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About Francois_Dumas

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    Member - 1,000+
  • Birthday 10/26/1952

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    Flightsim, aviation, motor touring, cockpit building, painting, scale modeling

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  • About Me
    Pensionado in Italy

About Me

  • About Me
    Been flightsimming for 46 years, started on-line activities with writing reviews for AVSIM end of the 90's, was Managing Editor of Simflight.com for a long time, then founded and ran FSAddon Publishing for many years. Retired in 2021 and now finally building my OWN home cockpit. Nina and I emigrated to Italy back in 2017 and are happily walking our little dog Bruno every day over the dusty countryroads in between the olivetrees.

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  1. FSAddon Publishing will stop selling its products via third party distributors as of January 1st, 2017 ! That means you will no longer be able to buy FSAddon products from simMarket, Aerosoft, Flight1 and other such general webshops. Instead you will find everything FSAddon produce on their own (Shopify powered) webshop. https://fsaddon-publishing.myshopify.com A Quote From Francois Dumas ""I understand that this may be somewhat of a disappointment to customers who prefer to buy at the large resellers, and we'll probably even lose some customers (and yes, some visibility), but the fact is that I am running all this on my own. The combination of an ever shrinking FS market, high cost of the third party selling, high workload on all the administration (not the least because of EU tax rules), my 'other' activities (such as moving house and building a place in Italy and other work), (my) age induced slow reduction of energy....... all for a few hundred bucks a month just doesn't justify it anymore. So instead of spending energy on all that, I'll now focus on my own webshop ONLY, with the added advantage for most authors of earning higher percentages that will offset lower sales because of not being in the big warehouses. (As I do not have any overhead, I charge a lot less for selling products than the competition does. This advantage goes 100% to my authors). At the same time I have added new payment gateways, assuring safe and industry approved financial transactions, am working on improving server space and download speed, building new installers and also working on more freeware projects. The only exception is our (very modest) sales via Steam and Dovetail Games, currently only Ben Gurion X Airport. Hoping to see you check our shop and forums regularly, and helping spread the word about the great FSAddon products I'd like to thank you all for being our loyal customers for the past 12 years. And last but not least I'd also like to thank especially simMarket and Aerosoft for their professional help in selling them for all these years."" Kindest regards, Francois
  2. FSAddon Publishing has released the long-awaited WACO bi-plane collection by Simon Smeiman. Simon has outdone himself once again in the amount of detail, special animations and effects, and has also added some unique models to the pack. The FSAddon WACO Collection is made up of no less than 8 different models, all with different liveries and animations. The WACO's modeled are the ATO, CTO, QF2, UPF, YMF-5, YMF-5D Super. And on top of that a YMF-5 Floatplane and the famous Jet Waco !!! So yes, 'Taperwings' included ! And to make things even more interesting, also including some FREE extra's! How about the WACO CG-4A WW2 glider? And not just one, but 3 differentvariants and 2 different models! And last but not least, Simon has made the included 'cargo' Willys jeep driveable too, so you can make a tour of the landing zone! All in all FSAddon are offering a unique package, even for current owners of other WACO's and they invite you to have a look at their product page on the FSAddon Publishing webshop (the sole and unique distribution point ) .
  3. Yes, it works, but you'll have to install it yourself I'm afraid. The Installer and Configurator do not work for P3D.
  4. FSAddon Publishing offers 50% discount on ALL of its products until January 3rd 2016...... so rush over and get you some DISCOUNT !! (Offer valid through our own shop AND through simMarket.com only)
  5. Damn ! :-( Tom, we may have had our differences but this comes as a blow.To me personally, to AVSIM and to the entire FS community worldwide I am sure. No need to waste words, just wishing you all the best and wishing you an ending without pain and anxiety. Thoughts also go to your family. Good vibes sent across the pond, whatever that may mean. Hope it helps a little. Warm regards, Francois
  6. No, the area consist of two products... the phototexture and mesh, and the autogen to cover it.
  7. I would recommend their Rhone-Alpes scenery really......... it makes the Alps come to life in a very credible way. I live in France parts of the year and can testify to the awesome quality of the products. Getting an entire region (WITH autogen!) will greatly enhance your reality level, and beats just getting a single airfield.
  8. I must unfortunately confirm the last post here. I indeed left Computer Pilot (as did Pam, the lady taking care of US customers, and a number of the writers). I posted all this on the website - but not surprisingly, it has been brought down, and replaced by a rather bland and uninformative site. The forum is gone as well. I would advise AGAINST taking out new subscriptions at this time, even though I am supposed to get my back pay through those. There is currently nobody except Marc himself able to do anything on bringing out a new edition. Also the problems with shipping and the mess with the administration have not been solved either. I left because I simply could not afford to spend all my time for free on the magazine and website, but also because I did not want to be associated with the bad customer service that was and is being displayed. Not my style. I still hope Marc will find money somewhere so he can re-start the mag, but I am also afraid he'll have lost all the remaining goodwill by now - not to mention the great writers we had. Sadly, Francois
  9. Thanks all. I wish things were different, but they aren't :-( Now back to a MAJOR project of my own........ stay tuned for news on our website in the next few weeks ^_^
  10. Thanks Bob. Actually being the editor wasn't a problem, NOT being the publisher was more of an issue ultimately.
  11. Dear Flightsim Enthusiasts, Readers and Customers, I would like to inform you that I have stepped down as Managing Editor of Computer Pilot (Magazine). As you know it is one of my hallmarks to deliver quality goods and services to clients. For the past 7 months I was actively engaged with Computer Pilot Magazine, its website, PR and forums and working day and night to get CPM back on its feet again for its new publisher. Unfortunately there were many unforeseen deterrents that were not under my control and to which I was unable to provide solutions. This was one of my 'dream jobs' and I am deeply saddened that it has now turned out to be impossible for me to continue at this point and under the given circumstances, where I cannot deliver the quality that I demand myself. I will 'return' to, and re-focus again on, my own business in the flightsim industry: FSAddon Publishing, SupportMyFS, AVClassic, WhyFly.aero and my web-design work. You can always reach me via the website and forum at www.FSAddon.com, our shop at www.Silvercloud-store.com, or any of the other many places on the Internet that I frequent. Also, my private email is at your service at francois@fssupport.com. Working on NEW projects already and excited about continuing to serve this wonderful global FS community of ours, I remain Respectfully yours, Francois A. 'Navman' Dumas
  12. That's easy: I am the new Managing Editor (officially mainly doing the website, but reality often defies gravity, so I am doing the mag as well currently). Marc Goergen, owner of Maui Artwork in Luxemburg who also produce Flight! Magazin, is the new owner. You can read it all i this (and other) article on our new website here: http://www.computerpilot.com/the-magazine/what-happened/ And there's even an interview on-line at FS Breaks here: Hope this helps ;-)
  13. Thought, so, which is why I asked, but wanted to be sure. I am not really pretending to NOT be a commercial member :lol:
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