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About Mats_J

  • Birthday 09/16/1966

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    Uppsala, Sweden
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    Flying, sailing, programming, etc.

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  1. Zoran, If you have enough fuel for the trip there is no refueling needed. See the value in UPLIFT. 0? Fuel uplift, if needed, will not start immediately. Wait. It will start eventually. Cheers,
  2. Stewart, It starts immediately as long as you have the chocks in place. And yes 35 minutes is minimum turn around time. Cheers,
  3. Dogang et al I think there is a solution in the works. Stay tuned. POS... It is funny how languages work sometimes eh? Cheers,
  4. Hi Rick! Would suggest a repost in the PFPX forum here: http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/forum/592-pfpx-professional-flight-planner-x/ Cheers, Mats
  5. Hans! Do I see +23 or +29 (2nd pic) TAT at FL380? I also note that your GS and IAS is the same. Should not be. Something in your WX is screwing your flight up. Hope it helps,
  6. Hi! I get this with my old rig. I am attributing it to old h/w not up to par with my settings and the complexity of modern add-ons. I can live with this BYMMV... Cheers,
  7. Dr Vaos strikes again! Cheers,
  8. Beat you to it Jim! Cheers,
  9. Hi David, I have been running with FS ATC during beta and never encountered any problems with the voices. DO you get the text messages as usual? Only voices missing? This sounds like it is not related the the 777. Any other changes made at or around install? Hope it helps,
  10. Hi Todd! To access the FS ACTIONS menu on the CDU you can press the MENU button for a few seconds and it will start even if C&D. Set your chocks and GROUND POWER will be available for you. Hope it helps,
  11. Hi Miss ? If you want to be sure to get an official response I suggest you open a support ticket here: http://support.precisionmanuals.com/Main/Default.aspx This is mainly a user to user support forum. ANd though the developers lurk around here and answer questions this post might get missed in all the noise after release. Hope it helps,
  12. Hi Thomas! I would suggest you open a support ticket here: http://support.precisionmanuals.com/Main/Default.aspx And provide as much information as possible. Hope it helps,
  13. Hi Sean! I am sporting a Saitek yoke and throttles plus CH Pro pedals. That combo has been working great with the 777 during beta. I have FSUIPC and do have some of the axises of my controllers processed by FSUIPC. HOWEVER PMDG recommends not sending it through FSUIPC. I am sure it is just a matter of twekaing to get it to work. Let us know. Hope it helps,
  14. Graham,That is a known FSX issue. Best helped with FSUIPC. It is extensively covered in these forums.Hope it helps,
  15. Will check tomorrow. Unless someone beats me to it. Time to go to bed.
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