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AS2012 in FSX - Heavy stuttering in Standard Mode - no performance issue

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I use AS2012 in a network configuration with FSX / Win7.FSX always has about 36 FPS, so also in DWC mode. Yesterday I tried the Standard Mode and there was something strange: the FSX showed stable 36 FPS to me, but the whole animation system of the FSX stuttered in 1s-intervalls. I've seen this never before, it was no performance issue. Switching back to DWC mode, it was gone.I was able to reproduce it again and again on different airports - switching over to Standard mode and it was there, switching back to DWC, it was gone. The FSX showed 30-36 FPS over the time in all modes, it seems, the stuttering had nothing to do with FPS.So what could it be? With this behavior the standard mode is useless.Best regardsJörgwww.cockpit-simulation.de

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It's the result of Standard Mode and SimConnect. Standard because that is the way AS is communicating with SimConnect. The same would be true of other weather programs that communicate with SC in this manner. The only fix is not to use Standard Mode. Please also note that some systems experience this worse than other systems.

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Thank you. Is there any idea WHY it is more ore less worse on different systems?I tried to use it because I use RadarContact too and in DWC the ATIS / QNH are always wrong (I know 122.00 / 122.02 - but that does not remove the problem that the ATC says the wrong QNH and winds on TO). I also noticed that in DWC - even if you press "refresh AI", the other aircrafts often use other/opposite runways.In a semi professional environment like our (www.cockpit-simulation.de) - with partly very professional "guests" - this is not what I have dreamed of - altough AC2012 is still the best avail.So I thought the standard mode would fix the problems - and it is - but then it stutters. Because of that, a last "mean" question: when it is known that the standard mode is unusable because of the stottering why it is implemented then?

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Hi,I cannot let your comment about the interface between As2012 and Radar Contact pass without a comment.Since AS2012 came out I have not had any instance when the ATIS broadcast by Radar Contact for departure has been different from the weather as shown in AS2012.I have flown over 50 flights since AS2012 came out without a problem.Are you using the latest Beta SP1 and are all the other bits like FSUIPC up to date?If you have a Radar Contact problem drop a post on that forum too.I do not use 122.00/122.02 with R C.

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According to ActiveSky 2012 User's Guide, page 8, part "Direct Weather Control":"FS ATIS will not report the actual surface conditions that will be depicted. In order to receive actual surface conditions, the AS2012 ATIS/Flightwatch Voice features should be used."Since RadarContact does not communicate direct with AS2012 (it takes the weather from FSX), it is in my opinion not possible, that the RC ATIS is correct. You are a miracle. I did more than 50 flights and I can tell you, that the RC ATIS does every time differ to the AS2012-surface conditions and according to the manual this is quite normal.Can everybody clear those up?

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Hi JörgI have the same problem with the ATIS when i inst. the fsuipc 4.812 . i have downgrade fsuipc to 4.80 and now for me the atis from RC is +/- ok. i have do 3 flghts in the last view days.Peter

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Do you use the latest Beta SP1 ? (I don't use it, because the word "beta" is a bad word if you drive a commercial simulator :-) )You said, it worked +/- for you. How big are the +/- - for example regarding QNH?

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Seems, the incorrect RC-ATIS could work, if one use the BETA SP1 and FSUIPC 4.80 - not newer! With FSUIPC-versions after 4.80 it doesn't work. I dropped a short post at FSUIPC support forum.If the RC-ATIS works with the DWC mode, then the origin problem of this post were solved.

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QNH correctTemp.correct +/-1Wind dir. correct +/-1Wind +/- 1-3for my last flightwith last Beta update for AS2012 SP1 , fsuipc 4.80 and Radar Contact , PMDG NGX737 SP1C , EFB last update

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Hi,Just done ESGG -ESSA without a problem.I did use AS2012 ATIS at ESGG and found that it was reporting ESSA conditions not ESGG conditions.When I used RC ATIS all was correct.As I posted earlier,I have not found any problems at all.I do make sure that everything loads and then just to make sure I refresh thweather and AI at departure aircraft and have always used RC ATIS.

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@Norman:did you use 122.00 or 122.02 for ActiveSky at departure?Also which refreshs did you, Refresh AI? Did you load the route into AS2012?Which version of FSUIPC did you use?

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Hi,I used both frequencies with similar results.I will detail how I set up my FSX.i Use FS build to export the route to RC and FSX.I start AS2012 and let it process the Flight Plan.I then press the FSX button and wait for FSX to load.I position the aircraft,PMDG737NGX -800 at the departure airport and allow weather to settle.I complete the aircraft set up by which time I have had an automatic weather refresh(Every 15mins).At ESGG last night the only change from the original weather was a slight wind speed varience of 5 Knots.At this point I pressed.refresh followed by refresh AI. I asked for the ATIS information ,and following your comments .I first of all used AS2012 ATIS,both frequencies, and found that each gave the arrival info.I switched to RC ATIS and found it to be correct.(Not surprised)I used FSUIPC 4.812 and apart from some lag on arrival all of the info was correct.I will try another flight tonight using the revised Dll from Peter Dowson.I am not anticipating any problems.Over the years of using AS products,I have always refreshed the weather prior to getting clearence.This was some advice given to me long ago on the RC forum! It has never let me down unless I have a senior moment!

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Ok, thanks. Will also try the revised DLL from Pete on saturday morning.Will also check if refresh the weather helps.The only strange thing is the AS2012-Freq : 122.00 should give the actual weather and 122.02 the arrival. No idea why it don't work for you...? This, for example, worked in my system.

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Hi,EGLC -EGPF tonight with the new FSUIPC dll and found no problems at all using my methods.The AS Atis also worked in the correct manner.Norman

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