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ChasePlane Usability Feedback (UX) & Requests for Final Version

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@Keven Menard,

I bought the ChasePlane Beta today as a replacement for Ezdok v1.15 (the original) I have been using for years now. Thank you so much for your work in creating a worthy successor!

In trying to set-up ChasePlane to my liking, I came across some feedback items I would very much like to see addressed in the final version if possible. Is this the best way to submit change request/feature requests/feedback? Or is there a different preferred method?


Anyway here goes:

1. Global camera settings?
I am struggling to find how to change the default Static Camera settings OR how to get my Static Camera Preset to apply to all Static Cameras of all airports. Every time I select an airport cam (runway or gate), it loads with the same default settings (No zoom, slow movements, no static walkaround, etc) instead of the ones I changed in the Preset.
Request: Implement the ability to set GLOBAL Camera settings for each category (On-Board, Outside, Static). Presets in those categories can then OVERRIDE these default global settings.

2.  Zoom behavior controls?
In the 'Advanced' tab on 'Camera', it is for some reason not possible to change the way the MOUSE scrolls (speed & inertia); only Zoom behavior of other controllers can be set here (keyboard etc.). Also, in the overall/global 'Preferences', there are no settings to set or change the Zoom behavior in general. Only the Speed Boost and Binoculars can be set a GOBAL level, and Mouse Zoom cannot. As a result, there is only ONE setting for zoom: Enable/disable Scroll Zoom, at a Preset level.
Request: Implement either Zoom Speed & Inertia settings in Camera - Advanced OR implement GLOBAL Zoom Speed & Inertia settings in the Preferences.


3. Sorting of Community search results?
Controls to find exactly what you want when searching in the Community section are extremely limited. For example, it is not possible to change the sorting of the table to show Number of Users in a descending fashion.
Request: Add more useful filtering & sorting in the Community section.

4. Remember last camera position?
Right now, when switching between Presets, they also load from their Preset location/position. There is no way to have them remember their position when switching between them. The camera manipulation the user does in the sim is always lost when switching between camera presets. This is especially annoying when trying to recreate the default Locked Spot view from the Sim, where every time you select that Presets, the camera resets instead of 'picking up where the user last left it'.
Request: Add a 'Remember Last Position' toggle setting by which the user can enable certain camera Presets to remember their last location/position upon selecting the preset. 

5. Aircraft tracking vs. ground?
A camera preset set to 'Track Aircraft' continues to be centered around the aircraft in the sim UNTIL the user pans it down and hit 'hits' the ground. When that happens, the a weird non-locked, non-tracked, 'walking/zoomin' hybrid mode is entered it seems (can't describe it better). This is not in line what the user expects when he wants the camera to stay FIXED and CENTERED around the aircraft and turns on the setting 'Track Aircraft' to do so. This is important since ChasePlanne prohibts the use of the default sim views, or at least does not play nice with them (no zoom, no mouse look, etc.), so the only way to get a true Locked Spot View is to create it in ChasePlane, which comes with this weird 'ground behavior'.

(NOTE: Static Walkaround is already turned OFF in the preferences, but it does not disable in its entirety when 'Track Aircraft' is enabled)
Request: Continue to track the aircraft also when the camera hits the ground. Camera behaviour should be akin to the default Locked Spot View behavior when 'Track Aircraft' is turned in a Preset. 

Thanks in advance! :) 

Henk de Vries


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Hi Henk,

Thanks for your questions and feedback (Good job on the visual formatting as well)! Here's our response:

  1. Global camera settings?
    You can right-click on any option in the Camera page bring the contextual menu you are looking for. You can Apply to all, Make it default, restore to default. Note that double-clicking on a slider knob will restore it to the default value you have set.
  2. Zoom behavior controls?
    We are aware of that issue and we will add Speed and Inertia settings in the Mouse section. It's not a hard one to do, we just need to fit it between everything else... Expect those sliders soon.
  3. Sorting of Community search results?
    We are still calibrating the algorithm to better sort the presets. We want to balance new presets with popular presets because the ones that are most used aren't necessarily the best ones and over time, the same presets would be at the top and there would be no diversity anymore. That being said, this is something we will improve over time.
  4. Aircraft tracking vs. ground?
    Thanks for reporting that. We should be able to track the ground just like we do for the Walkaround mode so I will test the situation you have described to me and will adjust accordingly.

Best Regards,

Keven Menard 
Technical Director, //42

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Thanks Keven (both for the quick reply and the action items), much appreciated for sure! And no problem; that is what Beta is for...getting useful feedback. Looking forward to seeing the updates at some point in the future. Keep up the good work, I feel FSFX is a true testament of how development, feedback, and communication should be handled these days...feels refreshing :) 

Henk de Vries


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On 1/13/2018 at 7:18 AM, 737freak said:

@Keven Menard

5. Aircraft tracking vs. ground?
A camera preset set to 'Track Aircraft' continues to be centered around the aircraft in the sim UNTIL the user pans it down and hit 'hits' the ground. When that happens, the a weird non-locked, non-tracked, 'walking/zoomin' hybrid mode is entered it seems (can't describe it better). This is not in line what the user expects when he wants the camera to stay FIXED and CENTERED around the aircraft and turns on the setting 'Track Aircraft' to do so. This is important since ChasePlanne prohibts the use of the default sim views, or at least does not play nice with them (no zoom, no mouse look, etc.), so the only way to get a true Locked Spot View is to create it in ChasePlane, which comes with this weird 'ground behavior'.

(NOTE: Static Walkaround is already turned OFF in the preferences, but it does not disable in its entirety when 'Track Aircraft' is enabled)
Request: Continue to track the aircraft also when the camera hits the ground. Camera behaviour should be akin to the default Locked Spot View behavior when 'Track Aircraft' is turned in a Preset.

Echo this request.

Just installed ChasePlane and after spending some time getting used to it, it's definitely a game changer! I'll give it another week of using it exclusively, then will likely get rid of TrackIR.

Thanks for a phenomenal utility!

-Dan Everette

7900X OC @ 4.8GHz | ASRock Fatal1ty X299 Professional | 2 x EVGA GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 (SLI) | 32GB G.Skill DDR4 2800

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We do not have an update on this currently as we are still fixing some bugs some users have reported... As soon as we get those out of the way, we will refine some corners and that includes what has been posted in the original post.

Keven Menard 
Technical Director, //42

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