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Guest ba747heavy

>What say you?Somebody has been watching Bill O'Reilly ;-);-)

Guest Bigshot

I've got a PIV2.53 with 512mb of PC1066 and a 9700 Pro. I lock my frames at 22fps. If I leave em' unlimited, the terrain and autogen features turn to crap real fast. I'd suggest you folks that don't lock your framerates max out all the sliders and then try with lock and without lock. You'll see a huge difference. Much more eye candy with it locked. I suspect it all depends on where you set your sliders and video card.


After about an hour in the FS9 Robinson R-22, running with reasonable country scenery including clouds, hills, and plenty of trees, I maintained a near perfect 35 fps with limiter set at 35 fps. This worked for both VC and spot view. Full panel view is in upper 20's.At 35 fps, this new sim is just like a fluid running X-Plane, but better scenery! :) Lot's of low-level chopper type flight with extremely smooth running images......................what a delight! :)There is no doubt in my mind, that fluid flight is in the 30's and above. This has strayed from the original topic a bit, but I thought I'd mention it.edit.... sim specs----- just an Athlon 1900XP/Geforce3Ti500/512DDRramLadamson

Guest flightpro08

I've had similar experiencs as Barry. Throughout my time with FS2k2, I've tried various frame-rate lock settings and such, but always come back to the unlimited setting. Overall I found the sim to run best with this setting. Of course, I'm sure this is another option that dramatically varies from system to system.Ryan-Flightpro08 :-cool VATSIM Pilot/ControllerZLA ARTCC Senior Controller (C-3)Help Fight Cancer! www.ud.comhttp://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg-----------------------------My "Home Made" System Specs:Intel Pentium 4 2.2GHz ProcessorTurbo Gamer ATX Mid-Tower with 420W Power SupplyEPoX 4G4A Motherboard with Intel 845G ChipsetVisiontek XTASY GeForce4 128MB Ti4600 (Det 42.86 Drivers)1GB PC2100 DDR RAM40GB Matrox 7200RPM Hard DriveWindows XP Home Edition SP1*No CPU or GPU Overclocking*-----------------------------Click Here to Download my American Eagle POSKY CRJ-200!

Guest byoung

I just ordered a Dell Laptop, one I hope will handle FS 2004.Pentium 4 2.2 GHZNVidia 64MB Card (Max in a laptop)512 MB RAM40GB Hard Drive.15.4 WXGA ScreenNow the question is what kind of USB controller do you use when mobile???Barry

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