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Server Camera Configuration Can't Save Cam File To Client


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Hi Stephen,


I really like your Opus Program, ironing out my last final problem.


Downloaded OpusFSX_V345 Beta.msi and after uninstall loaded it on Server.

On the client I copied this file from the server and ran it on the Client. I now have an Opus program entry in Control Panel, Programs on the Client.


I am getting the same problem as I did with the older version of OpusFSX.


OpusFSX server error message. "Unable to transfer the camera configuration data across to system FSXCLIENT"


Please note that everything else works on Opus. except the A2A 172, which is another post.

I can Copy and paste any file to or from server directories and client directories.

I have security and sharing rights for everyone on server D:, D:Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX, \\SimObjects\\\Airplanes.

I have security and sharing rights for everyone on server G:, G:OpusFSX (It's the only one on the server)

I am running Windows Firewall on the server with allowed programs - FSXCLIENT and FSXSERVER.


I have the exact same configuration settings on the Client except the OpusFSX is on C: root and D:Microsoft Flight Simulator X is a directory renamed.


My New Questions:

I find on both server and client subdirectories; The properties window has an attributes check box for Read- only. The boxes are not checked to make them read only but for some reason the boxes are blue shaded rather than clear. I can clear the blue to a clear unchecked box and apply the save but next time I open the properties it's blue again. Is Windows telling me I have some sort of read only set that I don't understand?



I don't understand how the Server OpusFSX sends CAM data to the Client. I understand the client camera data being compiled and sent to the servers OpusFSX directory and I assume that the compiled data is somehow supposed to be sent to client, uncompiled into text and saved into the clients FSX\SimObjects\aircraft.cfg file.

Sooooo, I am thinking that the error message I am receiving is limited to sharing, security, and attribute rights problems in all sub segment routines from server OpusFSX to client airplane,cfg. Do I have to worry about any other client or server locations?


Question: I worry about Homegroup Usage. I do not use homegroup. I only use Control Panel-HomeGroup-Change Advanced Sharing Settings-Change sharing Options for different net profiles-homegroup connections, and at that point have checked icon "Use user accounts and passwords to connect to other computers" This works for me to get full access to other computers. Is this OK for Opus Programs?

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You manually copying the file does not test the link since you are Administrator so there are no permissions issues.


You must set up your sharing and security permissions (for both sharing and security) on both you server and client systems. Something is blocking the FSXSERVER program and preventing it copying the file across. Please note, you MUST have added the Everyone user group and granted Full Control in both the sharing and security permissions. Do it on both the drives and the install folders, on both systems.


The CAM file is simply copied.


Also make sure you have labelled your share names on the C and G drives as C and G respectively and not used any other name which the remote software will be unaware of. Also make sure you do not have an AV program active.


Please refer to the Getting Started Guide for Networked PCs for further information.


Stephen :smile:



Sharing and Security Permissions



Set up your sharing and security permissions for Everyone on your server and client systems. Both the drive and the FSX install folder must be shared and accessible.






To set up Sharing on a drive run Windows Explorer, right click on the drive you wish to share, select Properties, select the Sharing tab, select Advanced Sharing, tick the checkbox to share the drive and enter a share name. Make sure the share name is a single letter code, e.g. C, not 'Drive C' for instance, otherwise OpusFSX will not be able to find the drive.


Click on Permissions, enter Everyone in the Group or user names box and tick the checkboxes to allow Full Control for Everyone. Some users find it is not enough to share folders, the whole drive must be shared.






Security Permissions



To set up Security Permissions run Windows Explorer, right click on the drive you wish to set Security settings for, select Properties, select the Security tab, select Everyone in the Group or user names box and ensure the Permissions are Full Control, if not click on the Edit button and tick the Permissions checkboxes to allow Full Control for Everyone. If Everyone does not exist click Advanced, click Change Permissions, click Add, type in the name Everyone and click OK. Then specify Full Control for your newly created Everyone group. Click OK.






Also select Authenticated Users in the Group or user names box and tick the checkboxes to allow Full Control.


If you are connecting more than two machines together over the network then we recommend the following options,


Bridge LAN connections through machines equipped with two LAN adapters.


Install a Gigabit LAN hub (better).


Install a Gigabit LAN switch (best).


If your network relies on other devices (routers, bridges, servers etc.) then I'm afraid we can offer very little advice or assistance, the set up to allow IPC connections will be your responsibility. OpusFSX utilizes multiple IPC connections to achieve optimum performance, it does not use socket based TCP/IP or similar links which are considered far too slow. You will therefore have to configure your network accordingly with adequate sharing, permissions and security settings assigned to all of the networked computer systems.



