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Issue with Mindstar G1000 with Prepar3D

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I recently purchased a G1000 Hardware system from Noble Simulations in PA.  It is a two video display with buttons controlled by an opened cockpits USB board and encoder knobs the run by two Leo Bordnar boards.  I was trying to run it in x-plane with simavio and was able to get in partially working with that setup but several things would either not work at all or not work properly.  Later I found out from Austin Meyers author and owner of x-plane said that there is no G1000 support unless you by his commercial version of x-plan and a professional simulator.  So I tried for several days to no avail to get it working on x-plane.  So the folks at Noble Simulations recommended that I try Mindstar G1000 with Prepar3D.  So I read up on both of these pieces of software and heard very good things.  So I downloaded P3D and installed.  I found that it does not a have a Cessna 172 or 182 with it.  So I downloaded A2A's 172, and installed it.  Then I downloaded Mindstar G1000, and installed it.  Then I ran the G1000 configuration file and set it up for the cessna 172 and could not get it to work at all.  So I switched to an airplane that has a G1000 the Baron Twin 58 w/G1000.  It does not work with that either.  I'm not sure that it is working at all.  How do you know if it is working.  With Simavio it was an external program that ran separately but communicated with x-plane.  I'm not sure if it is an external program, a plug in, or it just runs in the background with the sim???  I do not believe that it is working because I created a profile in the config g1000 file for the Baron and it does not take away the bezels on the panel.  What is everyones experience with Mindstar G1000?  How did you install it? How does it work?  How do you know that it is working?  Any help would be appreciated thanks..


PS: I'm using Prepar3D 3.1...



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I will look into this and get back to you.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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Hi Ed,


I appreciate your response.  Like I said above, I'm not sure that your Mindstar G1000 installed properly because it does not seem to be present.  How do you know if it is running? Does it execute with the sim and run in the background? Is it a plugin that you would not know if it is running or not.  I appreciate any help you could give me with getting this up and running.  Thanks



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I started working with the Mooney last night and it will let me put the PFD and MFD into my hardware screens, but I can't make the bezels go away.  Still working on getting buttons and knobs to work.  Do you have any ideas about getting it to work with the baron?  I guess if I can figure out how to do this that I can get fix and use their C172 w/G1000.  I hope because that is my primary real world aircraft currently.  May be a Piper Arrow or a Cherokee in the future though.  Those will be future projects for them sim.  Let me know what you think of the bezels, buttons and knobs when you get a chance.





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Locate the G1000.ini file that is in the Mindstar/Flight Simulator Addons folder.


In that file locate the section titled Mooney.Bravo


Add the following line to that section:



For further information regarding the contents of the G1000.ini, including how to define knob and button input... see this page: A Guide to the G1000.INI File

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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I went in and tried to find the Mooney Line but its not present.  Do you think switching from Windows 10 to Windows 8.1 would help me get over these issues of configuration with Mindstar?  It seems that we would have to manually perform every desired function between Mindstar and Prepar3D (Like Stasi had to do a manual Mindstar install the other day just to get it to install).  I tried the g1000.ini alterations noted on your website.  I add in my G1000 hardware keyboard inputs for my hardware and it did not work(knobs nor buttons respond).  Tyler Noble at Noble Simulations (who sold me the G1000 Hardware) suggested that I go to Windows 8.1.  He thinks that will fix all of my Mindstar issues.  What do you think?



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I am still using Windows 7... so that should tell you what I think of 8 and 10. I am suspecting that you did not get a proper install. Have you downloaded our current installer for the G1000 and then ran the register application?<br />

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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Stasi did a manual install remotely last week, but its still not working right.  Do you think I should use 7.  I don't have a copy of 7, and have never used 7.  I was an XP guy for a long time.  Do you have customers using 8.1.  That's what came on my system originally.  I upgraded to 10 a couple of weeks before Christmas. 


