can be removed. If conditions are encountered where additional thrust is desired, the crew can manually apply full thrust. Thus, you can manually override the reduced thrust takeoff during the takeoff itself.Also Valid entries are 0 to 99 degrees Celsius © or 32 to 210 degrees F. Entry in degrees Fahrenheit (F) causes OAT to display degrees F.Just one more addition! :-badteethReduced thrust takeoffs are not authorized with:

Guest ACA856_at_work3

hmmm, I never knew you could enter a degree F instead of celcius in the PIC...I know it works int he Df737, never tried it in the PIC. This could be my "learn something new" for the PIC this week....and I have had it since day 1.Is there anything the PIC767 can't do? (borrowed from Homer Simpson in regards to "beer")Have you hugged your PIC767 today? Rob.

Guest ACA856_at_work3

I tried entering the Derate in Farenheit, only accepts Celcius. Same is true for the REF OAT - only in Celcius on the PIC.Maybe this is a carrier option?Rob.

  • Commercial Member

Kudos to Rob for responding to his own post AND quoting Homer Simpson.And, yes, there are some things that PIC767 can't do.Here they are (in no particular order):1. Can't complete your taxes (though some FMC waypoints can)2. Can't wash your laundry (though flying naked has been done)3. Can't take your wife out to dinner/show/hotel (working on this one)4. Can't pay you to fly (working on this one too)5. Can't make you read the manual (oh, I've read it, cover to cover)6. Can't show you invisible clicks spots (okay, maybe I skimmed reading the manual a little)There are OTHER things the 767PIC can't do, but this is a general admission forum (and yes, I'm working on those things too) ;)DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McDonald's/Burger King Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg

The SUPPORT FORUM for Level-D Simulations products: http://www.leveldsim.com/forums


Guest ACA856_at_work3

Mega-brill post, as usual Mr. SWill we see your majesty in the skies this evening in his angelic charriot? Is your Yaw Damper on? Has your Mojo been Ponsky'd by a rogue Ponderosa?I am undeserving of your kind words.Have you hugged your PIC767 today?Rob.

  • Commercial Member

Negative to flying with you, Sir Robert.I am gainfully employed for the next three days - yes, somebody likes me, they really like me! - will resurface on Friday.I have not hugged my PIC767 today. But I have gapped my yaw damper.DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg

The SUPPORT FORUM for Level-D Simulations products: http://www.leveldsim.com/forums


Guest Mark McG

DSsorry to burst the bubble butIt's not that they like you, more to do with you being the only actor available at short notice. :-beerchug

Guest ACA856_at_work3

..and DS, don't be modest...make sure you keep us posted on when/where we can catch you on TV/radio or whatever...getting tired of watching Turd2 re-runs...we want fresh DS!Do you have a DS fan club? If not, I propose one, and I have just the candidate for the President of your fan club.Have you hugged your PIC767 today?Rob.


Hellooooo,Hmmmm i dont think the factor 'minimum runway length' for using reduced thrust for t/off comes into play here as you dont just decide ,well today i will reduce a particular amount etc You use your Runway Analysis charts for the particular airport,runway,flap setting and so on and then you deduce the ####. temp you can use.Of course though the shorter the runway, the lower your payload and if you reduce your thrust you reduce the payload even more.....or something like that :-)CyaSals

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