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Guest ba747heavy

Sorry to see the PSS theft thread locked

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Guest Edam

>It bothers me how some in our community are so ready to>condemn one of our own based on unsubstantied threads>perpetuated by payware co`s.Sometimes those that shout the loudest are just trying to cover up their own guilty conscience.

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Guest Larry S

Brings back some memories for me.Many years ago, before the internet, I used to get things like new antivirus definitions and FS4 scenery and aircraft from local bbs

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Guest John_Cillis

"Sometimes those that shout the loudest are just trying to cover up their own guilty conscience. "That is an incredible comment coming from someone I respect. Innocents have been sent to executions. Are those crying foul over such events guilty of a "guilty conscience"? It is simply wrong, in my opinion, for vendors to argue the courts don't work so "lets get the pirates ourselves". There's still "reasonable doubt", and lives shouldn't get ruined where such doubt exists. It's up to a judge and jury to decide--not lynch mob mentality. Anyway, keep the personal insults off the books, for this thread's sake.-John

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Guest John_Cillis

"If I get caught speeding by a traffic camera, I get the fine through the post. It is then up to me to prove that I was not driving my vehicle at the time it went through the camera in excess of the speed limit. They know it was my car, because they have the registration number. The same applies to this piece of software. They have the specific license key assigned to that individual."Works a bit differently here in the States--the penalty is not enforced until the accused has a chance to defend themselves against it. Also, if a minor is involved, it is a criminal act to publish information about that minor in all but the most serious circumstances. -John

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"I have to say though that the targeted individual has been to this point been wrongly defamed"It's a common misconception that it's somehow illegal to make derogatory comments about someone. To be defamatory, a comment has to be *knowingly* false, be a statement of fact, not opinion, and has to cause actual damages.In this case, PSS has good evidence that the named individual violated the terms of his license. Posting that he did so is, therefore, not knowingly false, and therefore isn't defamatory. The buyer of a license is required to keep that license info safe. "if he needs help to defend himself I have screen captures of all relevent threads if he should need them in his possible litigation."I haven't read the original thread, but none of the comments *about* the thread I've read here have mentioned anything that could give rise to any sustainable litigation. PSS honestly believe that the individual at least released his license to someone else, even if he wasn't the one that posted it. That means that their saying that he did so isn't defamatory, even if it turns out that they were wrong."It bothers me how some in our community are so ready to condemn one of our own based on unsubstantied threads perpetuated by payware co`s."When you buy a license, part of that licenses requirement is that you keep it safe. If your license key ends up on a P2P site then you didn't keep it safe and in at least that you have violated your license agreement.Richard

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Guest Dakota

"But to identify him and post his email in a public forum, childish. And to expect me to help the cause by flaming the guy? Did they think to have a dozen pizza

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Guest wathomas777

I wonder then, how we should respond to PSS's own violation of their publicly posted privacy policy which reads, and I quote:Third PartiesWe will not provide any of your personal information to other companies or individuals without your permission. However, we may need to provide your name and e-mail address to third parties that www.phoenix-simulation.co.uk uses for the purposes of delivering specific services to you (e.g., customer support.) Do two wrongs make a right or was PSS simply providing their customer a "specific service" by encouraging the rest of the flight simulation community to e-mail and harass this individual?

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you have GOT TO BE JOKING ???????????????the guy is a CROOK !!!!!what is wrong with you people ?

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Your quite right of course.. I feel so Guilty that I and MY dedicated straff have been RIPPED OFF I will not sleep for weeks !GROW UP MAN THIS IS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and I dont believe so many of you are defending it ????????

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Well thanks Troy .. nice of you to SUPPORT PIRACY !

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Phoenix 1,As I read this thread most of the people here are not defending the said person's illegal activities. But they are somewhat baffled about your approach towards releasing an unconvicted person's name. Thus breaking your own rules about information from your clients and by-passing the correct legal process which is one of the corner stones of the base on what the modern society is founded.I think most people do appreciate your efforts to hunt down piracy but would like to see it done using the approriate legal channels.My 2 euri cents.Best regards,

