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Last announcement ( and as usual a very positive one! ) : here

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... 

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New Ship Physics





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Very good - together with DCS, they make my days as a simmer :-)

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Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... 

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***Update News***


Hello everybody,

Today we don't have a lot of news, we just want to tell you that the work on 3.001 update is near its end. We have 20 Career mission types working of 25 planned for the release. The most of the initially found issues are fixed and some tweaks are already in the place.

To give you a general idea of the scale of this update, its change list will contain 90 items, nearly a third of which are significant changes and improvements. The sheer number of these changes means that after 3.001 release hotfixes will likely follow because there could be problems that couldn't be found by the testers. We're sure this teething period will be short.

P-39L-1 cockpit is almost ready, perhaps we'll spend 1-2 days for final 'polishing' of its textures, but we can already show you its overall look. 

All other changes and additions planned for 3.001 release are finished. Therefore, we plan to release this humongous update in 2-3 weeks. We want to release it as soon as possible ourselves: all we're doing we're doing for you and your feedback is very important for us. But we need to make a bit more effort to give you the result that will not only be massive, but also good functioning, so these days will be spent on debugging and refinement of the new functionality.











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P-39 First Look



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***Update Coming to 3.001***


Update 3.002


Hello everybody,


One month has passed since the Battle of Kuban release, but the first Bodenplatte aircraft will be ready next month, therefore we have decided not to delay further and release this 'tiny' in-between update, that contains 86 changes and additions, before May.


Because of the many changes and fixes, it can't be called a hotfix anymore, it's a full-blown update 3.002. Almost a half of the list is occupied by Career mode improvements - as we have promised before, its development continues after the release of Kuban. Now we're tuning it and fixing the bugs, but in June we plan to add many new mission types.


The other changes are for multiplayer, user interface, aircraft models and so on. Long story short, here's the full change list:





1. Landing secondary task is counted correctly;
2. Airfield name is correctly listed in the new day message text;
3. A player will be executed for firing at allies;
4. A rare issue that could happen during starting a mission without a player has been fixed;
5. Several similar awards awarded simultaneously (for example, monetary bonuses) show up correctly;
6. Iron сross 1st class, Honor Goblet and German cross in gold are awarded correctly;
7. Wound badges are awarded correctly;
8. Second and subsequent awarding of The Order of the Red Banner has been corrected;
9. Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree is awarded correctly;
10. Honorary medals given for the completion of battles are awarded correctly;
11. Pilot names in the mission briefing are shown in the chosen language;
12. Miscellaneous data in the mission briefing is shown in the metric or imperial system depending on what is selected in the game options;
13. Monetary bonuses for the number of combat sorties are awarded correctly;
14. The layout of some newspaper issues has been corrected;
15. Career re-entering problem in a day of regiment relocation was fixed;
16. Missed new airfield name in a day of relocation was fixed;
17. A missing image was added to regiment change event;
18. An additional message added after the successful landing at home airfield in the river crossing attack mission type, landing secondary task is counted in the statistics;
19. AI planes use correct paint scheme depending on the season (Summer or Winter);
20. Aircraft modifications become available in historically accurate timeframes:
- MiG-3: 20mm SHVAK cannons since June 1942;
- La-5 series 8: M-82F engine and faceted canopy since March 1943;
- Bf 109 G2: transparent armored headrest since November 1942;
- Ju-87D: Bk-3,7 cannons since March 1943;
- Hs 129: MK-103 gun since July 1943.
21. Problematic take-off from some airfields (Tushino, Dvoyevka, etc.) has been addressed;
22. Other squadron fighters won't appear on the same runway with players flight and collide with it;
23. AI controlled MC.202 on the Moscow map and Fw-190A-3 on the Stalingrad map won't appear anymore since they weren't there historically (these planes are only accessible to the player);
24. The types of aircraft in the AI groups have been adjusted according to historical data;
25. IL-2 mod.1943rd year now uses a two-color version of camouflage (green-black) until August 1943 and the new three-color camouflage at the beginning of August and later;
26. The bridge in the river crossing attack mission in the vicinity of Sukhanovsky (map coordinates 0817-7) correctly show as destroyed;
27. AI won't try to land at the enemy (players) territory;
28. 'Enemy ferry attack mission' has been renamed to 'Enemy river crossing attack';
29. AI dive bombers (Ju-87) will always correctly attack their target instead of circling above it;
30. AI planes won't collide with the trees at the Kalinin airfield;
31. 'Rare' and 'medium' Career object intensity settings will result in better performance;
32. Enemy bomber groups won't fly during overcast weather;
33. During the ground troops cover missions the player's flight will continue to attack nearby enemy aircraft after completion of the mission task;
34. In ground attack missions you won't sometimes get the mission successful message while flying to the target;
35. Pe-2 in the battle of Kuban are equipped with VUB-1 turret mod by default, representing 110+ series of the aircraft;
36. Player now is assigned to missions more frequently while playing in transport regiments;
37. Custom skins can be assigned to the player aircraft and his unit if the player is the unit commander.




