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>I thought I covered this in the doc's, but maybe not :-) >Wrist-slap accepted. Glad you didn't tell me RTFM!>Now with that amount of flying you should be able to do some >short field flying and when you've that sorted, I want to >hear you've got into, and then out of, Emma Field :-) Last night I carried too much speed & altitude into Vancouver International. Granted I had lots of runway but used speed brakes, forward slip, closed throttle, and lots of curse words to parachute onto the numbers. We'll give the Emma Field challenge a try :-)



>>I thought I covered this in the doc's, but maybe not :-) >>>>Wrist-slap accepted. Glad you didn't tell me RTFM! I wouldn't do that, I never read manuals either :-)>>Now with that amount of flying you should be able to do some >>short field flying and when you've that sorted, I want to >>hear you've got into, and then out of, Emma Field :-) >>Last night I carried too much speed & altitude into >Vancouver International. Granted I had lots of runway but >used speed brakes, forward slip, closed throttle, and lots >of curse words to parachute onto the numbers. We'll give >the Emma Field challenge a try :-) The trick is to use 10% fuel, cross the river at around 1000/1200 ft with full flaps and power to keep it level and slow, around 110 kts!Be carefull of sloppy controls though :-) and don't for goodness sake bounce it or you'll loose half the the runway behind you!All the best,http://www.dreamfleet2000.com/gfx/images/F...BANNER_PAUL.jpg


Hi everyoneI'm turning into a Paul Golding fan! I use the 707 and BAC1-11 freeware panels and also happily paid for the Dreamfleet 737. Worth every penny, or Zloty here in Warsaw.I'll get to the point. Does anyone know if the MD-80 panel runs in 2K2. I've been told 'No', 'No, but it can be fixed' and 'Yes, with the right patch'.If anyone can point me in the right direction I'll be very grateful.Looking forward to the 727, my credit card is armed and waiting!Best wishes and thanks again for the freeware (and payware) Paul.Gavin

Gavin Barbara


Over 10 years here and AVSIM is still my favourite FS site :-)


Thanks for the kind words Gavin.As for the MD panel. I have it installed with no fixes and find the few issues pretty minor. They are; don't use the the overhead anymore - ctrl+e to start; the wiper and HUD no longer work; the flap positions don't appear correctly in the gauge; the night lighting can only be switched off by re-sizing the panel window (get hold of the top edge and pull it down 1 or 2 pixels after you swithc the lightsing off); the AP V/S and ALT HLD buttons are now U/S, so hand fly to altitude and use the keyboard for ALT HLD.If anyone has a decent fix for any of this suff, please publicize it :-)All the best,http://www.dreamfleet2000.com/gfx/images/F...BANNER_PAUL.jpg


PaulCheers mate! I should have asked earlier, but presume that I install the 2 patches as well? Thanks for the quick reply.Gavin

Gavin Barbara


Over 10 years here and AVSIM is still my favourite FS site :-)

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