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A Few FPV Questions

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It is understanding how using the FPV/guidance cue compares to using a FD that is the issue.


Well...., not exactly.  Close to be sure but as pointed out the FD steering commands do not provide actual deviation (they do not replace the GS/LOC deviation pointers) but they guide pitch and bank to the pitch and bank that results in the desired flight path.

The flight path symbol is always presenting the actual path, not pitch and bank, and the FD cue guides the actual flight path to the desired path. The difference is subtle but important because neither path symbol or cue represents actual pitch and bank, which is why I first noted these as important parts of your focus when using the HGS.  A focus on trying to keep the cue centered in the flight path can lead to over controlling, and when that happens just remember pitch plus power equals performance (the old instrument training adage beat into me) and set pitch where you think it belongs and you'll overcome the over controlling.


Certainly didn't mean to imply you didn't have instrument qualifications, I could have worded that better.

Dan Downs KCRP

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The key point to be understood here (which I believe now is) is that the guidance cue IS used in the exact same fashion as a conventional flight director (if you were responding to me saying "exactly"). You're very correct in saying that following the HGS cue is a different game to following the FD bars, but they're both command guidance to be followed to recapture or follow the desired flight path, which is where the confusion lay before.


From the HGS manual: "The guidance cue symbol is the "Flight Director". It functions in the same way as a single cue Flight Director, but is designed for control of flight path. For the pilot, the objective is to capture the guidance cue inside the Flight Path circle using pitch and roll control inputs".


Mike Archer

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For the pilot, the objective is to capture the guidance cue inside the Flight Path circle using pitch and roll control inputs".


Yup, agree. You have to manipulate pitch and roll to achieve a flight path that captures the cue ball. My emphasis is on understanding how one does not manipulate path directly.

Dan Downs KCRP

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