By the way I did download the new installer and Stasi did also when he remoted me last week.  I believe its windows 10 because I have tried and tried the configuration program and its like it does nothing.  I prefer not to have to wipe my computer and reinstall Windows 8.1.  I'm sure all of my hardware is going freak out and I will be tweaking drivers for a year to get everything working again.  Let me know what you think.



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Ok... you need to take back control of your system. It's all about permissions:


1 - User Access Control (UAC)

2 - Data Execution Prevention (DEP)


Those two items are the biggest offenders.


If you can find someone who knows how to make W10 behave as nicely as W7... I'd try that.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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I but the bullet today and back graded to 8.1. I will try to start from there and let you know how it goes.

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Well, got Windows 8.1 installed.  Installed prepared 3.1 as before and then Mindstar.  Still the same thing its not really installing just like with Windows 10.  Are we sure this is not a Prepar3D problem instead of a windows problem.  I installed the newest installer, I ran as administrator and ran the config file as administrator.  Still there was no Mindstar G1000 installed in the airplane of any I configured.  If possible, I would like to get the G1000 to install properly and have the bezels removed (the bezels would not remove either from the config file or manual in the g1000.ini file when I had windows 10 and P3D 3.1).  Then when it is installed I would like to be able move those unbezeled PFD and MFD's down to my respective PFD and MFD hardware screens (when we got it to install in the Baron with windows 10 and P#D 3.1 we could not get rid of the bezels nor could I move it down to the respective PFD and MFD hardware screens).  I'm not going to worry about the hardware knobs and buttons working right now, because it seems to much just to get the software to load and present properly.


I don't know why I am having such issues.  Could it still yet be Windows (8.1 and 10) or is it the new version of P3D?  Please help me with this?  If you guys just need to remote in again to fix it, I would really appreciate anything you could do to help me resolve this.  If I go through the trouble to purchase and install Windows 7 is it guaranteed to work then? Thats if I could find a copy and purchase a key for it.  I'm pleading for help!!



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Ok... I know I've already stated it... but I'll say it again. It's all about permissions. If the software is being blocked by the OS... there's nothing it can do.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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I feel your frustration (and MINE :sad:  ...) with this problem, and I understand where you are coming from.  I do. 


I scoured the internet on resolving permission issues, and I found two ways to fix of permission issues. 1) File by file or by director where you right click on it an change permissions Full control, modified control, etc.  I have done that to all of the files in P3D and with Mindstar.  In fact, I went as far as doing it to my entire hardrive.    It took quite a while for it to change all of the files.  2) I also went into my user account and under user account control settings, I put my protection to its lowest extent.  I created a new user and formatted that account to it least protective settings and tried it from a different account.  So if any PC is vulnerable to an attack right now its mine. I have a clean install with no virus or malware protection, I have down regulated all of the windows resources and internal protection that I can figure out. 


After, all of that I tried to install and config again and it was no different.  The only thing I have seen that produced somewhat of a positive outcome, was when Stasi manually installed and configured the Baron Aircraft.  But the problem is that that is one aircraft and I could not get rid of the bezels nor get it to show in 2D mode (to move it down to my hardware screen for the g1000).  Manually manipulating the g1000.ini file to =NO for the bezel produced no affect. So I could not get it on my PFD and MFD anyway (The Noble G1000 hardware).  


I also put a forum message in the Windows 8.1 forum and explained everything as I have done with you.  Hopefully someone comes through with that Ahha moment.  That would be good for everyone!


I guess if you tell me though that I cannot fix this, or there is nothing you or Stasi or someone at Mindstar can do to fix it, then I will just have to deal with it.  I'm surely not trying to burn a bridge with you, but there has to be a way around this problem. Other programs I install appear to work?  If you cannot think of any other remedy, then I will not bother you again.  But there has to be a way around this..


Tyler Noble at Noble Sims is very interested to know that we are able to resolve this issue for the future of his product,  because his hardware relies on the Mindstar product. 


I really do appreciate everything you guys have done for me already, and hope that we can get all of this working.  Thank You





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Contact me via our support email... we need to do another remote session.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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