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About simsuper80

  • Birthday 08/19/1996

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  1. I have different configs in separate folders for specific airports. that way I can swap out the configs quickly
  2. all i am doing is saying how my experience from trying this program for the first time went. i am just being honest and truthful, if you cant handle the fact that i had problems using the default settings then that's fine. but i wish i could hear from anyone who has used AI controller successfully and to good use. and what they managed to do to accomplish that. i'l probably try testing it again in a few days.
  3. i thought i already gave hits at what's causing the trouble: ai taxiing wierdly, they cant turn, they seam to rotate. (this doesn't happen near runways, this happens on all taxiways.) ai being told to go around for no reason. even when there are no other aircraft on the runway. this program sounds like a must have and sounds fantastic, and im not trying to say that it doesn't work, but its just that its extremely complicated and i have no idea which settings work the best. its still a work in progress, so for now, i'm just going to wait for better versions to come out. i am also not the only one with strange problems. jhaley101 from alpha india group said this. "I have to say that I found this program too complex to set up and then when it was interfaced with FSX, there were ALL kinds of problems. Aircraft that would speed up to ridiculous speeds, then taxi backwards across fields and terminals. The concept is marvelous and I'm not saying it doesn't work, it's just I've had a terrible time trying to set it up and have it work properly with FSX. I check in at the AVSIM forum on a regular basis to read about fixes and what other users are posting. It is a work in progress. JH" http://www.alpha-india.net/forums/index.php?topic=21858.0
  4. i asked a similar question on Alpha India Group, and couldn't find an answer, as even the people who replied had trouble setting up this program: http://www.alpha-india.net/forums/index.php?topic=21858.0
  5. so far, the program is making the ai worse than fsx default. i am trying to find settings that will make it better than fsx default.
  6. i am testing ai controller and it is doing some pretty weird things. first off, the ai seam to taxi very weirdly, they tend to stop for some time, and then make the turn. also, it does the complete opposite of preventing runway incursions, i have seen aircraft being cleared for takeoff right when an arriving aircraft is on short final. sometimes arriving ai end up going around for absolutely no reason another problem i have is the anti collision on taxiways feature. when an i collision is about to happen, one of the ai is deleted. that is unacceptable to me, the ai should either hold short for one another, or be routed around each other (after all, there is always more than one way to get to a gate or runway). it sounds like the best ai program ever, but i am wondering if anyone knows how to use this program well enough to make the ai experience better, not worse.
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