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Cai Zicheng

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  1. Can you screenshot your air conditioning / bleed air panel at lower right portion of your overhead? Probably Isolation Valve wasn't configured correctly.
  2. Seems like you activated A.FLOOR / low speed protection? It commands automatic full thrust until normal airspeed is recovered but will lock TOGA power until manually disengaged. It's a hypothesis.
  3. So... you only have a un-textured cockpit model, and you expect early 2021, which is 4-5 months away at most?
  4. Reality XP GTN User's Manual (XPlane).pdf, Page 20 Integration Guidelines. Please note the [.PANEL3D] section requires rendering coordinates (frame.rect=) to display in this aircraft 3D cockpit and they are specific to the 3D model, which is why it is good practice to shield the user from file...
  5. This is essentially replacing the DirectX 12 dll that shipped with P3Dv5 with the ones shipped with Windows. Wonder what side effects are there.
  6. It doesn't work that way. Even if you tick that box, the window still come up every time.
  7. Here's what I have figured out. You have to compile the scenery into bgl files yourself using P3D SDK. I have written a MATLAB script to do so in batch and parallel, and you can translate into whatever language you code in. clear classes;close all;clc sceneryFolder = "H:\Ortho4XP_FSX_P3D-airport_auto_patch\Orthophotos\+30-100\+30-098\BI_18"; resampleFilePath = "C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 SDK\World\Terrain\resample.exe"; fileList = dir(sceneryFolder); fileList(1:2,:) = []; infList = []; infFolder = fileList.folder for index = 1:size(fileList,1) if strcmp(extractAfter(fileList(index).name,"."),'inf') infList = [infList;fileList(index).name]; end end fprintf("Inf Search Complete\n") parfor infIndex = 1:size(infList,1) cmdStr = strcat('"',resampleFilePath,'"'," ",infFolder,"\",infList(infIndex,:)) system(cmdStr) end
  8. resample.exe is in fsx/p3d sdk.
  9. Just one question though, the tool generates two folders - terrain/ and texture/. How do you add these to P3D?
  10. What's better than having source code on github and you can help fixing bugs and adding new features as you go?
  11. This is awesome work! Thank you!
  12. Company route is the line in the FMC where you do it.
  13. It's an FPGA chipset for field controls and data collections. Not intended for PC programs.
  14. Is Lockheed still planning a 64 bit version? Yes Will it be an upgrade option for the 32 bit version or standalone purchase? No
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