Win7 and XP Networked Systems



You may (or may not) experience problems if you have both Win7 and XP systems on your network. Removing the homegroup and reverting to standard networking may help. See these websites,





and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRY4_POp9zA

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To reinterate: I can fly any aircraft using Opus live camera on both the Client and Server. everything works during a flight. The Opus client receives and translates all server flight data without any problems. I just can not get Opus server to save a camera data to the client. To my mind it is entirely a file save issue between server and client.


1. I can not see that this is a LAN adapter problem or network connection problem. Data seems to perfectly flow from server to client, and client to server.


2. As instructed: I changed drive names properties-general-user defined name to single capital letter. for example C and not C: or just leaving it blank to default to "Drive Name:"


3. After many unsuccessful attempts to get a camera to save to client I uninstalled Opus on server and then reinstalled using .msi to it's recommended default install drive which is the C: drive. The G: drive OpusFSX was renamed.


I therefor only have to worry about share and security on two drives on each computer. They are drive C where OpusFSx is and drive D where the FSX program is installed.


4. On server and client computers I modified C, C\OpusFSX, D, and D\FSX subdirectory to ensure share rights, full read and write, for "everyone" On share I also tried to add "Authenticated User" and an accept then ok. Sometimes the program would write attributes to child (files within the subdirectory) and sometimes not. under share everyone always has read and write attributes. Under share "authenticated users" sometimes dissapears.


5 . On both server and client computers I modified C, C\OpusFSX, D, and D\FSX subdirectory to ensure security rights, full control, for "everyone" On security I also added "Authenticated User" and under advanced added full control then accept then ok. Under share "authenticated users" seems to stay installed.


I have only done this about nine times. Don't know what I am missing. The camera files still do not save to client.

PS: This is not a SimConnect problem is it? I would think that the "save file" command in your program would be an external windows related network save file instruction. One thing I have not done is run the clients or the servers Opus SimConnect.msi program because everything seemed to work without it.

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  • Commercial Member

Have you done this on both your server and client systems?


Can you see and confirm you have the Everyone user group listed in both the Sharing and Security Permissions (two sets) with Full Control assigned in each case.


You MUST have the Everyone group added for both sets of Permissions.


Stephen :smile:


P.S. It has nothing to do with an incorrect File Copy instruction.

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  • Commercial Member

The setting of "Use user accounts and passwords to connect to other computers" will not allow OpusFSX to access the required folder.


Extract from our docs...
The OpusFSX software uses IPC (Inter Process Communications). Multiple IPC connections provide the fastest possible links because they allow process-to-process communications without all the usual networking and routing overheads. In order to allow IPC between your Win 7 computer systems your Advanced Sharing and Windows Firewall settings must be set in accordance with the following.
Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network Sharing Center - Advanced sharing settings,
Turn on network discovery
Turn on file and printer sharing
Turn on sharing so anyone with network access can read and write ...
Use 128-bit encryption ...
Turn off password protected sharing
Allow Windows to manage Homegroup connections
Do this for both Public and Home and Work profiles. If you are using a LAN via a Public network to communicate then you can just change the settings for your Public network.
At the very least you should have 'FILE AND PRINTER SHARING' turned ON and 'PASSWORD PROTECTED SHARING' turned OFF for your network.

Remember to click 'Save Changes' after modifying each profile, you will also have to restart the FSXSERVER and FSXCLIENT program afterwards. It might also take a minute for the changes to come into effect and the client and server programs to connect.
After changing the Network Advanced Sharing above you must also enable certain features through your Windows Firewall, assuming that Windows Firewall is enabled that is, but it is best to enable the features just in case you enable the Firewall later.
Control Panel - System and Security - Windows Firewall - Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall
Enable both Home/Work(Private) and Public options for the following features,
Core Networking
File and Printer Sharing
Network Discovery
Once again, at the very least you should have 'FILE AND PRINTER SHARING' enabled through the Firewall on your server and all client systems.

Just to reiterate what Stephen said, you should set security Permissions for the Everyone group, not just authenticated users. Click on Permissions, enter Everyone in the Group or user names box and tick the checkboxes to allow Full Control for Everyone.  If Everyone does not exist click Advanced, click Change Permissions, click Add, type in the name Everyone and click OK. Then specify Full Control for your newly created Everyone group.
As you know the cameras are saved in the OpusFSX folder but you could try setting the Everyone security permissions on the whole drive too.
The server and client systems must be able to access each other.

Also make sure you don't have any non numeric or non alphabetic characters in your computer names such as _ or -. You could try using IP addresses instead of names. Not sure why this would affect the camera file saves and nothing else though, I assume the weather is correct on your client PCs.