38. Clients no longer disconnect from a server when a new mission is being loaded;
39. Server host now sees shooting turrets of other players correctly;
40. Player's ban time setting works correctly;
41. Coop: mission timer setting added;
42. Coop: quorum setting added (the minimal amount of players required to start the mission);
43. Game servers list is sorted correctly;
44. Game servers list includes mission file name;
45. Game servers list blocks attempts to connect to a restarting server;
46. Zero ping color corrected in the game servers list;
47. You can vote to ban a player who does not occupy an airplane (spectator);
48. Multiplayer mission loading screen has been corrected;
49. Mission log now contains additional parameters used by custom statistics systems;
50. Difficulty settings edit in SDS config managing dialog has been fixed in DServer tool;


User Interface:


51. Added a system of external GUI dialogs that can be connected to a mission and interacted in it;
52. Description and position of a task on the map updates correctly;
53. Opening the map or changing its scale made smoother;
54. The password for the game is stored more securely if you choose the 'remember password' option;
55. Spotter areas on the mission map are shown correctly;
56. MCU_Icon text displays on the mission map correctly even if there is no icon image selected;
57. Some GUI screens open faster;
58. Fixed the focus of the zoom in the cursor on the game map;
59. Fixed speed zoom on the map "Flight log";
60. The game won't hang at the end of a single mission when autoplay.cfg config file is in use;
61. Music won't play when the mission ends if it is disabled;
62. Fixed a rare problem when the Accept button in joystick re-mapping dialog didn't work;
63. "0m" tooltips were removed in Quick Mission;




64. A-20B exhaust flames corrected;
65. P-39L-1 machine gun reload handles correctly disappear if you choose to remove the machine guns;
66. A-20B bomber in the distance is visible correctly;
67. Smoke generator positions on P-39L-1 and Yak-7B aircraft were corrected;
68. 'Ghost canopy' has been removed from A-20B fragments;
69. Spent cartridges are ejected from a correct location of P-39L-1;
70. Radio compass on P-39L-1 and A-20B functions correctly;
71. La-5 maximum G load has been corrected;
72. La-5 motor properties at altitude have been slightly corrected;
73. A fire on Ju-88 won't remain in the air if its wing is detached;
74. Bendix radio compass switches positions were fixed on A-20B;
75. A-20B airplane engine start problem in Expert difficulty was fixed;




76. Forest LOD boundary has been made less apparent on some maps;
77. Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons roads have been improved visually;
78. Asynchronous terrain caching system has been improved, resulting in less noticeable terrain loading;
79. Login procedure has been optimized, halving the time required;
80. Selecting the aircraft modifications in the mission editor works correctly;
81. A dark bar in the center of the image in HTC Vive that some users could see has been removed (that was a performance optimization);
82. 'Warped edges' issue in PiMax 4K has been eliminated (minimized);
83. TrackIr roll axis problem was fixed;
84. Formation movement of ships and ground vehicles in the User Formation mode has been improved (especially when turning);

85. "10 Days of Autumn" Campaign - map frontlines were fixed;
86. "10 Days of Autumn" Campaign - map route color was changed and the secondary objectives were hidden.




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Dev update #193




Hello everybody,


The time has come to tell you more about the historical timeframe of Battle of Bodenplatte.


As we said in our previous Dev Blog #192, we're making all four different seasons for this map. Some might think that we'll model only 1-2 days of the actual Bodenplatte operation when the Luftwaffe made the all-out attack on the Allied airfields near Brussels and Antwerp. However, our “Battle of” series is much more than that! The Career mode for this new theatre of war will last from September 17th, 1944 to March 28th, 1945 – 188 days of war in total.


Historically, 11 significant engagements took place in this area during the given timeframe. In the Career mode, you'll see your area of operations, mission types, acting air force units, their home airfields and other details that correspond to the historical data. You'll be flying in and around many famous operations and battles. Of course, we can’t model every skirmish or battle on the ground, but we will have an exciting Career spanning this later stage of the war when the Allies were fighting their way into Germany. 


