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ATC stops and Ai disappear

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I have struggling with 2 problem for a while now and can't find any solution to why it happens and how to fix it.

My ATC communication works fine for IFR clearance, taxiing and take off. Once airborne it stops working after a while and the only thing I see in the ATC window is: No message to transmit to anyone. Nearest airport list.

It looks like the ATC has lost me somehow. Sometimes I can get a new IFR clearance and if I am close to my destination ATC will follow me until touchdown.

The second issue I have now is the AI traffic is disappearing. At the airport they are all showing up, both airlines and GA. When I am flying I can see them until the Airlines reach approx. 8200 feet and GA approx. 9000 feet then they just disappear. My setting for Ai traffic is AirlineDensity=75, GADensity=50 and Airport Vehicle density medium.

Looking at the above problems they might be connected, booth problem starts when airborne. Probably when above 8-9000 feet. I'm not sure if this problems started when upgrading to v. 4.1 client.

I'm on v. 4.1 and Win 7

Any help, hint or tips how to solve this issues would be highly appreciated.

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One possible problem:  Do you have a program that is updating your simulator time periodically?  Something like FS RealTime that will "sync" your simulator time with the real world every so often?  When it does that, it can kill all your current AI and force the flight sim to regenerate all new AI again (the AI timetable will get reset).  FSUIPC also has a setting that can sync time that way, and you may need to turn it off.

Rick Ryan

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Hi Rick,

Thank you for the respond. I don't use any program to sync and I just checked if FSUIPC was ticked to sync but no. I use AS, Little Navmap, PRO-ATC and Navigraph Charts Desktop. All on a second networked Laptop.

I think you are pointing to something that cause the problem. The AI timetable is reset for some reason. It usually takes 5-15 minutes before I can see any AI again and as usually they disappear when reaching the above mentioned altitude.

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Richard, I had exactly the same problem as yours with 4.1 last month, you can see my post on P3D forum (ATC stops working), like you I could get my clearance, take off and climb, once I received my cruising level, ATC was going off the air, no AI traffic either, only one choice in my ATC window "Nearest airports". So it was word for word your problem.

After a few days of investigation, it turned out that one scenery add-on was the culprit, I had difficulty believing that initially since I could not figure what relationship existed between ATC and my scenery list, but factually once I removed the offending file, everything fell back into place and my ATC was fully working (in addition to rectifying some of my other airport add-on elevations).

In my case (but it could be a different one in yours), it was one scenery add-on that had wrongly installed one ALT.bgl into the wrong P3Dv4.1 scenery folder. After I put it where it should have been (scenery>world>scenery), ATC was back. To make this search shorter (I have quite a number of scenery add-ons), I used my previous scenery.cfg files located in my ProgramData>Lockheed>P3Dv4 folder and tested them one by one, when I found the good one, I could immediately figure which add.on was the culprit.

Another possible cause - since you are still on 4.1 - is that the number of xml files in Documents>Add-on P3Dv4 is limited, once you reach that limit, your P3D may start giving you troubles, this was mentioned by LM and was corrected with P3Dv4.2, this was my main reason for switching to 4.2 and I dont regret it. Perhaps to eliminate this possible source, you may want to upgrade to 4.2, I know I was reluctant too at first after reading all the problems reported here on AVSIM, but having followed very cautiously (and for the first time in my case) the AVSIM guide on how to upgrade P3D versions, it was an uneventful and short task. So I can only encourage you to do it, you might resolve your problem. If not, check thoroughly your sceneries.

Good luck!

Edited by Jean-Claude

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Thank you for the respond.

I don't have any scenery installed but I did add the FreeMeshX- Europe and try it for a week some time ago. Might be this is the cause for the problem. However, this scenery is not installed, they are located on a different drive and I use the add-on.xml to point to them. I am using the FSAerodata which I believe read the bgl files and update them with any new nav data.

I updated the client to 4.1 but I did not updated the scenery. Maybe I should update to 4.2 client, content and scenery and try that first before I run the FSAerodata update to the latest Navigraph cycle. Looking at my add-ons.cfg and I have 27 add-on there. I that over the limit in 4.1?


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I believe you probably reached that "limit" for 4.1 and that may be the reason of your situation. The reason I say that is after rectifying my problem as stated above for a couple of weeks, I started to write xml. for additional sceneries and found myself having trouble with ATC again. Upgrading to 4.2 eliminated this immediately - without me doing anything else - since that limit was corrected by LM, so I can only encourage you to do the same, simply make sure you follow the step by step tutorial written by Elaine in AVSIM, that will keep you out of trouble!



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Ok, I will go for an update to 4.2 and see if that helps. Fingers crossed.

I used Elaine's excellent step by step tutorial when upgrading to 4.1. No problem at all.

Thank for pointing me to a possible cause of the problem.

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Updated to 4.2 client, content and scenery. All working fine now. The sky is full of AI on all altitudes.

Thanks to Jean-Claude and FalconAF.

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