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  1. Doesnt matter. If there's a memory leak it will fill up. It will fill up 24gb, 50, 100, 200, whatever you could have given enough time.
  2. Flap 18: 210 KIAS Flap 24: 180 KIAS Flap 30: 170 KIAS Flap 33: 150 KIAS
  3. Im a developer and let me tell you.... its not like that. With a proper cache implementation the game doesnt have to go through the cache to see if an asset is in there or not. That's what dictionaries and hash tables are for. Think about a dictionary: If you need to search for the definition of the word "Zoom", you dont open the dictionary beginning at the letter A and go from there. You go straight to the Z letter, skipping aaaaaaall the others, arriving at maybe 1 page from the word you're looking for. It doesnt matter how big is the dictionary. This is a simplistic explanation but hopefully you get the idea. That cache isnt a giant blob of data: Is a data structure organized in a way that allows for extremely fast searches
  4. And that's how it should work! You should buy whatever suits you. In my case I dont buy based on who is king of what. Im not buying trophies. If the addon is good and serves a need for my use cases, I will buy it, that's it. These are addons, not horse races.
  5. Breaking news! A for profit company wants to be paid for its work... More details at 5pm
  6. Well, not only that. Im sure there's more to it because even if you use it fully offline (Like I do with AIG) the ATC and traffic system in the sim is not as robust as it was 22 years ago. For instance, there's no way currently to make the speech faster. Also the LOD is waaaaay too agressive. I can see airplanes without landing gear, just floating because Im just far enough to trigger the LOD but close enough to notice the missing landing gear.
  7. You know what I dont get? The sad state of ai traffic. I dont know how long you have been here but back in the FS2002( omg! 22 years ago) we had a somewhat aceptable AI traffic system. We had Project-AI (No relation to the AI stuff of now), something similar to AIG and you could accelerate the ATC voices to speak faster. If you combined both you could have packed airports with ai traffic behaving somewhat properly, taxing, doing go arounds and stuff waaaaaaaay better than today. You could see the "ladder" of airplanes landing one after another at busy airports. To me its inexcusable that today we have this sad excuse of AI. Seems like something hacked together in a weekend
  8. I did, but I still have AI traffic. I have those ugly models with pointing noses and also a few of the default ones like the a320 😕
  9. Hi guys! I hate the AI traffic. I dont want to see a sigle plane of those. Does anyone knows how to disable it? In fs2020 i think you can delete a file and that's it, they're gone, but I dont know if this works also in 2024 and if so, which file should I delete
  10. Hi Bert! You need to go to the part of the UI where you can set up your own character. There's a place there where you can customize your copilot. There you can select "No copilot" or something like that. Im not in front of my computer put those are the general steps Edit: Ok, i went to my pc before going to bed. These are the steps: Upper right corner: Click on your user name. Left side of the screen: Click on Customize Identity Click "Co-Pilot" Select the first option to the left Click "Save and Back" That should get rid of the poor guy
  11. Yup! Im on the same boat. The starter does nothing, its dead
  12. Im flying right now and so far im not impressed with the graphics. In fact the terrain looks worse, a lot more blurry. The thing that looks better to me is the atmosphere. But those control assignments... my god what a pain! I use an xbox controller just for the views and it has been a painful experience so far. All in all, for those still in 2020 you re not missing much at the moment
  13. Can someone tell me how im supposed to enter the cockpit? These control assignments are a disgrace
  14. No, ms store 😵‍💫
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