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Crop Duster X FSX_SE weight reduction

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I purchased and downloaded Crop Duster X, got it installed and seems to be working good on my FSX Steam Addition (really enjoying it, in fact).

However, I don't believe the spray weight in FSX (gross weight) is being reduced as I spray a field.  Going by the FSX Payload-And-Fuel screen, I'm still showing as fully loaded (-minus a few pounds, presumeably fuel).  The on screen (CDX) message says I have sprayed then entire field (or whatever I was able to get during that flight) and 0% insecticide left, as does the external CDX program.

So I don't think CDX and FSX are communicating on this part.  Perhaps it has something to do with the Alabeo PA-36 I am flying? I was never able to get it to 'spray out' either. CDX itself seems to be working great and is a Lot of fun.  But would sure like to 'feel' the weight come off while spraying, if possible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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7 hours ago, zg77_lignite said:

Perhaps it has something to do with the Alabeo PA-36 I am flying

Probably. The Alabeo crop dusters have a gauge that controls a simulated tank (= the same payload station that CDX uses by default), and that logic often counteracts what CDX is doing.

I always remove the "Chemical Indicator" gauge, by disabling (putting // at the beginning of the line) the gauge reference in the panel.cfg:


// gauge00=GAUGE_C188!Gauge_CHEMICAL_INDICATOR,     0,  0,600 ,450

That should do the trick.

Best regards

Edited by Lorby_SI


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No luck yet.  I was able to comment out the Chemical indicator gauge in the panel.cfg (I // out the whole thing on the second try with no change).  I don't know any other places to remove it from, or how it works exactly.  Is there something in aircraft.cfg (I couldn't find it)?

I was able to confirm it is a problem with the PA-36 (it is a fresh install, no changes made), as another aircraft (with an CDX PayLoad Manager added station) did drop weight as it should. I did wrangle with Alabeo when I first purchased this, and they never were able to help get the weight working correctly then.

I also tried adding a station to the PA-36 with CDX PayLoad Manager, and while it seemed to work correctly, still no weight reduction in the FSX Fual-And-Payload (flight model in-game still feels heavy as well).


I expect this is something simple that I am missing, but I can't for the life of me figure it out.  This is a Fresh Install of FSX (due to harddrive crash before Christmas), with fresh PA-36.zip install, should be nothing outlandish effecting anything.

Edit to add: I take that back.  I have another little 'simple' side program installed called FSX WildLife+ installed.  While it doesn't do anything with weights (that I know of), I DID have to install something from my own steam directory called microsoft.flightsimulator.simconnect.dll (I believe the one in FSX_RTM directory).  Perhaps this is messing up the PA-36? The three simconnect legacy options are -RTM, -SP1, and -XPACK (presumeably service pack 1 and accerleration pack).  My bandwidth is extremely limited, so I won't be able to reinstall FSX.


Thanks Again for any pointers.  The program is really entertaining.  I have mapped out a number of fields from my own farm, and am really enjoying spraying them.

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sorry, my mistake. There is a separate Payload gauge. You need to disable that one in the [Vcockpit01] section of the panel.cfg:

// gauge04=PayLoad_GaugePA36!PayLoad, 0,0,1,1

Best regards

Edited by Lorby_SI


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Yes! That did it.  All fixed up and working great.

Flew my first SatLoc only field tonight (no shading).  I find it all extremely realistic.  Mapping out my own fields (of which I know acreage) and then spraying them, I believe GPM, total gallons on board, and acres are all coming out quite well (obviously critical in real life spraying operations).

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