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missing active camera

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Once upon a time there was a program called active camera. It allowed you to sit at an airport runway and all arrivals and departures would fly right by you and you did not have to do any tweaking, they just tracked by and just set it and forget it.


Is there anything like that for P3D v 2.5? I have heard about EZdok and Optus they don't seem to do the same thing as active camera did or I may not know how to use them correctly. The default camera settings are way too confusing and it's not a great option for me to tinker with P3D.


So I am hoping that someone can give me a suggestion on what I can use to achieve what active camera used to do. I only need a camera that I can set near a runway and watch planes come and go. I don't fly the planes only watch ai. So It would need to be used every time I load up the sim and not need to be configured each time. Just like active camera it would also need to move on it's own to track and the airplanes.


I know I am asking for too much but that is exactly what active camera did. There should be something by now right? it can be payware or freeware so hopefully that will give me more options.


It goes without saying how grateful I will be if someone can help.

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It should work with EZdok. To create a World camera, you have to put your aircraft in the position where you want the camera to be (I recommend using slew mode to get there).

After you are positioned, you go to the EZCA Menu (Shift+D) and create a world camera. You can then name it, and you should be able to use this without configuring it each time.

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does the camera pan and track airplanes automatically like in active camera?

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Well darn it, but I looked at the observer menu in P3D and never realized it was there. It looks like something that I am looking for but can you edit the camera to track planes automatically. That way I can sit at the side of the runway and watch all arrivals. If I can do this then the solution was there all along, but history has proven to knock me down when it all seems too easy. I also see a command for edit custom cameras but it is greyed out.

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Ok just thinking now, I see that there is a runway view that puts you at the end or side of the runway depending on what you choose. Is there a way to program the camera to track the ai plane on the runway and on approach so it follows it to a certain point and then start again from you watching runway spot. That is what I would like to do. I probably complicated things more by trying to explain things. I think I am getting closer but I need your guys help to edit the cameras because any guide that I have looked it make it so complicated. Thank you for your help.

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