Operation Market Garden (September 17 – 26, 1944)
Battle of Aachen (October 2 – 21, 1944)
Battle of the Scheldt (October 2 – November 8, 1944)
Operation Queen (November 16 – December 15, 1944)
Operation Watch on the Rhine (December 16 – 25, 1944)
Allied Counter-Offensive (December 26, 1944 – January 25, 1945)
Operation Bodenplatte (January 1, 1945)
Operation Veritable (February 8 – March 10, 1945)
Operation Clarion (February 22 – 23, 1945)
Operation Grenade (February 23 – March 10, 1945)
Operation Plunder (March 23 – 28, 1945)


As said above, we won't be able to recreate these ground operations in super detail, but the overall situation, mission tasks, home airfields and mission targets will change as they should historically just as you experience with Stalingrad, Moscow and Kuban. This, along with the corresponding features of the Career mode like pilot biographies, squadron histories, newspaper articles, videos, squadron rosters, medals and rank progression will create an authentic experience of flying on the Western Front during the late war period. The whole timeframe will be divided into 5 chapters:


Chapter 1: Fighting in Holland (September 17 – October 1, 1944)
Chapter 2: Autumn Offensive (October 2 – December 15, 1944)
Chapter 3: Battle of the Bulge (December 16 – 25, 1944)
Chapter 4: Allied Counter-Offensive (December 26, 1944 – February 7, 1945)
Chapter 5: Battle of the Rhine (February 8 – March 28, 1945)


To create this new theatre of war, a thorough research will be done on where the units of both sides were based, their tasks and what aircraft they used day by day. Two new award systems for the US and Great Britain are to be created from scratch, as well as the late war pilot models for Luftwaffe, RAF and USAAF along with their chutes. The Newspaper articles is a huge task on their own and takes several months to complete. If you’d like to help with this contact Jason. We also plan on making additional mission types for this unique location and timeframe. All in all, this will be a lot of work for us, but progress is already being made. For example, we have finalized the map boundaries and the airfield locations. This map is bigger than we initially planned (flyable area is 401 x 324 km - it is 129.900 sq.km) and several compromises will have to be made to make it a reality. It will stretch us to the limit of what is possible in our development schedule, but as with our other maps it will be really cool when it’s done. 




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Dear Pilots,


Summer is winding down and we’re getting back to our normal work schedule. Here are some early pics of our Me-262 model. Looks fast doesn’t it?









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Hello everybody,

The time flows and significant changes in our main project, Bodenplatte, are on the horizon. Lead engineer Andrey Solomykin has started the huge chunk of his planned work - air compressibility modeling at high speeds which is a must for the late war period when the aircraft speeds approached the sonic barrier.

At the same time another engineer, Roman Kovalenko, is modeling a new device type in our project - turbosupercharger. The main difference between a turbosupercharger and other superchargers we already modeled in other aircraft is the fact that it is powered not by the engine shaft, but by the turbine which is rotated by the engine exhaust. Therefore, the manifold pressure created by the turbosupercharger at different engine modes has a much more complex formula and requires a much more complex physical model. The first aircraft in our sim that will have this device is P-47D-28 Thunderbolt.

In the next update, we plan to improve numerous aircraft graphical effects and make minor improvements to the netcode. Meanwhile, Pfalz D.IIIa and Sopwith Camel are being developed for Flying Circus Volume I, the work on new WWI pilots animations has also started.

For Tank Crew, M4A2 "Sherman" and Pz. IV Ausf.G are in the works. Both of these tanks have interesting peculiarities and we hope to model most of them in the sim. Today we can show you the first WIP screenshots of one of them. In addition, the work on the detailed buildings for Prokhorovka map will be finished soon. We begin the AI development for player controllable tanks and will start the work on implementing additional tank systems and their damage modeling, tank commander functionality and tank radio communications."





Edited by Phantom88




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Hello everybody,


While, as you know, we're working on several projects at once, today we'll tell you about our the current main one - Bodenplatte. The most important new tech we're developing for it is the FM improvement to take into account the air compressibility and its influence on the aircraft stability and handling that is noticeable at high speeds. The late war aircraft are a pinnacle of the piston engine technology and they can approach the sonic barrier, especially in a dive. And of course this new tech is paramount for our first jet - Messerschmitt Me.262 'Schwalbe'. You may have wandered will the new tech work for the existing aircraft released before - it certainly will, we always update all aircraft to take advantage of the new tech so they all have the same modeling fidelity.


Meanwhile, our artists are working on several 3D models simultaneously (some are nearly complete and the work on others has just begun): Bf 109 K-4, Me 262 A-1, P-47D-28, Fw 190 D-9, Hawker Tempest Mk.V and P-51D-25.


