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Two problems with 3.34.1

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Hi guys,


yesterday I've downloaded version 3.34.1 and I have two problems.


The first is about DHM. Whenever DHM is enabled and the effect is starting, my eyepoint is set to a position way further back and higher then my default eyepoint. Disabling DHM solves this but I like the DHM effects very much.


A second thing is windshifts. During climb and descent in the NGX I experience severe windshifts. Sometimes a sudden 180 degree change or sometimes the wind spins 360 degrees during 10 seconds or so. I have the Adjust Sim Friendly Options and Use Maximum Stabilisation options ticked. Also Wind Stabilistion and Automatic Windstabilisation is ticked. I always enter a flightplan every route. What can cause this? I don't recall having problems in the past with OpusFSX winds...


Hope you can help :)




Harm Swinkels


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We have posted Beta 3.34.2 today.


I've not seen the DHM eyepoint shift before. Perhaps it is related to the FSX bug which shifts your camera position when you move to a different location in the world, have you tried altering the camera position with the LCC controls to see if this makes a difference?


Certain wind conditions will be more likely to generate wind shifts. Is it happening in different locations with different wind direction conditions? If you are using maximum stabilisation and are using GRIB you will have the Stabilised GRIB Data option enabled which makes the GRIB forecast data static, i.e. no further GRIB upper wind/temperature forecasts are downloaded during the flight so wind shifts should be most unlikely. Are you sure you don't have any other weather injection from FSX or 3rd party packages?



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Sometimes there are just certain large directional wind changes between the surface and FL200 and above that, even though relatively Sim Friendly, FSX will struggle with meeting or adjusting to with its flawed ambient wind calculations. Nothing much can be done about this except that to accept most wind changes are manageable.


I would not recommend setting the Stabilised GRIB Data option if your wind shifts occur during the climb or descent phases because it is most likely due to these large directional changes and not due to changing Upper winds.


Set the Stabilised GRIB Data option only as a last resort when you are getting wind shifts whilst in a steady cruise.



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Check the Lower Atmospheric Weather Report, or the OpusWeatherReport.txt, if the wind direction targets from the surface up to FL200 change by a large amount (about 360 degrees or so) then expect problems with FSX during the climb as FSX on some systems may struggle to change the ambient winds swiftly enough to maintain its targets. Normally this may result in one or more small wind shifts but should sort itself out by the time you reach FL200.


As I said above, nothing can be done about this but it doesn't happen too often as usually the directional changes are more manageable for the FSX code.



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Thanks for the fast replies! Indeed the winds change quite a lot from FL180 to f.i. FL240. So that may be the cause.


Concerning the eyepoint. I have set up the eyepoint with LCC. The eyepoint is normal when there is no input of the DHM effects. Just when those effects start, the eyepoint moves just a tad ahead (towards the glareshield). If I pan around, all seems normal. But when I press the reset Eyepoint command, the eyepoint resets to the original value but then immediately shifts again a bit forward. It is a small issue, but it is a bit annoying. This didn't happen with previous versions. I'll try 3.34.2 later today, maybe it doesn't occur with that version.


Harm Swinkels


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Try disabling the head acceleration effects in the DHM just in case its these causing the forward head movement. Are you using LC views or just the General DHM, the General DHM does assume an initial eye point position of 0,0,0 0,0,0.



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I fixed the problem with the DHM. I downloaded a CDF file for the NGX recently. Deleting this file from the OPUS folder removed the problem.


The winds seem okay now. I probably had two stabilization modes enabled which conflicted with each other (?) Perhaps sim friendly wind targets and stabilized GRIB?


Harm Swinkels


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The stabilisation modes shouldn't conflict with each other. Glad to hear your DHM is sorted although I'm not sure why the CDF would have introduced an offset, perhaps it was something to do with head acceleration.



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