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Davit Abesalashvili

Crash when load finish

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Hello.I am new at pilot of 737.I have issue.when loading is finished cockpit appears and than crash(without fatal error) it's all time I try.I have Low system and I also set parameters to low resolution in performance manager and what to do? 

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Do you get an error message when it crashes? Should be something like "microsoft flight simulator has stopped working" click more details.

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Guest troyk

Wow, I had the same problem this week. I would load up the NGX or 777 at an airport and FSX would crash after a few seconds during the initialization countdown with a fatal error message. FSX then would automatically restart.


It was driving me nuts!


I finally resolved the problem by deleting my FSX folder at location [C:\Users\<whoever>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX] and restarting FSX and then later re-adding the recommended fsx.cfg tweaks, and re-installing any add-ons that used that directory, such as FSUIPC and Ezdok.

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I am having the exact same issue. I had been using the NGX since it came out with no issues, but just yesterday I started getting "PMDG_737NGX.dll" crashes when selecting the aircraft.


However today I was no longer getting the PMDG_737NGX.dll crashes, instead FSX would close itself after load up. However there was no "microsoft flight simulator has stopped working" message, the program just closed. There aren't even any logs in the Event Viewer.


It seems to be happening just before the NGX starts its "systems initialisation". The aircraft would appear at the gate, it would start to load the VC textures, but then the program would close.


This only happens when using the NGX.


Anyone got any ideas?





Oliver Benton



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Same issue here. I have been (very) happily flying the 737 until two days ago. Then, for no apparent reason, any time I load any PM 737, FSX crashes (fatal error, restarting). I have fully un-installed the who software package, re-installed, with all Service Packs in the right order. No cigar. Very frustrating. I have not installed any other software, so the issue is not coming from there.

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OK, I now managed to get it working again. For reasons I am still trying to understand, it is now incompatible with REX environment, though I touched nothing and both had been working fine together.

So, REX out, PMDG 737NGX in!

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