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I dunno..I heard a rumor it was when they put Lucas electrics on their chariots.


Francois A. 'Navman' Dumas


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... and the man's Blog

Guest Toni Rauch

I always thought the idea was to extend the wall so that the Dutch were kept out of Scotland, but they hit a bit of a snag when they got to the beach and discovered the North Sea.....;) Toni.


LOL !! Are you kiddin'!!?? The Dutch and the Scots are related.... some of the fishermen from both countries spoke some sort of dialect with each other that no one else could understand ! :-)As for the Romans... we had the water to stop them.... didn't really do us much good with the Vikings though.... :-lol But it worked wonders against the 'Spaniards'.... Ain't history fun ? :-) :-outta Francois :-wave[table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0][tr][td valign=bottom" align="center]"At home in the wild"[/td][td valign=bottom" align="center][link:avsim.com/alaska/alaska_052.htm|Don's Alaskan Bush Charters]"Beavers Lead the Way"[/td][td valign=bottom" align="center][link:www.avsim.com/vfr_center/mainpages/vfr_flights_main_page.htm]VFR Flight Center]"Looking Good Outside"[/td][/tr][tr][td valign=top" align="center]http://avsim.com/hangar/air/bfu/logo70.gif[/td][td valign="top" align="left" colspan=2]http://www.fssupport.com/images/moose2.gif[/td][tr][/table]________________________Francois A. "Navman" DumasAssociate Editor &Forums AdministratorAVSIM Online![/bemail: [email protected]________________________

Francois A. 'Navman' Dumas


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... and the man's Blog

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