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Fuzzy Gauges, Clickspot Problems, and Engine Start Issues


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I tried the LJ24 on a friends computer, enjoyed it thoroughly, and bought it for myself. Unfortunately, I seem to be having a couple issues with it. For one thing, the 2d panel elements (Though not the background bitmap) are very "fuzzy." They're readable, but they don't look smooth, and I can't figure out why. The gauges in the VC look fine, and according to my panel.cfg are the same ones as in the 2d panel.


Another issue is with the clickspots. In the 2d panel, they only partially work, and the mouse often doesn't change to a hand, making it hard to find the spots. In both the 2d and the 3d, the clicking for many of the switches, like the ones where you have to click and hold, does not work correctly. When I click and drag the start/gen switches for instance, I get a repeated clicking sound and the switch doesn't seem to want to stay when I hold the mouse button.


Lastly, even though I follow the tutorial and do not use another cold and dark file, I cannot seem to start the engines. Whether I shut down the aircraft manually to cold and dark or use a save file from the website, the starter switches don't seem to have any effect (possibly because of the clickspot issue though). The engines do start with another set of switches in the same area, though I can't recall which ones.


I'm sure I've done something wrong here, as no one else seems to have this problem.

Any ideas so I can enjoy this amazing addon?




By the way, I don't have any real life LJ24 autopilot experience, but on similar older autopilots I've seen and used, the large knob isn't a rudder trim knob, but a "turn control" knob, which sends left/right turn commands to the autopilot, rather than trimming the rudder. Along with that, I believe the altitude hold button is supposed to hold the current altitude, with the altitude setting on the main panel being an "altitude alerter" that makes a sound as you approach the setting so you can level off and engage the hold. Then again, so many things are different with the Lear that it might be how it is.

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Do not "click and drag..." By doing so you are constantly turning switches on and off.


Click once for "on"; click again for "off"


Three position switches are most often left click up, right click down, or mouse wheel roll up/down

Fr. Bill    

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Do not "click and drag..." By doing so you are constantly turning switches on and off.


Click once for "on"; click again for "off"


Three position switches are most often left click up, right click down, or mouse wheel roll up/down


Thanks! I'll give it a try.


Now I just need to figure out the problems with the 2d panel. I'll post a screenshot later. I'm mostly a VC user, but I like to use the 2d panel during certain phases of flight.

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