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Sorry for the pain. This is deliriously funny but perhaps necessary if this is to be resolved. I assure you that I am doing what you tell me. I am Not at my computer now so I will respond to your directions on a later post.


For now, in order to better understand and deal with my problem, please answer simply YES or NO or NOT SURE YET to the following questions.


6. Is my camera save problem a SimConnect problem where Opus SimConnect.msi should be installed?


7. Do you agree {for the entire Opus program to work} that there are only two (2) drives on the server and two (2) drives on the client that need property changes to insure share and security rights? ( on my computer those are C drive where the OpusFSX subdirectory is located and the D drive where the FSX program is located).


8. Does the {camera save to client problem} have anything to do with share and security rights on both server and client computers D drive where the FSX programs are located?


9. Do you agree {for the entire Opus program to work} that there are only two (2) subdirectories on the server and two (2) subdirectories on the client that need property changes to insure share and security rights? ( on my computer those are C:\OpusFSX is located and the D:\FSX program is located).


10. I have installed OpusFSX_V345 Beta.msi. I was getting an occasional but not consistent camera save completed to the client before doing the last two Beta upgrades. Should I reinstall your old OpusFSX that is published?


11. Opus is doing an excellent job presenting weather, live camera etc. while I am actually flying an aircraft. Perhaps there Is a work around my save problem. Can l do a manual copy of Clientxxxxx.cam files that are saved in C:\OpusSFX on the server and pasting them into C:\OpusFSX on the client?

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But it doesn't appear that you have followed the GS guide fully. Can you confirm you have the Everyone user group added. I know this seems perhaps a silly question but 90% plus of these problems end up that user think their security and sharing permissions are OK when they have still not added the Everyone group. Authenticated Users group will NOT do or work for the software, it MUST be the Everyone group which you may have to add manually.


To answer your questions,


6. NO.

7. YES, but you most likely will need to set sharing and Sercurity on BOTH Drive and the actual install folder.

8. NO.

9. YES, but there are many other things that can block access. Such as AV program's, firewalls, routers, etc..

Plus, do not forget its both sharing, sharing permissions, and security permission, for each drive, and for each folder.

10. NO, best to sort this problem out as things may have changed since that earlier installation or upgrade. Some upgrades of other software can even effect the sharing and permissions.

11. YES, the Manila copy will get you going whist still leaving the problem.

One idea is to examine the LWA Map on the client assuming you have Live Weather Map Data enabled on the server. This uses the reverse link. The client has to copy the Opus Weather Map data file from the server into its own c:\OpusFSX\Themes folder. The server just notifies the clients that new weather data is available.


The GS Guide for Networked PCs details all the other set up steps, such as not using password protection, sharing files etc. you will need to step through this guide and not assume all is OK. You should also be aware there are many other users editing cameras on client systems. I will double check next week again of course just in case I have missed something. I didn't find any problems last weeks but I will double check.


Stephen :-)

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I would just set up my Everyone user groups for both sharing and security permissions and not bother changing Authenticated Users. Everyone IS needed for the software to obtain access and copy permissions. You may also need Authenticated Users but I cannot say for sure.


Stephen :-)

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Responding to Stephens question: Can you confirm you have the Everyone user group added.


Perhaps I do not know how to add the Everyone user group. The only thing I have done in install Everyone in Properties-Sharing-advanced sharing- permissions-share permissions and created full control for the everyone "group or user names". Same thing for Security. May be I somehow don't have a Everyone user group and do not know how to install it. Windows 7 help does not describe "user group" only " User Account" and " HomeGroup".


Responding to Firewall issue: I have removed Macafee and turned Windows firewall, Malwarebytes Off on both computers for this tweak process.


I tried to do the work- around by giving up on the servers OpusFSX-Camera save to client function and tried to do a server copy of all FSXCLIENT_xxxxx.CAM files and paste them to my clients C:\OpusFSX subdirectory but that kind of destroyed use of the program. Do the FSXCLIENT.DAT and FSXCLIENT.CAM FILE also have to be copied?

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  • Commercial Member

Details of how to add the Everyone user group to your sharing permissions and security permissions is in the Getting Started Guide. I have also posted above an extract from that guide giving detailed instructions including images of the dialogs.


Please read through my extract above and follow the instructions on how to create and Add the Everyone group. Once you have done that and followed all the instructions in the Getting Started Guide for Networked PCs you shouldn't have any further problems.


There should be no need to disable your Firewall in fact its best to leave the Windows Firewall enabled. Just do not run any AV software.


So if you could step through the instructions above or refer directly to the GS Guide everything should be OK.


Stephen :-)

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