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Guest wathomas777

Thank you. I couldn't have said it better.Perhaps PSS would also encourage that we harass other "alleged" criminals as well and deny them due process, which ironically, has it's origins in medieval England.The United States rule of law, which paterns much of it's government from the UK, and the Magna Carta, states that an accused is to be assumed innocent unless proven guilty.As PSS has not cared to provide any documentation or evidence that this "customer" was a "crook", then we only have the word of a software publisher to go on.I do not condone piracy or theft, but the burden of proof lies with the accuser, not the accused. It is PSS' responsibility not only to provide evidence of theft, but also to take appropriate legal action.PSS has failed to do so, and in as such has violated it's own privacy statement, and there by made all of their promises to protect an individuals privacy null and void.PSS may very well be the "victim" in this case. But in it's actions, it has violated the trust of every existing and future customer in regards to the use of their personal information. As a result, PSS will never see a dollar of mine, because although I am not a pirate, if PSS can easily break it's own stated privacy policy to further their own agenda, I can't in good conscience trust them to protect my privacy, especially something as important as my credit or debit card number.The pirate may have broken trust with PSS, but in publishing the "pirates" personal information, PSS has broken trust, not only with this individual, but every individual who requires PSS to maintain confidentiality.PSS, your privacy statement and security statement have been rendered null and void. As a result, I will not, nor should anyone else, trust you with their private information. You have shown yourselves not to be good stewards of something so vitally important to internet commerce.

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Guest Paul Heaney

I Agree with MATS, and I'm Glad to see PSS's Stance on posting their customers information so others can EMail and Harrass them, BEFORE I bought a PSS Product, Now quite clearly I WILL NOT.Who's to say they don't get it wrong and post MY information, After I purchase their product. Sorry, but I can't take that chance.If you wish to defend your product, please do, but how you are doing it, is completely wrong.Innocent until PROVEN guilty? Go through the courts, and let THEM decide. What he did may be wrong, but what you are doing is no worse!My Opinion.

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Guest wathomas777

Phoenix 1, YOU JUST DON'T GET IT DO YOU????Had PSS simply posted that you discovered a pirate and had invalidated his/her license and were pursuing legal action while maintaining his anonimity, none of this would have hit the fan. In fact, all of us, I imagine, would have applauded your actions and given our unwavering support. The only people who were required to know this information at this time, was you, the accused, and a court of law. Had this become public, due to your legal actions, then his identity would have been a matter of public record. The identity of the felon would have been revealed, and you would have maintained your privacy statement in not releasing his name, except for the purpose of pursuing legal action against him.However, you did not do this. You let your emotions cloud your judgement and made a CRITICAL business error in violating your own privacy statement.By violating your own stated privacy statement, you not only violated the trust of the individual who wronged you, but also violated the trust of each and every customer that you have done business with.You have also undermined the trust of future customers who now feel that their own privacy is at risk, and subject to the emotional whims of a software publisher who would do something as rash as you have without thinking it out!!!!!Do you HONESTLY expect ME to give you my credit card number if I have the slightest inkling that should I run afoul of your policy, either intentional or unintentional, that at best, you will post me up on a list with other "criminals" or at worst, may give out my credit card number and encourage other's to make fraudulent charges on my credit card so that I can see the "error of my ways" and know how it feels to be robbed as well?You can reassure me all you want that you would never do that, but why should I believe you, when you have already stomped over this "pirates" privacy in the little stunt you pulled today?Successful internet commerce relies on trust. It is the reason that we encrypt private information and rely on vendors to safeguard that information. You claim the pirate was responsible for safeguarding his license to prevent it's leakage on the internet. Indeed he is. But YOU were responsible for preventing HIS private information from also "leaking" on the internet.Not only did you not do this, but you were the ones who willingly leaked it.We are not supporting the actions of this "pirate". It is wrong and reprehensible.This is not about piracy. This is about YOUR responsibility to YOUR customers. In that aspect, PSS has failed miserably, and it will take, at a minimum, an apology, and proven track history that something like this will NEVER, EVER happen again.Until you can prove this, you wil NEVER, EVER see a Dollar/Euro/GBP or mine. And you can be assured, that I will discourage others from giving you the same.I don't know what I find more disturbing. Your initial actions in publishing a persons private information, or your continued cavalier attitude in justifying such a heinous breach of confidentiality.Either way, until PSS issues a MEA CULPA, you get nothing from me.

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>If I get caught speeding by a traffic camera, I get the fine through the post. It is then up to me to prove that I was not driving my vehicle at the time it went through the camera in excess of the speed limit. They know it was my car, because they have the registration number.http://www.hifisim.com/images/as2betateam.jpg

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