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CPU upgrade question

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Yeah i5/i3's are just newer versions of the Core Duo line.. they were never meant to outperform anything, just a name change and more Media instructions.
I'd agree about the above - however, I think it's all about price as what Core Duo will give out 4.4ghz on two cores for C$135? Intel's nomenclature does pi$$ me off somewhat! I can imagine the conversations that go on in Best Buy with the majority non-geek population.
I don't disagree that it isn't. But at a certain level they both(i5/core duos) lag behind the i7. Read up on QPI (quick path interconnect), it's really what sets the i7 apart from any other chip. The next Gen Sandybridge also has 2x the QPI lanes as the i7. It really is that simple, however manufacturering the QPI components is very expensive, the increase die size yeilds less chips per wafer.
When comparing the i3, i5 and i7, I'd also agree that QPI is probably the thing that gives luckyman many more FPS in FSX on his i7 vs the i3/i5 in our thread linked above. I'm still exploring the boundaries with my "budget build" until I get bored with it, but I totally agree that the i7-9xx series is the one to get for the "ultimate build".

5600x, 6800xt, Samsung Odyssey HMD+

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More info for this bear of little brain to digest. :wink: So is there a (big) difference between the low end and high end i3 CPSs aside from the $40 price increase?What, pray tell, is an "HTPC". Someone said I could use my old parts in it.Someone mentioned cooling. Shouldn't be a problem, my Antec 900 case has lots of big fans.*Oh yeah, and is there a max amount of RAM that FSX can use? And, as someone said, I am on a budget. I need a new pair of work boots and those alone are the cost of a 460 video card. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I've got it pretty good. I just don't have a lot of money.

I'm just flying for the fun of it.

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Guest luckyman
More info for this bear of little brain to digest. :wink: So is there a (big) difference between the low end and high end i3 CPSs aside from the $40 price increase?What, pray tell, is an "HTPC". Someone said I could use my old parts in it.Someone mentioned cooling. Shouldn't be a problem, my Antec 900 case has lots of big fans.*Oh yeah, and is there a max amount of RAM that FSX can use? And, as someone said, I am on a budget. I need a new pair of work boots and those alone are the cost of a 460 video card. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I've got it pretty good. I just don't have a lot of money.
HTPC seems to be home theather PC not at all sure what it is?As for RAM FSX won't even use 4GB that's why if your on a budget it's the perfect amount, try and get the lowest latency possible i.e. best (6-6-6) (ideal:7-7-7 )(max 8-8-8) and 1600MHz RAM.So your saying the GTX 460 is too much? If so this is the one for you GTS 450 is 130$ http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130572&cm_re=gts_450-_-14-130-572-_-Product

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HTPC seems to be home theather PC not at all sure what it is?As for RAM FSX won't even use 4GB that's why if your on a budget it's the perfect amount, try and get the lowest latency possible i.e. best (6-6-6) (ideal:7-7-7 )(max 8-8-8) and 1600MHz RAM.So your saying the GTX 460 is too much? If so this is the one for you GTS 450 is 130$ http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130572&cm_re=gts_450-_-14-130-572-_-Product
Thanks.It's not so much that a 460 is too much, I was just curious if there was similar FSX performance in the lower priced 768MB 460 card. If there was no difference, then that would give me $50 to put on other parts.

I'm just flying for the fun of it.

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HTPC is indeed a home theatre PC. I use it for on demand video and bluray - we don't have cable (oh horror), we just use CTV/global/netflix.ca/BBC iplayer/hulu to watch TV. The Core 2 Duo is very capable. But that's another story.If you're worried about $$$, don't worry about the video card. My experience of i3 + 8800GTS (mine is 320mb) was just fine with FSX @ 1280x1024 on my 19" square monitor. The Antec 900 is a fantastic case (a friend has one, I couldn't afford it at the time) and 650W will be plenty power. i3 + 8800GTS + 2 drives + DVD drive drew about 260W max when overclocked.As for i3-530 and i3-540 there really isn't a huge jump, I wouldn't go as far to describe high and low end. Here's what I would do given the information you have provided:1. Get your work boots first. Because work earns money and money means more PC goodies. I had to spend a few hundred $$$ for books and exams for work before I could embark on my PC journey...2. Get an i3-540 ($135) + mobo ($100) + 4GB DDR3 RAM ($100) = about $350 + tax, which is the figure you mentioned in your first post. I'm sure there are some price cuts on the way. Use this with your 8800GTS 640mb and you'll still be well pleased. Just make sure you overclock to get the best value for money although be aware technically speaking you'll be voiding all warranties. I asked the CC guys how they know if we try to return something broken by over enthusiastic overclocking - they replied "burn marks"!3. Then when you're feeling financially sound get a GTX460 or similar. Depending on how long that is, you may find a GTX460 768mb for well under C$160. My gut feeling was not to bother with a GTS450 when you've already got an 8800GTS unless you need HDMI or lower power consumption. The 8800GTS really is a rather capable card. Spending $150 on a GTS450 is a poor value proposition. Or you could get one for C$110 after mail in rebate with some free games: http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=55435&vpn=N450GTS%20Cyclone%201GD5%2FOC&manufacture=MSI%2FMicroStar&promoid=1207 (limited time offer though)4. Eventually you'll want to upgrade your CPU cooler. The stock intel heatsink and fan got me to 4ghz before temps became a problem. The Coolermaster Hyper 212 plus was $20 and got me to a point where my CPU was limiting progress, not the temps.Disclaimer: I have an obvious bias towards the Intel Core i3 and the nVidia GTX460 - my opinions are based on the fact that this combo works for me and I know it works well. My choices were based on the experiences of others. I hope this is useful.

