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another clue to FS minimization?

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I've done 3 different flights in the last few days with the ASG box checked. In the past this always seemed caused FS to minimize after AS6 finished its initial processing. I think there may be a link between this problem and the presence of a VC cockpit. Hard to believe, but here's what happened: Rechecked 'Keep ASG runing on autosubmit' then I ran a flight with the PMDG 737 with no virtual cockpit loaded and there was no minimization. Then ran a flight the next day with Milton Shupe's Aerocommander with a VC. POP! FS minimizes after initial processing. Then, did a flight with Aeroworx King Air, no VC loaded and no minimization. All flights started with first AS6 loaded, and then IFR plan processed, then FSAutoStart to start FS. I only start RC4 after everything else, including the mninization. Only happens once, then the rest of the flight is normal. Mike

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Hi Mike,Thanks for that! Now, try without using FSAutoStart. Does this make a difference?Hope this helps,Jimhttp://www.hifisim.com/Active Sky V6 Development TeamActive Sky V6 Proud SupporterHiFi Beta TeamRadar Contact Supporter

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Using the Aerocommander with the VC I did 2 tests: one with FSAutoStart and one without. Started AS6, processed the flight plan and then started FS. In *both* cases FS minimized after the initial weather processing. Hope this helps. Mike

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Hi Mike,OK it is not AutoStart. What Build of ASv6 are you running?Hope this helps,Jimhttp://www.hifisim.com/Active Sky V6 Development TeamActive Sky V6 Proud SupporterHiFi Beta TeamRadar Contact Supporter

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Hi,Can you try B485 from the top of this forum?Thanks!Hope this helps,Jimhttp://www.hifisim.com/Active Sky V6 Development TeamActive Sky V6 Proud SupporterHiFi Beta TeamRadar Contact Supporter

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Just tried Build 485 and still have minimization with one small change: FS minimizes as AS writes the airport the plane is at, rather than the minimization occurring after the update is completed. Mike

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Hi,OK, from your view is it safe to eliminate the VC causing this?Hope this helps,Jimhttp://www.hifisim.com/Active Sky V6 Development TeamActive Sky V6 Proud SupporterHiFi Beta TeamRadar Contact Supporter

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Not yet. I did the test with build 485 with the VC. Let me try again without the VC and see what happens. I'll get back to you. Mike

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Ok, the VC is definitely *not* the problem. Just tried with the Aeroworx King Air with both 2D and VC and got minimization on both. Don't have a clue now as to why I had several instances where everything was stable. We at least know it's not FSAutoStart. I also reset the PCI latency seting on my card from 248 to 64 before running FS. It's always helped in terms of frame rates; could that be an issue?? Mike

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Hi,Set it back to 248 and see. I have mine set low and don't have a problem, but every machine is different!Hope this helps,Jimhttp://www.hifisim.com/Active Sky V6 Development TeamActive Sky V6 Proud SupporterHiFi Beta TeamRadar Contact Supporter

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Hi,It almost sounds like FSUIPC might be part of the problem here. Which version are you running? If running a newer beta, might I suggest rolling back to the latest official release. We can try a previous release as well, to potentially isolate this to newer versions. Just e-mail me at damianc@hifisim.com and I'll send you something a few months old.Thanks!

Damian Clark
HiFi  Simulation Technologies

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FSUIPC is 3.553. I don't really want to roll back as then I would have to put up with the old ADvDisp for RC4 which was awful. I've had this problem since the beginning of AS6, which was with an older version of FSIUPC. FSUIPC is unregistered version BTW. Mike

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Hi Mike,And all experiencing any further automatic minimization issues:Please see the new thread "Automatic Minimization With B485" and post your latest findings. We've had numerous threads with different problems, some solved in recent beta updates, and need to re-organize and see who exactly is still experiencing this and if it is occuring in the same place/at the same time for all?The latest conclusions we have are: This occurs for 4 users, no other reports, and occurs only during the initial ASv6 update processes with Beta 485. Subsequent updates do not cause minimization.So please post on the new thread so we can organize the findings and get this solved. Please confirm/deny the above conclusions in your experience. Thanks!Best,

Damian Clark
HiFi  Simulation Technologies

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