We also decided to improve the recently released Fw 190 A-8. It will be able to carry 1000 kg SC 1000 bombs with reduced ring stabilizers and "M8 Panzerblitz 1" HE rockets and you will be able to remove the nose-mounted 13 mm MG 131 machine guns, resulting in four different modifications of this plane:
Fw 190 A-8 (fighter)
Fw 190 A-8 Sturmjäger (better armoured interceptor)
Fw 190 F-8 (attack plane)
Fw 190 G-8 (fighter-bomber)
So, while it may appear we have only one Fw 190 A-8 in the sim, in fact, you'll have 4 different modifications. This is also true for many other aircraft - in one of the coming Dev Blog releases we'll compile the complete list of aircraft including the possible modifications.


Since the words are best followed with visuals, today we can show you the WIP screenshots of Messerschmitt Bf 109 K-4 'Kurfürst', Republic P-47D-28 'Thunderbolt' and Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-9 'Langnasen-Dora':











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Hello everybody,


Today we'll tell you a bit about what awaits us (and you) in the near future.


First, we plan to publish the new update soon, at the end of this month or at the beginning of October, that will bring numerous fixes and improvements for the existing stuff - Career fixes, multiplayer stability in tank missions, corrected German bombs for 1944 timeframe and new Fw 190 A-8 modifications we have covered in the previous Dev Blog. In addition, our programmers managed to improve the collision detection between various vehicles and objects without compromising performance and fix bugs, also, trees will stop or divert/slow projectiles. The graphics will get the attention as well - you can see some of the reworked graphical effects on the following screenshots:








New Bodenplatte aircraft, Bf 109 K-4 and P-47D-28, will be released to Early Access later this Autumn. New Po-2 Collector Plane and two WWI aircraft for Flying Circus Early Access, Pfalz D.IIIa and Sopwith Camel, will follow before the end of the year, provided we don't run into unexpected problems. Meanwhile, we're also working on the new Marschal mode for multiplayer which should make it more interesting and refreshing for all multiplayer oriented users of our projects.


New tank models take a lot of time to develop, so Tank Crew customers will get their new toys early next year, but it looks like they'll get a lot of other stuff in a short time frame starting with the map of the Southern part of the Kursk salient (see Dev Blog #195) and continuing with animated tank crew members (ETA: Spring) and their AI capable of controlling the new playable tanks (the work on it has already started). This will make possible to create the missions where the player tank will be a part of the unit fighting against the enemy tanks s which will have the same high level of modeling detail. The main tank systems and damage modeling should be finished before Summer. The work on the additional UI for tank and unit commanders has started too. And of course, there will be new tanks - our Saint-Petersburg based partner, Digital Forms, plans to have 4 of them ready before Spring:

  • Lend-lease M4A2 Sherman;
  • T-34-76 mod. 1943 made by factory #183 (most probably, we're still researching the exact variant);
  • PzKpfw IV Ausf.G made during Spring 1943 with additional armoured sheets (Schürzen);
  • PzKpfw III Ausf.M also with additional armoured sheets. Today we can already show you the early WIP screens of it:
  • Pz_III_01.jpg.b9fa4f1e2b421054eca4afe68a






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Dear pilots,


The two next Bodenplatte aircraft are not yet finished, but we have decided not to wait for them and release the update that contains the results of our work since 3.005 release. There is a lot of changes, fixes and improvements, some of them are long-awaited ones.


Many graphical effects were reworked and some new ones were added. Other fixes include Career mode, multiplayer, AI and collision system improvements. There is a new content as well - new modifications were added for Fw 190 A-8. The full change list follows:


Graphical effects improvements


1. Fire effects improved for aircraft and ground vehicles, more dynamic and detailed;
2. Fuel leak effects improved (less noticeable, but more realistic);
3. Damaged engine exhaust effects improved (less noticeable, but more realistic);
4. Tracer smoke effects improved (more smooth and realistic);
5. Wingtip trails effects improved (more dynamic, less apparent beginning);
6. Water hit effects improved (more realistic);
7. Aircraft and vehicle hit effects improved (more difference between AP and HE ammo, more realistic, added debris);
8. Bomb detonation effects improved for 250kg +  bombs, additional flash effect;
9. Water steam effects added for twin water radiator aircraft (Bf-109, Ju-87, Spitfire Mk.IXe, Pe-2);
10. Water steam overheating effects added;
11. Wrong mixture exhaust effects added;
12. Wood hit effects added for WWI aircraft;
13. Gunfire smoke effects added;
14. Oil leak during flight effect adjusted;
15. Fuel leak effect on the ground added;
16. Water steam effect on the ground added;