5600x, 6800xt, Samsung Odyssey HMD+

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HTPC is indeed a home theatre PC. I use it for on demand video and bluray - we don't have cable (oh horror), we just use CTV/global/netflix.ca/BBC iplayer/hulu to watch TV. The Core 2 Duo is very capable. But that's another story.If you're worried about $$$, don't worry about the video card. My experience of i3 + 8800GTS (mine is 320mb) was just fine with FSX @ 1280x1024 on my 19" square monitor. The Antec 900 is a fantastic case (a friend has one, I couldn't afford it at the time) and 650W will be plenty power. i3 + 8800GTS + 2 drives + DVD drive drew about 260W max when overclocked.As for i3-530 and i3-540 there really isn't a huge jump, I wouldn't go as far to describe high and low end. Here's what I would do given the information you have provided:1. Get your work boots first. Because work earns money and money means more PC goodies. I had to spend a few hundred $$$ for books and exams for work before I could embark on my PC journey...2. Get an i3-540 ($135) + mobo ($100) + 4GB DDR3 RAM ($100) = about $350 + tax, which is the figure you mentioned in your first post. I'm sure there are some price cuts on the way. Use this with your 8800GTS 640mb and you'll still be well pleased. Just make sure you overclock to get the best value for money although be aware technically speaking you'll be voiding all warranties. I asked the CC guys how they know if we try to return something broken by over enthusiastic overclocking - they replied "burn marks"!3. Then when you're feeling financially sound get a GTX460 or similar. Depending on how long that is, you may find a GTX460 768mb for well under C$160. My gut feeling was not to bother with a GTS450 when you've already got an 8800GTS unless you need HDMI or lower power consumption. The 8800GTS really is a rather capable card. Spending $150 on a GTS450 is a poor value proposition. Or you could get one for C$110 after mail in rebate with some free games: http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=55435&vpn=N450GTS%20Cyclone%201GD5%2FOC&manufacture=MSI%2FMicroStar&promoid=1207 (limited time offer though)4. Eventually you'll want to upgrade your CPU cooler. The stock intel heatsink and fan got me to 4ghz before temps became a problem. The Coolermaster Hyper 212 plus was $20 and got me to a point where my CPU was limiting progress, not the temps.Disclaimer: I have an obvious bias towards the Intel Core i3 and the nVidia GTX460 - my opinions are based on the fact that this combo works for me and I know it works well. My choices were based on the experiences of others. I hope this is useful.
Great post. Thank you.I was looking at some charts at Tomshardware and saw that my 8800GTS 640MB is still a respectable card. I think I will wait until spring to change it and concentrate what cash I have now on the CPU/MB/RAM. And, yes, work boots first.Be well. :Peace:

I'm just flying for the fun of it.

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Yeah I love that series (http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/graphics-card-geforce-radeon,2761.html). What I advise is pick a card you like now and then see how much it costs in the spring - probably a ton of savings to be made there. The next round of ATI/AMD 6xxx series is due out next week - I'm not saying get one of these but their release may drive the price down of other cards.And I reckon newer does not definitely mean better especially where the 8800GTS cards are concerned - still a great card and still gave me decent FPS in FSX and CoD4:MW.

5600x, 6800xt, Samsung Odyssey HMD+

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Guest luckyman
Yeah I love that series (http://www.tomshardw...adeon,2761.html). What I advise is pick a card you like now and then see how much it costs in the spring - probably a ton of savings to be made there. The next round of ATI/AMD 6xxx series is due out next week - I'm not saying get one of these but their release may drive the price down of other cards.And I reckon newer does not definitely mean better especially where the 8800GTS cards are concerned - still a great card and still gave me decent FPS in FSX and CoD4:MW.
Forget those ATi 6XXX cards they proably will be just like the 5XXX is FSX, I say save some extra money each week and get the GTX495 when it comes out, It will be amazing!Sounds like a good rig, CM 212 is a super deal!

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Guest freebird77
Forget those ATi 6XXX cards they proably will be just like the 5XXX is FSX, I say save some extra money each week and get the GTX495 when it comes out, It will be amazing!Sounds like a good rig, CM 212 is a super deal!
Amazing? Not really - 495 is only likely to be two 460s on single PCB ala 295 GTX meaning little to FSX. Better for FSX will be the 485 but (getting all 512 cores and maybe a die shrink = higher O/C headroom) will offer only the slightest improvemnt over the 480.Hopefully Kepler offers more than Fermi.

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Guest luckyman
Amazing? Not really - 495 is only likely to be two 460s on single PCB ala 295 GTX meaning little to FSX. Better for FSX will be the 485 but (getting all 512 cores and maybe a die shrink = higher O/C headroom) will offer only the slightest improvemnt over the 480.Hopefully Kepler offers more than Fermi.
Well see, don't be so quick to say stuff..

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Guest freebird77
Well see, don't be so quick to say stuff..
Maybe its time to apply that to yourself.That you continue to say in this and in other post that the non existing -non announced 495 will be "amazing" is a bit hypocritical of you If I am "being so quick to say stuff" so just chill.The "stuff" that was simply pointed out is the only somewhat likely credable rumor is that it will be a duel chip based on the 460, which we already know doesnt to chip for FSX (see 295GTX).We really dont need anymore hype ok?Thanks

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And we're back! Looking pretty good for my upgrade. Maybe even make the order today. Still planning on going from my E6700/4GB DDR2 to an i3/4GB DDR3, plus the MB of course.A stupid question if I may: If I change the CPU and MB, do I have to reload everything from scratch? I'm guessing my machine gets wiped clean but I just want to make sure.Also, if I may ask yet again, is there really any difference between the i3 530 and the i3 560 as far as FSX is concerned?Thanks again for all the help. :Peace:

I'm just flying for the fun of it.

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