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Beware Mindstar Basic GNS purchase

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I recently purchased the GNS 430 530 basic software based on my review of the " Features Chart for Basic, Advanced, and Professional ".  My GPS hardware would require 24 events.  The .ini file for the GNS show there were 31 maximum events possible.  The chart stated ">80% of the common events" would require the Advanced Edition.  My choice based on this was then decided upon.  24 out of 31 events = 77.4%.  A no brainer, right?  Wrong, the only way to make the software work was to have 23 out of the 31 events, or 74.1%.  I called Mindstar and was told that the 80% was "just an estimate".  Now mind you 74.1 is not an estimate of 80%, especially when it was written ">80%. 

I was then told that they would not spend anymore time on my problem.  It cost more than the $50 they made from my purchase and then was told they would refund my $50.  Wow, what a way to run a business.  I didn't want the refund, I wanted Mindstar to fulfill what they advertised, give me 77.4% of what I purchased.  Then I was told that "I'll just give you free of charge, the Advanced Edition, because there was no way they were going to redo the software.  I didn't want to look like I was trying to get something for nothing, but if that was the only way to get my 77.4% then so be it.  That was discussed on  September 12, 2018.  And guess what?  I haven't heard anything from Mindstar and at this point I really don't expect to ever hear from them again.

My point, beware of what you buy from Mindstar, it's all just an estimate.  Actually it's just bad business to not back what you say you can do.

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I notice you didn't use your real name here in our forums, which is required.  That makes it impossible for us to even begin to attempt to sort things out, but in the interest of doing what's right... I'll give it a go.

Your post above states we offered to refund your purchase price and elevate the license so that you could use the 430/530 with the hardware you were wanting to use it with.  So, you were given what you desired (the ability to use the 430/530 with the hardware without paying more) and were given your money back to boot.  Not certain that's a valid complaint on your part, to be honest... but to each their own.

Now as to why you haven't heard from us, perhaps it's because no one knows who you are or how to reach you?

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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JJ knows who I am.  I'm not afraid to tell you that my name is Mike Turner.  This is the 1st time on this forum.  I wasn't aware of always needed to put that in my posts.  And to put what you said in proper perspective you offered to refund, which I didn't want, I didn't want to get something for nothing.  All I wanted was to have the 24 out of 31 or 77.4% of the events.  That's not asking for anything that called already paying for it.  JJ was the one that said he would give the Advanced Edition, free of charge.  I didn't ask for that, he offered it.  And again, I don't necessarily want the Advanced Edition to get what you advertise at >80%.  I'm not at 80% , I can't even get to 77.4%.  I am an honest person who only wants what others advertise and that i've paid for.  If your advertisement would have said >74%, I wouldn't have mentioned anything, I would have bought the Advanced.  JJ was just trying to please me and all I kept telling him was I only want 77.4%, but the free Advanced Edition was his suggestion so that he could move on.  If that's what it takes, then so be it. 

I did not desire the Advanced Edition, I desired the Basic doing what it was supposed to do.  His only way was to to give me the free upgrade.  Don't try to make me the bad guy.  Blame that on your website advertisement.

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It's not about 'bad guy'... it's about being reasonable and straightforward.  I have now read your support tickets and am up to speed.

The advanced license is what is required to use the hardware you're trying to use.  There are twenty-seven (27) basic events for a given GPS unit.  The math of 24 divided by 27 comes to 0.8888~ which exceeds the 0.80 level.  The four additional .ini entries you were seeing were most likely the events only used in training environments.  For training environments, a professional license is required, no exceptions  Here are the twenty-seven (27) events for the GNS front panel:


That covers both the 430 and the 530 versions.  I believe that clears up the math issue.

As for not hearing from us, on Sept 12 @ 09:48 you were sent a reply from our support system to an email address at a domain of sbcg*****.net, which contained the following:

I have upgraded you to the GNS Advanced.  Use invoice number ####### and your email and follow the instructions below.


Here's what the the team provided in terms of your issue with managing the MFD  window:

Resize the window on the size= line

The edges part doesn’t make sense
Or undock it
Right click and select undock


I am uncertain what MFD he is discussing as I thought this was a 530 we were talking about.  I will also ask if you ever determined how to use the no bezel version of the 530 as it appeared from your support ticket that you didn't understand that you needed to edit the panel.cfg files and were instead trying to edit the gauge itself.

In short, every effort has been made to assist you.  You have not been mislead, we did not sell you something that you could not use and even addressed the problem rather generously by giving you the license upgrade as well as a refund.  I do not believe a reasonable person can claim foul.

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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Math issue!  how about this as far as the ini that I have.  It appears one of our ini is not correct.  Mine has 31. Yours does not have the last 4 and that's is what I received. 



I'm not going to continue arguing, but that email was never delivered to my inbox and neither is it in my trash or spam folder.  If it had been, you wouldn't have been hearing from me.  And as for the gns.ini.  As you can see at mine above there are 31 events and as you can see I // out 4 of them.  Yours doesn't have the bottom 4 of which I have no idea what they are used for.

removing the bezel became a no issue

There's no math problem with the .ini that came with my purchase

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These values:


are blank, and thus don't count... literally.  They are the four I mentioned that are used for training.  Had they been assigned events, the license requirement would have bumped to Professional.  You have made an assumption that all of the possible entries in the .ini file are the total count of possible events that you can utilize.  I can understand the possibility of confusion there and apologize, however, I have explained to you the math, and it is correct.  I have pointed out that you got both an upgraded license at no extra cost as well as a full refund.

You have misrepresented what actually has happened as well as what support you did or did not obtain.  Here is the screenshot of the message sent to you directly out of our support system:


Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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