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Guest metaleye

Mr. Steven;Thank you so much for your help. I think that FSMeteo is the best choice at this moment. I must thank you all for your time and the great knowledge you have shown in this matter. I'm just starting now in this field, but I think is a very rewarding one. My job at the research laboratory leaves me little time for myselfe, but the procedures related to the Flight Sim world helps me to relax my mind. I'm also taking my clases to obtain my private pilot certificate, in a small, but interesting Cesna 172.Thank you all;

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Metaleye,It is cool you are just starting out and you are asking questions. You'll find a lot of useful folks here that will try their hardest to help. However, you seem to be very rude to people who offer suggestions that you don't like. You won't make many friends with those kind of responses. Nobody in the thread above deserved to be spoken to like that. Your English is well written enough to not be confusing.

Guest metaleye

Mr. Rich;I knock on the door very gently, but I was received with a buck of cold water. I think that if you have a real desire to help others you just don't send them to do their own research, you just help, without any other thoughts in your mind. I must admit that some people are more delicate than others and they just get offended too easy. I did ask for excuses to all that in one way or the other felt offended, I consider this matter closed.Thank you all;


HiI know this user named Jentwing that would be able to help you in terms that you might understand.I just know you two would get along swimmingly.;)I myself would take Jase439`s advice as he`s been around awhile and is pointing you in the right direction.Best RegardsTed


This metaleye character has a loooong, hard road ahead of him.George Stoddard


Metaleye,You are 100% correct. You asked a sensible question and all that was needed was a sensible "answer". If the individual replying did not know the answer to the question then why did he bother to reply? If he did know the answer then again why did he bother to reply without supplying the "answer"? This kind of mindlessness profits none of us on the forum. I don't know what it is about computer forums but they have the tendency to to attract many with little common decency. You politely and courteously asked a question. It was not too much to expect a polite and courteous answer.Have fun with your Simming.Regardshdcafe


hdcafe, With the above post bein your only contribution to the forum-it seems rich of you to start criticisng us.RegardsJohn


This was not my only post. Just my only post in awhile. Been here a long long time pal!Regards,hdcafePS. How can you blame this guy for having an "attitude" when all he did was politely ask a simple question and got nothing but grief for it? He had every right to defend himself.ssurjap was the only one who got it right.


Ah but it is true. Many times people reply with nothing to offer a particular post. It would seem they are more interested in criticising the prose used, or the percieved attitude of the poster. Very difficult to understand sometimes through text on a PC, on the other hand some people get their kicks from stirring it up on forums, sad really, no doubt they would never dream of doing it face to face for fear of certain physical retribution.Many times I think if you can't help or aren't interested in helping, then why post? Bit like I am doing now, n'est pas? LOLTo the poster, buy FS Meteo, you will not regret it. It has the same features as Active Sky now with it's own dedicated server which is very reliable. I understand you will need to wait for your internet connection to be repaired. FS Meteo is very stable and will give you no problems. It has the most up to date weather of all the available choices. I cannot speak for freeware as I have never used it. Hope that is helpfull in your quest.

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Rich,<>I found nothing rude about metaleye's replies. On the contrary, I find your replies to a person whose primary language is not English to be ill judged AND rude.Have a bit of tolerance for non-English speakers.

Ray (Cheshire, England).

System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).

Cheadle Hulme Weather website.



This is getting interesting. I read posts by people I know. People I chat with on IM almost every day. Sometimes the post would seem abrasive and rude, but knowing the person, I can see he's extracting the urine. The folks who don't know them would have another take on it, the inherent weakness of forums.It also occured to me, how do you know when a person is being truthfull? Reading some posts where the writer professes a lack of skill in a particular language gives away little hints that perhaps that is a ruse. Quite entertaining actually.I find the best use of forums is the original posters apparent purpose. To get different opinions on something. That is usually far more informative than the reviews we read on the major sim sites.Of course some folks are just a plain old pain in the posterior, :-).

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Robert,You're quite right - we don't know if ANY poster is being truthful with their personal info, we just have to accept that they are.With regard to metaleye I am convinced he is Japanese simply because he is so polite - something the Japanese are renowned for. I could be wrong of course but my hunch is that he is what he says he is.<,Of course some folks are just a plain old pain in the posterior, :-).>>How right you are! The only reason some visit these pages is to have a bash at anyone they take a dislike to.Cheers,

Ray (Cheshire, England).

System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).

Cheadle Hulme Weather website.



You articulated my point well. I own FS Meteo myself and think it is a great utility for FS. I would have answered Metaleye's question myself if I could have, but I have never used the other program so I left that up to someone who has and could give him the answer he was looking for. Normally I just wouldn't post but when I saw this guy (a newbie) getting hammered just for looking for info I just decided to give him a little encouragement and let him know that not everybody on this forum is a butthead!Regards,John


>Basically, the difference between the two programs is where>it gets the weather from.>>GetWeather gets its feed from Jeppensen and FSMeteo uses its>own servers. Also, FSMeteo updates the weather every 6>minutes (I believe), and GetWeather updates the weather every>15 minutes (since it uses the logic from FS2004 directly).>>In addition, FSMeteo allows you to set different options in>how the weather is handled. GetWeather doesn't.There is no way to get a weather update every 6 or every 15 minutes, the METAR reports are normaly update every 30 minutes at max. So a update every 6 minutes is nothing then wasted bandwith.FSMeteo use METAR reports as Jeppensen do.ByeMarkus

Guest WorkingStiff

This is absolutely crazy; you guys are getting your shorts in a bunch for no good reason.The original poster asked "Can you tell me why I have to pay to get FS_METEO V6.0 if I can get Getweather v3.0 from BEARSOFT for free" Well, the only logical answer really is because the creator of FS Meteo asks us to pay for it. Jase439, who I'm familiar with and who is exceedingly helpful, simply suggested that Metaleye download the FS Meteo trial and compare the two programs for himself. How was he to know that Metaleye did not have internet connection so he couldn't download it?But the difference between GetWeather and FSMeteo is that Getweather is a static program; it downloads the global weather at a fixed time for later use. On the other hand FSMeteo is live and dynamic; with weather update times that can be configured by the user. It also allows you to retrieve current departure, enroute, and destination weather and can translate METARS into plain English.Programs like FSMeteo and Activesky wxRE get their basic weather data, the METARS, from NOAA's servers. The private server used by FSMeteo is merely an interface between the users and the NOAA server and it also collates additional information like worldwide winds aloft data. The private server apparently is also used for security since FSMeteo "phones home" user information such as the IP address of the user.With Activesky, the user connects directly to NOAA's servers to retrieve weather information. The difference is that Activesky simulates "winds aloft" when that information is not available for a particular geographic area on NOAA's servers while FSMeteo apparently has a private source for worldwide "winds aloft" information. I guess it is also useful to have a private server because everytime NOAA changes its reporting format, ActiveSky wxRE has had to be updated but with a private server the change only has to be made in the server and the process is transparent to end users.Specifically for COF2004, FSMeteo can download individual weather station data, instead of global weather, so the user can see storms build up in the distance, for example. ActiveSky wxRE does not yet have this functionality but it will be available in the new version.But the bottom line is that a simple reading of the websites of both products would have been enough to demonstrate the differences between the two products. I should also add that for simming purposes, the weather data retrieved from NOAA is usually much more current and reliable than the weather data provided by Jeppesen. The difference is pricing between GetWeather and programs like FS Meteo and ActiveSky wxRE can be explained by the ability to retrieve live weather data on a continuous basis as opposed to a snapshot of the weather at one particular time.

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