Simulation fixes and graphical effects fixes


17. The water hit effects no longer appear like ground hit effects;
18. Bug fix: He-111, Bf-110 and Pe-2 right engine hits won't damage the left engine cooling system anymore;
19. Bug fix: Spitfire Mk.VB/IXe oil radiator leak will stop when the left wing is lost;
20. Bug fix: Ju-88 A4 right supercharger hits will correctly damage it;
21. Bug fix: engine fire now correctly works on all planes;
22. Bug fix: damage of the engines far from the cockpit (and the oil leak on Spitfires) won't make the cockpit windows dirty;


Other improvements


23. You can set the starting altitude up to 10km in QMB;  
24. Projectiles now can be stopped by trees;
25. Fw 190 A-8 modification: removal of two 13mm MG 131. This allows to model the bomber variant of the plane; some Sturmjager modification aircraft also had them removed;
26. Fw 190 A-8 modification: F-8 with a 1000kg bomb with reduced stabilizer; 
27. Flying Circus German and Entente pilots are now animated;
28. German WWI pilot now has a parachute;
29. 30 mm and higher caliber guns can overheat (they couldn't before);
30. All guns fire dispersion differ while firing single shots and in bursts;
31. Burst fire dispersion corrected for Soviet fuselage mounted guns;
32. Burst fire dispersion corrected for German wing mounted guns;
33. While driving, AI now takes into consideration all nearby vehicles instead of the vehicles of its group only;
34. AI has learned how to control the advanced (player controllable) tanks, they can be used in missions;
35. The water in all water cooled engines boils at different temperatures depending on the altitude;
36. Fuel actually burns out in an event of a fuel tank fire;
37. Fuel tank fire intenisity decreases when all fuel is burned out;
38. Fire intensity directly affects the speed of structural damage;
39. Fuel fires are extinguished when an aircraft hits a water surface;
40. Mission generator toolset released (you can download it here and unpack into your IL-2 install if you want to try it);


Other fixes


41. Simple vehicles (not controllable by player) physics modeling improved. They shouldn't 'fly' away from collisions as they sometimes did before anymore;
42. German aircraft of Bodenplatte timeframe carry bombs of a different color that was used in the late war;
43. German aircraft of Bodenplatte timeframe carry SD 70 fragmentation bombs instead of SC 50 which production was canceled in 1943;
44. Aircraft loadout tooltips adjusted;
45. Career: the game won't freeze when creating a character in certain squadrons at a certain time;
46. Career won't freeze in May 1943;
47. Career won't show incorrect days at the end of February;
48. Player wingmen won't be captured by the enemy if the player finishes a Career mode mission above the enemy territory;
49. The player marker shows the character name in Career mode;
50. A rare crash in multiplayer has been fixed (it could happen when Pe-2 series 35 lost its wing).  
51. The game server and clients won't crash when a player controlled tank impacts the ground, for instance, after falling from a damaged bridge;
52. Multiplayer net packets won't slowly increase in size over time;
53. Multiplayer net packets now have their CRC checked, this should improve the data transfer stability;
54. Net load decreased by optimizing the data packets carrying graphical effects data;  
55. Statistics system accuracy increased (this should fix the situations with unaccounted kills);  
56. Minimum starting altitude in QMB on Novosokolniki map has been increased to 250m;
57. Sharp texture changes were corrected on the Stalingrad map near Golubinsky;
58. The pilot won't be injured by the wing fuel tanks fire on Bf 110 E2, Bf 110 G2, P-39L-1 and Yak-7B series 36;
59. A rare crash has been fixed (it could happen when Pe-2 series 35 detonated after hitting the ground).  
60. Bomb doors handle on He 111 planes is now animated;
61. Broken window in the lower cockpit fixed on He 111;
62. Fw 190 A-8 right WGr.21 launcher arming lamp now works;
63. On Fw 190 A-8 with F-8/G-8 mod the 20mm guns stay on the same fire trigger with MGs;  
64. Radiator assist on MiG-3 and IL-2 won't overcool the engine at high altitudes;
65. Pe-2 series 35 upper turret correctly shows ammo left in HUD;
66. Yak-7B altitude mixture controller corrected;
67. Coolant overheat warning in technochat corrected;
68. Damage system performance optimization should decrease the CPU load;
69. Radiator assist closes or opens radiators in a more smart way;
70. Fokker Dr.I and SPAD 13.C1 durability are back to RoF values.








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